
Live example not working

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Subject:Live example not working
Summary:access forbidden
Author:John Romano D'Orazio
Date:2017-07-18 17:15:50

  1. Live example not working   Reply   Report abuse  
John Romano D'Orazio - 2017-07-18 17:15:50
When trying to access the live preview at
dom.hastin.gs/files/terminal-previe ...
I am receiving this message:

403 Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /files/terminal-preview/ on this server.

Apache Server at dom.hastin.gs Port 443

  2. Re: Live example not working   Reply   Report abuse  
Dom Hastings - 2017-07-19 09:11:47 - In reply to message 1 from John Romano D'Orazio
Oops. Not ideal... It's available here:

dom.hastin.gs/files/terminal-previe ...

I'll update the package. :)

Thank you!