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JavaScript Zeitgeist

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Look back of what happened in the past years in the JavaScript world

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71. Asynchronous JavaScript without Callbacks in ECMAScript 7 - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 50

Posted on: 2015-01-16

JavaScript implementations based on the specification of ECMAScript 7 will provide means to deal with asynchronous activities as if they were blocking activities, thus without using callback functions to handle the responses.

That was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 50 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about planing front-end based JavaScript applications, creating your own Prezi like sites with BigPicture.js, discovering what JavaScript libraries are used in each site with LibScore, and find out what JavaScript developers have been looking for in 2014 with the JavaScript Zeitgeist initiative.

Listen now to the podcast, or watch the hangout video, or read the text transcript to learn more about these and other interesting topics related with JavaScript development discussed in this episode.

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70. JavaScript Zeitgeist 2014: Top 8 JavaScript Trending Topics of 2014

Posted on: 2015-01-06

The JavaScript Zeitgeist 2014 edition was just released with the analysis of new matters that JavaScript have been interested in 2014.

Read this article to learn what were the trends in terms of new topics that JavaScript developers have been looking for in 2014.

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57. JavaScript Zeitgeist 2013: Top 10 Most Interesting Topics Searched By JavaScript Developers Last Year

Posted on: 2014-01-24

The JavaScript Zeitgeist 2013 ranking has been released now too after the PHP Zeitgeist release. This article presents an analysis of the results.

It also announces the JavaScript World Championship of the Nations of the Innovation Award. The article gives suggestions on how you can use the JavaScript Zeitgeist top searched keywords to participating in the championship and help your country to win.

Read this article to learn what were the top most important topics JavaScript developers have been searching for lately that you probably should also learn about.

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26. JavaScript Zeitgeist 2011 - What JavaScript Developers have been Searching for in 2011?

Posted on: 2012-01-19

The JavaScript Zeitgeist is an initiative meant to determine what JavaScript developers have been more interested in the recent times.

The JSClasses site has just computed and published the top trending searches of 2011.

Read this article to learn what are those trends of the JavaScript world.

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