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Author: Manuel Lemos

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Categories: Site features

The JSClasses site has been growing at nice increasing pace but it would be better if more and more JavaScript objects were submitted to the site.

You can help by making the site more visible for instance in social networks like Facebook.

This article tells about the newly launched JSClasses site fan page at Facebook, as well about other things you can do to promote the site in order to attract more contributors that will share even more great JavaScript objects.


More JavaScript developers contribute more JavaScript components

JSClasses site fan page at Facebook

Get exposure also to your own blog posts

Your JavaScript answers at Yahoo! Answers, Quora and StackOverflow

Other social promotion initiatives

More JavaScript developers contribute more JavaScript components

The JSClasses site was created with the intention of becoming a great resource of free ready to use JavaScript components, like the PHPClasses is for PHP components.

Like any other user contributed content site, it follows the 1% rule. This is a rule that defines that for every 100 new users, 1 will become a contributor that will share interesting content for the benefit of others. Obviously 1% is just an approximate rate. It may vary from site to site. Currently, the rate of JSClasses site is about 0.65%.

Anyway, the more users come to the site, the more will become contributors. The more contributors the site gets, the more interesting JavaScript components will be shared. The more components are shared, the more users will be attracted to the site, and so on.

So, as you may have realized by now, every effort that is done to attract more users will be valuable to contribute to the growth of the site, and so to the growth of value that the site users take out of it.

JSClasses site fan page at Facebook

One initiative that was just launched to promote the growth of the site is the JSClasses fan page at Facebook. One thing you can do to help promoting the site is to go to the fan page and click the Like button to become a fan.

That will help not only the site to get more exposure, but also once the fan page gets a minimum number of fans it can get its own user name, so the fan page URL can become simpler and easy to remember than it currently is.

On the fan page there is also a Share link. You can use that link to share a link to the JSClasses fan page on your wall, so your friends can see it and eventually come to the site.

On the JSClasses fan page wall you can see the latest content that was published in the site, being that the latest JavaScript objects, JavaScript jobs, blog posts, etc.. If you liked one of these posts, feel free to click the respective Like, Comment or Share links to help spreading the best content posted in the site.

Another way to get more exposure to the site is to use the Like buttons that appear in the JSClasses site pages. Soon there will also be Send buttons, which are meant to help you tell your Facebook friends about specific pages in the JSClasses site.

Get exposure also to your own blog posts

Another way to promote the good site content is to write posts about it in your own blog. Doing that you can also get exposure to your own blog. Let me explain how it works.

Most blog systems support the Trackback protocol. This is a protocol that is meant to notify one site when somebody posted content elsewhere with a link to a page of that site.

Lets say you write a blog post about one interesting JavaScript object that you found in the JSClasses site and you put a link in your post to the JSClasses site object page. When the post is published in your blog, your blog system will send a trackback notice to the JSClasses site.

The JSClasses site will publish a link to your article in the page of the JavaScript object that you commented about. There is a moderation process in the JSClasses site to avoid abuses.

Once the trackback link is approved, the JSClasses site will send a message to the @jsclasses Twitter account, as well to the JSClasses fan page at Facebook. So, more users will see your blog post because the JSClasses site supports the trackback protocol.

Several trackback notices about JavaScript objects published in the JSClasses site were already received. You can see here the latest trackback links to JavaScript objects

Your JavaScript answers at Yahoo! Answers, Quora and StackOverflow

Another way to help promoting the good content published in the JSClasses site is to mention it in eventual answers to questions that you may post in sites like Yahoo! Answers, Quora or StackOverflow.

These are sites that became popular for providing answers to many user questions or problems. There are many users of those sites there which are helping other users by suggesting solutions to problems that can be solved using existing components available in sites like JSClasses or PHPClasses.

You can do that as well. Doing so, not only you help promoting the good content in these sites, but you also can earn points that help you raise in the rankings of those sites.

Inclusively, in the case of Quora, it also supports the trackback protocol. This means that if you post an answer that links to the page of an object or blog post of the JSClasses or PHPClasses sites, Quora sends a trackback notice to these sites and the site will get your answer even more visibility. In turn you may get even more votes to your answer.

Just keep in mind that if you are an author of an object you posted in the JSClasses site and you post answer with a link to your object page, make sure that you disclose explicitly in your answer that you are the author of the object. Otherwise you may upset those site users for undisclosed self-promotion.

Other social promotion initiatives

In the future the site will implement more initiatives that will help you promote the good content that you find on the site. Besides adding the Facebook Send button to the site pages as mentioned above, it is also planned to automatically Tweet or post on Facebook wall of authors of objects that were just released or updated, with their permissions of course.

Do not forget that the more you do to help promoting the site, the more content becomes posted in the site in the future. So, if you have more ideas about how to promote the good content in this site, please post a comment telling about those ideas.

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