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Author: Manuel Lemos

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Categories: Site features

The JavaScript Professionals Directory was just opened. Any JavaScript developer can join for free to receive job offers from companies looking for JavaScript professionals.

Along with this, the JavaScript jobs board of the JSClasses is also taking open for publishing job offers to developers that joined the JavaScript professionals directory. Job posting is also free.

This article explains in more detail how the JavaScript Professionals directory and the jobs board works.


The JavaScript Professionals Directory

How much does it cost to get listed?

Posting JavaScript Job Offers

How much does it cost to post a JavaScript job?


The JavaScript Professionals Directory

The JavaScript Professionals Directory is a new section of the JSClasses site that lets JavaScript developers announce they are available for being hiring. The goal is to help developers to be found by companies looking for qualified  JavaScript developers.

All you need to do is to sign-up tell a bit about your JavaScript skills and related technologies experience using a very simple and quick to use point and click user interface.

JavaScript Professional Skills page

The sign-up page shows a form with several tabs on which you can tell the different kind of skills that you may have or not. Currently there tabs for detailing your experience that you have in terms of programming languages, databases, operating systems, frameworks and version control systems.

You just need to tick the types of skills and technologies that you have experience in, eventually telling since when you have been working with those technologies.

Once you are done you can become listed immediately. Any company willing to hire you may contact you directly sending a private message, or even call you if you provide your contact phone number.

JavaScript professional profile page

The site will keep track of the number of people that visit your profile page and how many tried to contact you using private messages. You can view in the professional profile statistics page a detailed report about the interest that your JavaScript professional profile has raised. You may also get this report by e-mail.

The site does not expose your e-mail address. If you get a private message from a company eventually interested to hire you, the site will send you an e-mail notification, so you can read the message and eventually reply if you are interested. Then you can provide your contact e-mail address in the reply, if you think the opportunity is interesting, or you can just ignore the message otherwise.

Alternatively, you can also get notifications about job offers from companies looking for JavaScript professionals posted in the site jobs board. More on this below.

How much does it cost to get listed?

The JavaScript Professionals Directory is mostly based on the PHP Professionals Directory available in the PHP Classes site.

Unlike the PHP Professionals Directory, currently the JavaScript Professionals Directory is totally advertising supported. Therefore getting listed here is totally free.

Posting JavaScript Job Offers

Many companies willing to hire developers are not interested in contacting each candidate individually. They prefer to follow the traditional approach of posting a job offer and wait for candidates. That is why the JavaScript jobs board was launched.

If you have a JavaScript job opening in your company, just go to the JavaScript job posting page and tell the skills and experience that you require from the candidates.

JavaScript job posting page

Once you are done, your job is submitted for moderation. A moderator will review your job posting and will approve it unless it is not appropriate for JavaScript developers for some reason.

Once a job is approved, the JSClasses site will send a notification to all developers that may match your job requirements. This means the developers from your country that signed up for the JavaScript Professionals Directory will be notified.

The site may also notify developers from other countries if you have unchecked the option that says Accept only candidates living in the same country. You should do that if you are willing to hire candidates that can work remotely from other countries. In that case make sure you check the option that says May telecommute (work remotely).

Local or foreign job offers are in very high demand. Skilled developers are looking forward to benefit from working from home office. Consider using these options if you want to attract the best candidates around the world.

JavaScript job options

The site will only allow to apply to your job the developers with skills that match your requirements. This way, the site will save you a lot of time by avoiding to send you candidates that do not have the skills you are looking for.

Make sure you specify the skills that are really mandatory for your job so the site can help you filtering candidate. Do not tick the options for skills that are desired but not required, otherwise you may leave out many candidates that could still apply.

Each job will be made available during 30 days. During that period the site will keep track of the number of candidates that viewed your job posting and have applied to it, so it can show you a detailed report about the interest of your job. You can follow your job statistics in the jobs posting page. The site will also send a report by e-mail.

How much does it cost to post a JavaScript job?

The whole professionals directory and job posting board system consumes some resources to the JSClasses site, but for now posting JavaScript jobs is free.

In the future the site may charge for posting jobs in order to support the growth of the required system resources to maintain the board. But that will only happen when there is already a large number of developers in the JavaScript Professionals directory that may get your job offers. Don't worry, that will take a while.

For now, job posting will remain advertising supported, so it will be free of charge. This way it can attract more and more JavaScript developers to sign-up to this directory in order to get more JavaScript jobs.


Well, now that this initiative was launched it is up to you. If you are looking for JavaScript jobs, first go ahead and join the JavaScript Professionals directory. Then tell every friend and colleagues to do the same.

The more developers sign-up, the more interesting it becomes to companies that have JavaScript job openings. You can spread the news by sending out a Twit, an e-mail message to JavaScript developers mailings lists, posting to Facebook or in your favorite social network, etc..

The JSClasses will also work to find more and more JavaScript jobs to post in the site but you can help too by telling eventual employers about this JavaScript jobs board. The more jobs are posted, the more developers it attracts, and so the more companies see interest in posting their jobs here.

Other than that, if you have questions or suggestions regarding this initiative, feel free to post a comment here in this blog post comments section.

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