
Lately in JavaScript podcast

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Recorded shows of the Lately in JavaScript podcast

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128. Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 76

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The adoption of WebGL and WebRTC by mobile browsers has allowed to implement feasible augmented reality applications that let you mix 3D scenes rendered on a browser on the top of Webcam captured video.

The the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 76 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about asynchronous programming coming for all browsers, how to test service workers, formatting console log messages with CSS and templates, using JavaScript without loops, dynamic import of EcmaScript modules, and optimizing JavaScript startup.

This article contains a transcript and a 2 minute video summary of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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126. How to Make Your Children Learn JavaScript - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 75

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Many developers have the desire that their children also become developers, so they try to help them to learn programming as soon as possible.

The techniques that were used by a father developer to persuade his son to learn JavaScript was one the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 75 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about how to see JavaScript code benchmarks on the browser developer console, the truth behind JavaScript benchmarks, how to write clean JavaScript code, 2016 JavaScript project rising stars, and regular expression handling improvements in EcmaScript.

This article contains a transcript and a 4 minute video summary of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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121. Finally Native Browser JavaScript Development with jQuery or Polyfills - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 74

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Nowadays current browsers implement so many HTML5 APIs natively, that it is possible to write JavaScript applications without needing jQuery nor other polyfill libraries that emulate those APIs.

That was one the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 74 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about the mo.js library for Easy Web motion using SVG, using pre-compiled frameworks with just the parts you need, combining emoji Unicode characters to create new emojis, efficient aysnchronous loading of JavaScript for modern browsers, and realtime image scaling using the CSS zoom property.

This article contains a transcript and a 4 minute video summary of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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119. Web Assembly Finally Getting Ready to Make JavaScript Applications Much Faster - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 73

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Web Assembly is finally getting ready to be used in regular browsers, thus making it possible to compile and run JavaScript code in a much faster way.

That was one the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 73 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about EcmaScript 6 Async and Await features is also available now on Firefox, using Turbo.js library to program the user graphics board GPU to perform massive graphics operations much faster, creating holographic applications on Windows using JavaScript, etc..

This article contains a transcript and a 2 minute video summary of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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115. JavaScript Foundation Bring Consolidation to the community - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 72

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With the growth of packages and tools for JavaScript development came a lot of fragmentation in the community. The JavaScript foundation aims to address that issue to simplify the lives of developers that nowadays have to deal with the complexity of choices of tools and libraries for similar purposes.

That was one the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 72 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about using the JavaScript Internationalization API in modern browsers, optimization of memory consumption of Chrome and Node.js, Yarn, the Facebook new JavaScript package manager, recognizing text in images with Tesseract.js, using ansync and await in Node.js 7, as well several other interesting new JavaScript libraries.

This article contains a transcript of the summary of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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113. Debug Node.js Web applications either on Browser and Server side with Chrome - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 71

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The latest Chrome version can debug the code of Web applications running on the server using Node.js and single step both server side and browser side JavaScript.

That was one the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 71 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about a new standalone debug from Mozilla named debugger.html, optimization of bootstrap libraries in JavaScript, the complexity of JavaScript development in 2016, the preference of flavours of JavaScript among developers, etc..

This article contains a transcript of the summary of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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107. How to Control WordPress from JavaScript - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 70

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Kasia is a library that can control a WordPress installation using its API from JavaScript. This library was one the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 70 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about the differences between for and forEach, exploring Mithril for building Web interfaces, loading CSS dynamically in Web pages, rendering text fonts in JavaScrip natively, obfuscating DOM elements, using neural networks using DN2A, animated tooltips using GIFs, massive parallel programming in JavaScript using a GPU, and handling offline content with service workers.

This article contains a transcript of the summary of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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104. jQuery 3.1 Fixes Silenced Errors on Page Loading - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 69

Updated on: 2016-10-06

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The long awaited released of jQuery 3.0 happened last month but not with problems like page loading errors that were silenced due to the use of promises. The problem was fixed in jQuery 3.1.

This was the main topic discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 69 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

They also talked about the release of ESLint 3, V8 startup optimizations in version 5.3, building rich text editors with Slate library, extract meaning from Web pages using the Fathom library, an audio library with 3D audio suport and watercolor effects with Aquarelle.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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100. How Firefox is Making JavaScript Debugging More Productive - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 68

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Recently Firefox introduced a feature that shows in browser console links to the documentation of each JavaScript error that may happen. This helps developers to quickly to understand the errors and fix the problems faster.

This was the main topic discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 67 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

They also talked about how make JavaScript testable using pure code, JavaScript variable hoisting, implementing applications based on Web Sockets and Server Sent events, jQuery 3.0 release, changing the way code JavaScript with TDD, how to take advantage of the spread operator, the EcmaScript 2016 specification, writing self documenting JavaScript code, and how to implement WebAssembly based applications on browsers that support it.

This article contains a transcript of the podcast summary below.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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94. How JavaScript is Reviving Desktop Applications with Electron - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 67

Updated on: 2016-06-26

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Electron is a library developed by GitHub that provides means to create and package desktop applications using the Chromium browser and Node.js.

The revival of desktop applications based on Electron was the main topic discussed by Manuel Lemos and Arturs Sosins in the episode 67 of the Lately in PHP podcast.

They also talked about the latest developments of V8 engine that already supports EcmaScript 6 new JavaScript features, WebAssembly support in the browsers, running multiple tasks in the background with Web workers, etc..

This article contains a transcript of the podcast summary below.

Listen to the podcast now, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript text to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics discussed in this podcast.

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