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44. Faster JavaScript with asm.js - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 28

Posted on: 2013-03-05

asm.js is a subset of JavaScript meant to execute code faster, especially for JavaScript converted from C or C++, but can also execute on browsers. This one of the main topics covered by Manuel Lemos, Michael Kimsal and Arturs Sosins in the episode 28 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about making languages execute faster with alternative memory allocation methods, using IndexedDB and other file storage APIs, better asynchronous programming with Async.js, and the comparison between languages with Lord of the Rings characters.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the podcast video or read the transcript to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript related topics.

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43. Speed up JavaScript using HTML5 LocalStorage - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 27

Posted on: 2013-02-06

JavaScript can load faster if HTML5 LocalStorage is used to cache the scripts on the browser side. This was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 27 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked a new library to evaluate JavaScript code complexity, PhoneGap 2.3 improvements, the use of the strict mode in production JavaScript code, using advanced HTML5 and JavaScript based animations to get the attention of site users, the first edition of the JavaScript Programming Innovation Award.

Listen to the podcast audio, watch the video or read the transcript now to learn more about these interesting JavaScript topics.

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41. JavaScript World Review of 2012 and 2013 Expectations - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 26

Posted on: 2013-01-07

Will Wordpress shift from PHP to JavaScript? Will EcmaScript 6 become the basis of JavaScript? What will happen with JavaScript in 2013?

A review of the happenings in the JavaScript world in 2012 and the expectations of 2013 was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in the episode 26 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about the JavaScript Programming Innovation Award that is starting in January, the Nashorn JavaScript engine for Java, the debate of using events and promises as alternatives to callbacks, the growing support for WebRTC in different browsers, the problem of not styling with CSS graphics drawn in canvas objects, and the Freelance Path community for freelancers.

Listen now to the podcast, or watch the podcast video, or read the transcript to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics.

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38. Improving the Quality of Your JavaScript Code - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 24

Posted on: 2012-11-05

One way to improve the quality of your JavaScript code is to resort to tools to detect the problems and test your JavaScript applications. That was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in the episode 24 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also discussed other topics like Web based JavaScript editors, unobtrusive JavaScript code, and using Node.js on RaspberryPi devices.

Listen to the podcast audio, or watch the podcast video or read the transcript to learn more about these and other JavaScript topics.

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37. JavaScript as Base of Windows 8 Applications - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 23

Posted on: 2012-10-03

Windows 8 applications will be using the WinJS library to script Windows applications using JavaScript code. That was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal on the episode 23 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also cover other interesting topics like using AngularJS for data binding user interfaces, JavaScript libraries to flip Web page content like book pages, genetic algorithms implemented in JavaScript, and a Gantt chart editor JavaScript library.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the podcast video or read the podcast transcript to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics covered in this episode.

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36. The Speed of JavaScript Implementations - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 22

Posted on: 2012-09-03

Recently, Google released the project Octane that aims to measure the performance of different JavaScript implementations using benchmark scripts that call real world JavaScript libraries.

That was one of the main topics covered by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal on the episode 22 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about implementing your own version of Yahoo! Pipes using JSPlumb library, the new PHP VM to execute PHP code using JavaScript, displaying large videos on page backgrounds with BigVideo.js, a comparison between different JavaScript Physics engines, and using Cross-Domain AJAX versus JSONP.

Listen now to the podcast, or watch the podcast video, or read the podcast transcript to learn more about this an other interesting JavaScript topics.

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35. Web Developers Need More Usable Browsers - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 21

Posted on: 2012-07-30

Web browsers are getting more powerful and complex with the introduction of many features desired by Web developers.

However, the lack of usability of certain new features is such, that it is hard even for experienced developers to realize that those features are available now.

That was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in the episode 21 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also covered the growing dominance of jQuery and the announcement that jQuery 2.x will no longer support IE 6/7/8, implementing resumable uploads of large files with DNDUploader, the Mozilla Shumway VM for emulating Flash in JavaScript.

Listen to the podcast audio, or watch the podcast video, or read the podcast transcript to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topic discussed in the episode.

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33. Rewarding JavaScript Developers - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 19

Posted on: 2012-06-11

The JavaScript Innovation Award is going to reward developers that share innovative JavaScript components. This was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal on episode 19 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They received Arturs Sosins, one of the top contributors of the JS Classes site, to discuss this and other topics like executing JavaScript code faster with LLJS, running Mac OS integrated Node.js applications with NodeObjC, the Adobe Brackers Web editor, adding physics to 3D scenes with PhysiJS, and testing JavaScript code with Douglas Crockford JSCheck.

Listen to the podcast audio, or watch the podcast video or read the transcript to learn about these interesting JavaScript topics.

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29. Would you Pay for Sophisticated JavaScript Development Tools? - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 17

Posted on: 2012-04-04

Bret Victor presented his game development platform that provides sophisticated JavaScript development features that allow for instance to interactively change your JavaScript code while the game is running.

Would you pay to have a tool like this to develop your JavaScript projects more productively? This was one of the main topics covered by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in the episode 17 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

Among other topics, they also covered other interesting JavaScript topics like Felipe Moura's Root3D 3D modeling tool based on CSS 3 and JavaScript, choosing task specific JavaScript frameworks with the MicroJS site, the new PHP extension that runs JavaScript code using the V8 engine.

Listen to the podcast or read the transcription to learn more about these and other JavaScript topics that were discussed.

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28. Can Apache 2.4 Match Node.js Event processing efficiency? - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 16

Posted on: 2012-02-29

Apache 2.4 was just released. Among other enhancements it provides a new processing mode that works based on events, somewhat like Node.js.

In the episode 15 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast, Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal discuss whether Apache 2.4 can be used with the same advantages of Node.js with the new event based processing mode.

Other than that, they also discuss other happenings in the JavaScript worlds like the use of UI sheets to make faster AJAX applications, Twitter to abandon the hash bang URLs, and the difficulties of dealing with times and dates exchanged between the browser and the server.

Listen to the podcast or read the transcript now to learn about these and other JavaScript topics.

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