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Opinions and comments about JavaScript based development

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34. Speech input for Visual HTML 5 Editors - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 20

Posted on: 2012-07-03

Visual HTML editors have evolved to the point that now it is possible to speak text that is recognized and entered automatically in the editor. That was one of the several topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in episode 20 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

Other discussed topics include improving on jQuery features with the jqBootstrap Validation and jQuery++, and end to end chat system totally based on JavaScript with Node.js.

Listen to the podcast, or watch the podcast video, or read the transcript to learn more about these and other interesting topics of the what happened lately in the JavaScript world.

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33. Rewarding JavaScript Developers - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 19

Posted on: 2012-06-11

The JavaScript Innovation Award is going to reward developers that share innovative JavaScript components. This was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal on episode 19 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They received Arturs Sosins, one of the top contributors of the JS Classes site, to discuss this and other topics like executing JavaScript code faster with LLJS, running Mac OS integrated Node.js applications with NodeObjC, the Adobe Brackers Web editor, adding physics to 3D scenes with PhysiJS, and testing JavaScript code with Douglas Crockford JSCheck.

Listen to the podcast audio, or watch the podcast video or read the transcript to learn about these interesting JavaScript topics.

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28. Can Apache 2.4 Match Node.js Event processing efficiency? - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 16

Posted on: 2012-02-29

Apache 2.4 was just released. Among other enhancements it provides a new processing mode that works based on events, somewhat like Node.js.

In the episode 15 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast, Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal discuss whether Apache 2.4 can be used with the same advantages of Node.js with the new event based processing mode.

Other than that, they also discuss other happenings in the JavaScript worlds like the use of UI sheets to make faster AJAX applications, Twitter to abandon the hash bang URLs, and the difficulties of dealing with times and dates exchanged between the browser and the server.

Listen to the podcast or read the transcript now to learn about these and other JavaScript topics.

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27. Can ActionScript really be Faster Than JavaScript? - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 15

Posted on: 2012-01-31

Adobe is still claiming that ActionScript (used in Flash) is faster than JavaScript. That was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal with the guest Zach Kession on the episode 15 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

On the Flash versus JavaScript matter they discussed the probably reasons for the difference of performance and smoothness of animations with Impress.js versus Prezi.

They also debate whether using CoffeeScript can really benefit the productivity of JavaScript developers, as well the benefits of using Underscore.js to manipulate data sets.

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26. JavaScript Zeitgeist 2011 - What JavaScript Developers have been Searching for in 2011?

Posted on: 2012-01-19

The JavaScript Zeitgeist is an initiative meant to determine what JavaScript developers have been more interested in the recent times.

The JSClasses site has just computed and published the top trending searches of 2011.

Read this article to learn what are those trends of the JavaScript world.

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23. Can JavaScript Totally Replace Flash Now? - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 13

Posted on: 2011-11-30

Now that Adobe has given up for the development of the Flash plug-in for mobile browsers, many users want them to go ahead and cease Flash development completely, as HTML 5 capable browsers can do most with JavaScript APIs of what can be done with Flash.

The question is: can JavaScript APIs really do all that can be done with Flash? This was the main topic of the episode 13 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal, along with the guest, Dino Gambone, a Web developer enthusiast JavaScript based games.

They also cover the recent capability of Googlebot to execute JavaScript to crawl Facebook comments, the ScriptCover extension for performing JavaScript code coverage and animation timeline visual editing with Timeline.js.

Listen to the podcast or read to the audio transcript now to know more about these topics of discussion.

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21. Official JavaScript Logo, Google Dart, Amazon Silk, Jison parser generator - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 12

Posted on: 2011-11-01

Could Google Dart language be a better alternative language than JavaScript?

Will new languages like CoffeeScript emerge using the Jison JavaScript parser generator?

Will the new JavaScript logo proposal be adopted by the whole JavaScript community?

Will Amazon Silk browser provide a faster Web experience for Amazon Kindle Fire tablet users?

These and other topics are discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal on episode 12 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

Listen to the podcast or read the transcript here.

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15. Google+ to Embed 3rd Party JavaScript Apps using Google Caja

Posted on: 2011-07-01

Google social network was just opened and the expectation is that it also allow embedding 3rd party apps like Facebook.

On the Lately in JavaScript Podcast episode 8 (recorded before Google+ opened) Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal discuss the eventual support to embed Google+ Apps written in JavaScript using Google-Caja project to guarantee the security of the Apps without relying on slow loading iframes.

They also discuss the recent launch of the PDF.js project which allows rendering PDF documents using pure JavaScript code.

Additionally, they also comment on the new feature in JSClasses site which allows to easily import large JavaScript packages from version control repositories for publication in the site.

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7. Why Google Chrome OS matters for Web application developers

Posted on: 2011-01-25

A lot has been said about what Google Chrome OS is or will be, but while Google does not clarify many of the doubts that have been raised by the developers and users in general, many wonder if it will succeed based on supposed limitations that in reality Chrome OS does not have.

This article aims to clarify many of those doubts about Chrome OS really is and how alleged limitations will be overcome.

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