
Notable JavaScript package: JavaScript Summarize Text

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Author: Manuel Lemos

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Categories: Notable Packages

Many Web pages have great content that is too long for the user with lack of time to read.

For that user it would be better to have a short summary that he could read quickly before he can decide if it is interesting to read the whole page.

The object can extract summaries from Web pages by copying given elements marked with a special attribute and insert them in summary section of the page.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable JavaScript package works.

The package JavaScript Summarize Text is one of the few JavaScript packages that was considered notable recently because it does something that is worth paying attention.

The basic purpose is: Extract summaries of Web pages

Here follows in more detail what it does:

This object can extract summaries of Web pages.

It can traverse the contents of a given Web page element and extract contents of elements with the attribute data-summary.

The extracted contents is inserted in another given element.

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