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51. Using JavaScript to Automate Desktop Applications - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 34

Updated on: 2015-01-18

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JavaScript dissemination is so wide by now that even desktop applications like PhotoShop are using it to let users create scripts to automate any sort of tasks.

This was one of the main topic discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in episode 34 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also talked about the NoFlo project to implement Flow Based Programming in JavaScript, JavaScript basics that many developers are not using properly, dealing with time zone issues on the browser side, the JointJS for developing visual diagram editors and the Hammer.js library for dealing with multi-touch events, and IndieConf 2013 the upcoming independent developers conference.

Listen to the podcast, or watch the hangout video, or read the transcript here to learn more about this interesting JavaScript topics.

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48. The Latest and Upcoming Features

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This is a short notice about the site features that are being implemented in the JS Classes and PHP Classes site as well.

Please read so you can help deciding on the next developments.

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42. Launched the JavaScript Programming Innovation Award

Updated on: 2013-01-16

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The JavaScript Programming Innovation Award is being launched by the JS Classes site with the goal to distinguish JavaScript developers that share innovative components so other developers can reuse.

Read this article to learn more about this initiative and how you can participate to earn prizes and recognition for your innovative JavaScript work.

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40. Does JavaScript Really Need OOP Classes? - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 25

Updated on: 2013-01-08

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Ecmascript 6 is adding support to classes of objects in JavaScript like we have in other languages, but the interest of that is not consensual among the JavaScript community.

That was one of the topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in the episode 25 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They also cover other interesting JavaScript related topics like the Web Platform site, using Object Properties, writung memory efficient JavaScript, the JavaScript API you never heard of, and the new system of levels and missions implemented in the JS Classes site to make it more fun and engaging for site contributors.

Listen to the podcast, or watch the podcast video, or read the transcript now to learn more about these and other interesting JavaScript topics.

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39. Becoming a JavaScript Master (Part 1)

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Recently the PHP Classes site launched a new feature that makes the participation of the users in the site more fun and rewarding. Now this feature is being launched in the JS Classes site as well.

It is a new system of missions and levels that you can engage and gain more feedback and recognition for your participation in the site as PHP developer.

Read this article and watch the included demonstration video to learn how it works and start enjoying now.

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33. Rewarding JavaScript Developers - Lately in JavaScript podcast episode 19

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The JavaScript Innovation Award is going to reward developers that share innovative JavaScript components. This was one of the main topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal on episode 19 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

They received Arturs Sosins, one of the top contributors of the JS Classes site, to discuss this and other topics like executing JavaScript code faster with LLJS, running Mac OS integrated Node.js applications with NodeObjC, the Adobe Brackers Web editor, adding physics to 3D scenes with PhysiJS, and testing JavaScript code with Douglas Crockford JSCheck.

Listen to the podcast audio, or watch the podcast video or read the transcript to learn about these interesting JavaScript topics.

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32. JavaScript Innovation Award Challenge

Updated on: 2012-12-01

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The JavaScript Programming Innovation Award is initiative that will give prizes and recognition to authors that publish innovative JavaScript objects.

This award did not start yet but hopefully will be started soon. Read this article to learn more about this initiative and what you can do to help making it start as soon as possible.

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29. Would you Pay for Sophisticated JavaScript Development Tools? - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 17

Updated on: 2015-01-18

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Bret Victor presented his game development platform that provides sophisticated JavaScript development features that allow for instance to interactively change your JavaScript code while the game is running.

Would you pay to have a tool like this to develop your JavaScript projects more productively? This was one of the main topics covered by Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal in the episode 17 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast.

Among other topics, they also covered other interesting JavaScript topics like Felipe Moura's Root3D 3D modeling tool based on CSS 3 and JavaScript, choosing task specific JavaScript frameworks with the MicroJS site, the new PHP extension that runs JavaScript code using the V8 engine.

Listen to the podcast or read the transcription to learn more about these and other JavaScript topics that were discussed.

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28. Can Apache 2.4 Match Node.js Event processing efficiency? - Lately in JavaScript podcast - Episode 16

Updated on: 2012-03-03

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Apache 2.4 was just released. Among other enhancements it provides a new processing mode that works based on events, somewhat like Node.js.

In the episode 15 of the Lately in JavaScript podcast, Manuel Lemos and Michael Kimsal discuss whether Apache 2.4 can be used with the same advantages of Node.js with the new event based processing mode.

Other than that, they also discuss other happenings in the JavaScript worlds like the use of UI sheets to make faster AJAX applications, Twitter to abandon the hash bang URLs, and the difficulties of dealing with times and dates exchanged between the browser and the server.

Listen to the podcast or read the transcript now to learn about these and other JavaScript topics.

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26. JavaScript Zeitgeist 2011 - What JavaScript Developers have been Searching for in 2011?

Updated on: 2014-01-24

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The JavaScript Zeitgeist is an initiative meant to determine what JavaScript developers have been more interested in the recent times.

The JSClasses site has just computed and published the top trending searches of 2011.

Read this article to learn what are those trends of the JavaScript world.

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