include_once '../../lib/php/wajaf.lib';
class main
function code()
$a = new Xapplication('main');
$sc = new separatorContainer();
$scz1 = new separatorZone('header');
$scz2 = new separatorZone('workarea');
$scz3 = new separatorZone('footer');
$a->setEvent('start', "function()
browser.setInnerHTML($('wajafversion'), WA.version);
$('loading').style.display = 'none';
return $a->compile();
function addJSCode($app)
$js = <<<EOF
function addzero(num)
if (num < 10)
return '0' + num;
return num;
function timer()
var fecha=new Date();
browser.setInnerHTML($('main|single|timer'), fecha.format('l, F j, Y, H:i:s'));
setTimeout( function() { timer(); }, 1000 );
function setSound(status)
soundManager.on = status;
if (status)
$('main|single|sound_header').className = 'buttonmenusoundon';
$('main|single|sound_header').className = 'buttonmenusoundoff';
function setHelp(status)
switch (status)
case 0:
$('main|single|help_header').className = 'buttonmenuhelpmute';
case 1:
$('main|single|help_header').className = 'buttonmenuhelp';
case 2:
$('main|single|help_header').className = 'buttonmenuhelpfull';
var numajax = 0;
function ajaxListener(event)
if (event == 'start')
numajax ++;
else if (event == 'stop')
numajax --;
if (numajax > 0)
$('main|single|ajaxflag').className = 'flagred';
$('main|single|ajaxflag').className = 'flaggreen';
function ddListener(event)
if (event == 'start' || event == 'drag')
$('main|single|ddflag').className = 'flagred';
else if (event == 'stop')
$('main|single|ddflag').className = 'flaggreen';
$app->add(new codeElement($js));
function fillheader($zone)
$html = <<<EOF
<img src="/wajaf/skin/images/wa5.gif" style="vertical-align: middle; height: 27px; margin-right: 10px;" alt="WAJAF v1 Examples" title="WAJAF v1 Examples" />
The WAJAF Examples - <span id="wajafversion" class="alttitle"></span> - Control Center with PHP classes.
$e = new htmlElement($html, 'header_content');
$e->setClassname('maintitle')->position(0, 0, '*', '*')->setHeight(28);
$e = new htmlElement('', 'timer');
$e->setClassname('timertitle')->position(']-150', ']', 0, 28)->size(300, 20);
function fillflags($zone)
$e = new htmlElement('', 'ajaxflag');
$e->setClassname('flaggreen')->position(']-50', ']', 0, 5)->size(16, 10);
$e->setHelp('Ajax Status flag', 'Ajax Status flag', 'The flag is green when there is no AJAX request.<br />If there is an AJAX request on the go, the flag turns red during the request.<br />');
$e = new htmlElement('', 'ddflag');
$e->setClassname('flaggreen')->position(']-30', ']', 0, 5)->size(16, 10);
$e->setHelp('Drag&Drop Status flag', 'Drag&Drop Status flag', 'The flag is green when there is no D&D movement.<br />If there is a D&D movement on the go, the flag turns red during the dragging.<br />');
$e = new htmlElement('', 'debugbutton');
$e->setClassname('flagyellow')->position(']-10', ']', 0, 5)->size(16, 10);
$e->setHelp('Click to open the debug console', 'Debug console', 'You can click on this button to open to debug console.<br />The debug console is a popup window. Be sure the popups are authorized in your browser to let it appear.<br />');
$js = <<<EOF
var popupdebug = window.open('', 'debug', 'scrollbars=1,width=400,height=600');
WA.debug.console = popupdebug.document;
$e->setEvent('onclick', $js);
function fillicons($zone)
$e = new htmlElement('', 'myconfig');
$e->setClassname('buttonmenuconfig')->position(']-50', ']', 0, 25)->size(16, 16);
$e->setHelp('Click here to open the configuration screen', 'Configuration', 'You can access the configuration screen click on this button.<br />You can change here the skin of the examples dynamically.<br />');
$js = <<<EOF
var node = \$N('index|single|app_config');
if (!node)
self.createTree('index|single|application', {tag:'zone',attributes:{id:'app_config',title:'Configuration',closeable:'yes',shortcut:'alt+c',application:'masterconfig|single'}});
$e->setEvent('onclick', $js);
$e = new htmlElement('', 'help_header');
$e->setClassname('buttonmenuhelpfull')->position(']-30', ']', 0, 25)->size(16, 16);
$e->setHelp('Click to change the help status. Wait on the icon to get more information if the help is turned on full status', 'Help level:', 'This option let you change the interactive help status of the system.<br />
The icon <img src="/wajaf/skin/images/help-light.png" alt="Over help" title="Over help" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> is shown when the help is only showing a hint on the element.<br />
The icon <img src="/wajaf/skin/images/help-on.png" alt="Full help" title="Full help" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> is shown when the interactive help is in full mode. In this case, put the mouse over an element first show a rapid hint, and waiting 4 seconds will pop a help window that can be navigated.<br />
The icon <img src="/wajaf/skin/images/help-off.png" alt="No help" title="No help" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> desactivates all the help.<br />
Click on the icon to switch the interactive help mode to hint/full/none.<br />');
$js = <<<EOF
switch (helpManager.getMode())
case 2: setHelp(0); break;
case 1: setHelp(2); break;
case 0: setHelp(1); break;
$e->setEvent('onclick', $js);
$e = new htmlElement('', 'sound_header');
$e->setClassname('buttonmenusoundon')->position(']-10', ']', 0, 25)->size(16, 16);
$e->setHelp('Click to change the sound status On or Off.', 'Sound on/off:', 'This option let you turn the sound of the system on or off.<br />
The icon <img src="/wajaf/skin/images/sound-on.png" alt="Sound On" title="Sound On" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> is shown when the sound is working.<br />
The icon <img src="/wajaf/skin/images/sound-off.png" alt="Sound Off" title="Sound Off" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> is shown when the sound is turned off.<br />
Click on the icon to switch the sound on or off.<br />');
$js = <<<EOF
if (soundManager.on)
$e->setEvent('onclick', $js);
function fillworkarea($zone)
$sc = new separatorContainer();
$sc->setClassname('')->size('max', 'max')->setMode('horizontal')->setAuto('no');
$z1 = new separatorZone();
$z2 = new separatorZone();
$tc = new tabContainer('application');
$tc->size('max', 'max')->setMode('top');
$ztc = new tabZone('controlcenter');
$ztc->setTitle('Dash Board');
$html = <<<EOF
Welcome to the WebAbility Javascript Application Framework - WAJAF - v1.<br /><br />The examples work perfectly under Firefox 3+, Chrome 1+, Safari 4+, Opera 10+ and Internet Explorer 7/8.<br /><br />
The whole examples are build on <b>XML files describing the applications</b>.<br />You can display the XML code on each example.<br /><br />
$e = new htmlElement($html);
$b = new buttonElement('Show the viewport source code');
$b->setEvent('click', "
var node = \$N('viewport_source');
if (!node)
self.createTree('application', {tag:'zone',attributes:{id:'viewport_source',title:'Viewport Source',closeable:'yes',application:'main|source',params:'Source=true'}});
function getmenudata()
$data = array('row' => array(
array('id' => 'combined', 'template' => 'folder', 'image' => 'examplegroup.png', 'name' => 'Combined', 'father' => null, 'closeable' => true, 'loadable' => false),
array('id' => 'containers', 'template' => 'folder', 'image' => 'examplegroup.png', 'name' => 'Containers', 'father' => null, 'closeable' => true, 'loadable' => false),
array('id' => 'ex_simpleContainer', 'template' => 'example', 'image' => 'example.png', 'name' => 'simpleContainer', 'father' => 'containers', 'closeable' => false, 'loadable' => false),
array('id' => 'elements', 'template' => 'folder', 'image' => 'examplegroup.png', 'name' => 'Elements', 'father' => null, 'closeable' => true, 'loadable' => false)
return $data;
{id:'combined', template:'folder', image:'examplegroup.png', name:'Combined', father: null, closeable: true, loadable: false},
{id:'containers', template:'folder', image:'examplegroup.png', name:'Containers', father: null, closeable: true, loadable: false},
{id:'simpleContainer', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'simpleContainer', father: 'containers', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'separatorContainer', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'separatorContainer', father: 'containers', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'tabContainer', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'tabContainer', father: 'containers', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'expandableContainer', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'expandableContainer', father: 'containers', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'treeContainer', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'treeContainer', father: 'containers', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'groupContainer', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'groupContainer', father: 'containers', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'elements', template:'folder', image:'examplegroup.png', name:'Elements', father: null, closeable: true, loadable: false},
{id:'htmlElement', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'htmlElement', father: 'elements', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'textElement', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'textElement', father: 'elements', closeable: false, loadable: false},
{id:'imageElement', template:'example', image:'example.png', name:'imageElement', father: 'elements', closeable: false, loadable: false}
function fillmenu($zone)
$tc = new treeContainer('menu');
$ttc1 = new treeTemplate('folder');
$i = new imageElement('/wajaf/skin/images/{image}', '{name}');
$t = new textElement('{name}');
$t->setClassname('textmenulink')->setHelp('Click to open/close the folder', 'Folder:', 'Click the name or the icon to open and close the folder.');
$t->setEvent('onclick', "function(e)
var n = \$C('menu');
$ttc2 = new treeTemplate('example');
$i = new imageElement('/wajaf/skin/images/{image}', '{name}');
$t = new textElement('{name}');
$t->setClassname('textmenulink')->setHelp('Click to access the example', 'Example:', 'Click the name of the example to open it in the tabs in the right part of the viewport.');
$t->setEvent('onclick', "function(e)
var node = \$N('app_example_{id}');
if (!node)
var tree = {tag:'container',attributes:{type:'tabContainer',mode:'top',width:'max',height:'max'},'0':{tag:'zone',attributes:{title:'Result',closeable:'no',application:'{id}|single',params:''}},'1':{tag:'zone',attributes:{title:'Source code',closeable:'no',application:'{id}|source',params:'Source=true'}}};
self.createTree('application', {tag:'zone',attributes:{id:'app_example_{id}',title:'{name}',closeable:'yes'},'0':tree});
$ds = new treeDataset(json_encode($this->getmenudata()));
function fillfooter($zone)
$html = <<<EOF
WAJAF - The WebAbility® Javascript Application Framework - © 2008-2010 Philippe Thomassigny - <a href="http://www.webability.info/?P=wajaf" target="_blank">http://www.webability.info/?P=wajaf</a>
$e = new htmlElement($html, 'footer_content');
$e->setClassname('footertitle')->position(0, 0, '*', '*');