File: examples/4gl/ex_groupContainer.xml

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File: examples/4gl/ex_groupContainer.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WAJAF
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Last change: Update of examples/4gl/ex_groupContainer.xml
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 8,525 bytes


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <application id="ex_groupContainer"> <!-- Note important: the min-width of the container should be always: max field size + 480px (help size) --> <container type="groupContainer" id="myform" style="min-width: 880px;" mode="4" authmodes="1234" varkey="key" key="1" varorder="order" varmode="mode"> <zone type="field"> <element type="textfieldElement" id="fullname" size="400" minlength="3" maxlength="50" minwords="2" maxwords="10" format="^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]{1,}$" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="123" helpmode="12"> Your full name: <defaultvalue></defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: This field must have a min length of 3 chars, max length of 50 chars, min 2 words, max 10 words, and can be only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and spaces</helpdescription> <statusnotnull>The value must not be null</statusnotnull> <statusbadformat>The value has a bad format</statusbadformat> <statustooshort>The value is too short (3 chars min)</statustooshort> <statustoolong>The value is too long (50 chars max)</statustoolong> <statustoofewwords>The value has too few words (2 words min)</statustoofewwords> <statustoomanywords>The value has to much words (10 words max)</statustoomanywords> <statuscheck>The field has an error by user check validity (fill with your error)</statuscheck> </element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="textfieldElement" id="address1" size="400" minlength="3" maxlength="150" minwords="2" maxwords="20" format="^[a-zA-Z0-9\s,\.#]{1,}$" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="123" helpmode="12"> Your address (line 1): <defaultvalue></defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: This field must have a min length of 3 chars, max length of 150 chars, min 2 words, max 20 words, and can be only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, coma, dot, # and spaces</helpdescription> <statusnotnull>The value must not be null</statusnotnull> <statusbadformat>The value has a bad format</statusbadformat> <statustooshort>The value is too short (3 chars min)</statustooshort> <statustoolong>The value is too long (150 chars max)</statustoolong> <statustoofewwords>The value has too few words (2 words min)</statustoofewwords> <statustoomanywords>The value has to much words (20 words max)</statustoomanywords> <statuscheck>The field has an error by user check validity (fill with your error)</statuscheck> </element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="textfieldElement" id="address2" size="400" minlength="3" maxlength="150" minwords="2" maxwords="20" format="^[a-zA-Z0-9\s,\.#]{1,}$" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="123" helpmode="12"> Your address (line 2): <defaultvalue></defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: This field must have a min length of 3 chars, max length of 150 chars, min 2 words, max 20 words, and can be only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, coma, dot, # and spaces</helpdescription> <statusnotnull>The value must not be null</statusnotnull> <statusbadformat>The value has a bad format</statusbadformat> <statustooshort>The value is too short (3 chars min)</statustooshort> <statustoolong>The value is too long (150 chars max)</statustoolong> <statustoofewwords>The value has too few words (2 words min)</statustoofewwords> <statustoomanywords>The value has to much words (20 words max)</statustoomanywords> <statuscheck>The field has an error by user check validity (fill with your error)</statuscheck> </element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="colorfieldElement" id="color" size="200" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="123" helpmode="12"> Choose a color: <defaultvalue></defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: This field permits to write or choose a color</helpdescription> <statusnotnull>The value must not be null</statusnotnull> <statusbadformat>The value has a bad format</statusbadformat> </element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="datefieldElement" id="date" size="400" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="123" helpmode="12"> Choose a date: <defaultvalue></defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: This field permits to select a date</helpdescription> <statusnotnull>The value must not be null</statusnotnull> <statusbadformat>The value has a bad format</statusbadformat> </element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="mmcfieldElement" id="mmc" size="400" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="123" helpmode="12"> Choose a multimedia file: <defaultvalue></defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: This field permits to upload a multimedia file</helpdescription> <statusnotnull>The value must not be null</statusnotnull> <statusbadformat>The value has a bad format</statusbadformat> </element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="textareafieldElement" id="comments" areawidth="400" areaheight="150" minlength="" maxlength="4000" minwords="" maxwords="" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="" helpmode="12"> Some comments: <defaultvalue></defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: Any comments, anotate them here. This field accept any character, up to 4000 characters.</helpdescription> <statustoolong>The value is too long (4000 chars max)</statustoolong> <statuscheck>The field has an error by user check validity (fill with your error)</statuscheck> </element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="hiddenfieldElement" id="hiddenparam">default value</element> </zone> <zone type="field"> <element type="lovfieldElement" id="select1" size="400" visible="1234" info="34" disabled="" readonly="" notnull="1" helpmode="12" > Color: <defaultvalue>2</defaultvalue> <helpdescription>Help: Please select one of the three colors.</helpdescription> <options> <option key="1">Red</option> <option key="2">Green</option> <option key="3">Blue</option> </options> </element> </zone> <zone type="control"> <element type="buttonElement" action="first" visible="4">First record</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="previous" visible="4">Previous record</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="next" visible="4">Next record</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="last" visible="4">Last record</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="insert" visible="4">New record</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="update" visible="4">Update this record</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="delete" visible="4">Delete this record</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="submit" visible="123">Send to server <titleinsert>Send information</titleinsert> <titleupdate>Accept changes</titleupdate> <titledelete>Confirm the deletion</titledelete> </element> <element type="buttonElement" action="reset" visible="123">Undo changes</element> <element type="buttonElement" action="view" visible="123">Cancel and back to the list</element> </zone> <alertmessage>Error, the data have not been sent to the server. Please check the fields in red to correct them.</alertmessage> <servermessage>Error, the server has responded: </servermessage> <titleinsert>Insert a new record</titleinsert> <titleupdate>Update the record</titleupdate> <titledelete>Delete the record</titledelete> <titleview>View the record</titleview> <insertok>The record has been inserted successfully</insertok> <updateok>The record has been updated successfully</updateok> <deleteok>The record has been deleted successfully</deleteok> <event type="failure"> <code><![CDATA[ function() { } ]]></code> </event> <event type="success"> <code><![CDATA[ function(p1, p2, p3) { if (this.mode == 3) return confirm('Do you want to fetch another record since this one is deleted? (note the record is NOT deleted from the server, only simulated in this example)'); } ]]></code> </event> </container> </application>