File: lib/php/wajaf.lib

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  Classes of philippe thomassigny   WAJAF   lib/php/wajaf.lib   Download  
File: lib/php/wajaf.lib
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WAJAF
Build single page applications
Author: By
Last change: Update of lib/php/wajaf.lib
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 28,825 bytes


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<?php /* @@copyright:Begin@@ */ /* wajaf.lib, WAJAF, the WebAbility(r) Javascript Application Framework Contains the WAJAF classes to build WAJAF applications in PHP (c) 2008-2010 Philippe Thomassigny This file is part of WAJAF WAJAF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. WAJAF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with WAJAF. If not, see <>. */ /* @@copyright:End@@ */ /* The @@xxx:Begin@@ and @@xxx:End@@ keywords have been placed for WebAbility installation purpose. They have no other function. */ // ==================================================================== // Error class namespace wajaf; /* @@wajafError:Begin:throwables@@ */ class wajafError extends \Exception { private $trace = null; public $message = null; function __construct($message = null) { $this->message = $message; $this->trace = debug_backtrace(); } public function __toString() { $error = "<table border=\"1\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"#FFDDDD\"><b>ERROR: </b></td><td bgcolor=\"#FFDDDD\">$this->message</td></tr>\n". "<tr><td><b>THROWN: </b></td><td>$this->file (<b>$this->line</b>)</td></tr>\n". "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><b>TRACE: </b></td><td valign=\"top\">"; foreach($this->trace as $k => $t) { if ($k) // we dont write 1rst errror since it is where we threw the object $error .= "".(isset($t["file"])?$t["file"]:"No file")." (<b>".(isset($t["line"])?$t["line"]:"No line")."</b>) :: calling <font color=\"blue\">".(isset($t["class"])?$t["class"]:"").(isset($t["type"])?$t["type"]:"").(isset($t["function"])?$t["function"]:"No function")."</font><br />\n"; } $error .= "</td></tr>\n</table>"; return $error; } } /* @@wajafError:End@@ */ // ==================================================================== // Main Builder class /* @@wajaf:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class wajaf extends \core\WAClass { protected $tagname = ''; protected $attributes = array(); protected $data = null; protected $isnottext = false; protected $children = array(); protected $summary = null; protected $title = null; protected $description = null; protected $events = array(); protected $possiblechildren = array(); protected $messages = array(); protected $possiblemessages = array(); public function __construct($tagname) { $this->tagname = $tagname; } protected function registerAttributes($params) { foreach ($params as $p) $this->attributes[$p] = null; } public function size($width, $height) { $this->attributes['width'] = $width; $this->attributes['height'] = $height; return $this; } public function position($left, $top, $right = null, $bottom = null) { $this->attributes['left'] = $left; $this->attributes['top'] = $top; $this->attributes['right'] = $right; $this->attributes['bottom'] = $bottom; return $this; } protected function getTagName() { return $this->tagname; } public function __call($name, $vars) { $var = strtolower(substr($name, 3)); if (array_key_exists($var, $this->attributes)) { if ($name == 'get'.ucfirst($var)) return $this->attributes[$var]; elseif ($name == 'set'.ucfirst($var)) { $this->attributes[$var] = $vars[0]; return $this; } } throw new wajafError('Error, ' . $name . '(' . $vars . ') is not a valid function.'); } protected function registerPossibleChildren($tags) { foreach ($tags as $t) $this->possiblechildren[$t] = true; } protected function registerPossibleMessages($entries) { foreach ($entries as $e) $this->possiblemessages[$e] = true; } public function setData($data, $isnottext = false) { $this->isnottext = $isnottext; $this->data = $data; return $this; } public function setHelp($summary, $title, $description) { $this->summary = $summary; $this->title = $title; $this->description = $description; return $this; } public function setMessages($messages) { foreach($messages as $e => $message) { $this->messages[$e] = $message; } } public function setMessage($entry, $message) { $this->messages[$entry] = $message; } public function add($object) { if (!($object instanceof wajaf)) throw new wajafError('Error, ' . $object->getTagName() . ' is not an instance of wajaf.'); if (!isset($this->possiblechildren[$object->getTagName()])) throw new wajafError('Error, '.$this->tagname.' cannot have '.$object->getTagName() . ' as child.'); $this->children[] = $object; return $this; } public function setEvent($event, $code) { $this->events[$event] = $code; return $this; } protected function compilepre() { $txt = '<'.$this->tagname; foreach($this->attributes as $a => $v) if (isset($v)) $txt .= ' '.$a.'="'.$v.'"'; $txt .= '>'; if ($this->data !== null && !$this->isnottext) $txt .= '<![CDATA['.$this->data.']]>'; else if ($this->data !== null && $this->isnottext) $txt .= $this->data; foreach($this->children as $c) $txt .= $c->compile(); if ($this->summary || $this->title || $this->description) { $txt .= '<help>'; if ($this->summary) $txt .= '<summary><![CDATA['.$this->summary.']]></summary>'; if ($this->title) $txt .= '<title><![CDATA['.$this->title.']]></title>'; if ($this->description) $txt .= '<description><![CDATA['.$this->description.']]></description>'; $txt .= '</help>'; } foreach($this->events as $e => $c) $txt .= '<event type="'.$e.'"><code><![CDATA['.$c.']]></code></event>'; return $txt; } protected function compilemessages() { $txt = ''; foreach($this->messages as $k => $m) $txt .= '<'.$k.'><![CDATA['.$m.']]></'.$k.'>'; return $txt; } protected function compilelocal() { } protected function compilepost() { $txt = '</'.$this->tagname.'>'; return $txt; } public function compile() { return $this->compilepre() . $this->compilemessages() . $this->compilelocal() . $this->compilepost(); } } /* @@wajaf:End@@ */ // ==================================================================== // Builder classes /* @@Xapplication:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class Xapplication extends wajaf { public function __construct($id) { parent::__construct('application'); $this->registerAttributes( array('id', 'enforce', 'style') ); $this->setId($id); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('container', 'element') ); } } /* @@Xapplication:End@@ */ /* @@Xcontainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class Xcontainer extends wajaf { public function __construct($type, $id = null) { parent::__construct('container'); $this->registerAttributes( array('type', 'id', 'display', 'style', 'classname', 'classnamezone', 'left', 'width', 'right', 'top', 'height', 'bottom', 'haslistener') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('zone') ); $this->setType($type); $this->setId($id); } } /* @@Xcontainer:End@@ */ /* @@Xzone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class Xzone extends wajaf { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('zone'); $this->registerAttributes( array('id', 'style', 'classname', 'application', 'params') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('container', 'element') ); $this->setId($id); } } /* @@Xzone:End@@ */ /* @@Xtemplate:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class Xtemplate extends wajaf { public function __construct($name) { parent::__construct('template'); $this->registerAttributes( array('name') ); $this->setName($name); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('container', 'element') ); } } /* @@Xtemplate:End@@ */ /* @@Xdataset:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class Xdataset extends wajaf { public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct('dataset'); $this->setData($data); } } /* @@Xdataset:End@@ */ /* @@Xelement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class Xelement extends wajaf { public function __construct($type, $id = null) { parent::__construct('element'); $this->registerAttributes( array('type', 'id', 'display', 'style', 'classname', 'left', 'width', 'right', 'top', 'height', 'bottom') ); $this->setType($type); $this->setId($id); } } /* @@Xelement:End@@ */ // ==================================================================== // The containers /* @@simpleContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class simpleContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('simpleContainer', $id); } } /* @@simpleContainer:End@@ */ /* @@expandableContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class expandableContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('expandableContainer', $id); } } /* @@expandableContainer:End@@ */ /* @@separatorContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class separatorContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('separatorContainer', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('mode', 'auto') ); } } /* @@separatorContainer:End@@ */ /* @@tabContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class tabContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('tabContainer', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('mode') ); } } /* @@tabContainer:End@@ */ /* @@treeContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class treeContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('treeContainer', $id); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('template', 'dataset') ); } } /* @@treeContainer:End@@ */ /* @@accordionContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class accordionContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('accordionContainer'); } } /* @@accordionContainer:End@@ */ /* @@barContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class barContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('barContainer'); } } /* @@barContainer:End@@ */ /* @@dblistContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class dblistContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('dblistContainer'); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('template', 'dataset') ); } } /* @@dblistContainer:End@@ */ /* @@dockContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class dockContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('dockContainer'); } } /* @@dockContainer:End@@ */ /* @@floatingContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class floatingContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('floatingContainer'); } } /* @@floatingContainer:End@@ */ /* @@gridContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class gridContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('gridContainer', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('pagination', 'maxperpage', 'mode', 'selectable', 'insertable', 'deletable', 'change', 'params') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('template', 'dataset') ); } } /* @@gridContainer:End@@ */ /* @@groupContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class groupContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('groupContainer', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('mode', 'authmodes', 'varkey', 'key', 'varorder', 'varmode') ); $this->registerPossibleMessages( array('alertmessage', 'servermessage', 'titleinsert', 'titleupdate', 'titledelete', 'titleview', 'insertok', 'updateok', 'deleteok') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('dataset') ); } } /* @@groupContainer:End@@ */ /* @@listContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class listContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('listContainer'); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('template', 'dataset') ); } } /* @@listContainer:End@@ */ /* @@matrixContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class matrixContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('matrixContainer', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('columns', 'mode', 'classnamezone', 'preidbutton', 'defaultwidth', 'defaultheight') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('template', 'dataset') ); } } /* @@matrixContainer:End@@ */ /* @@matrixZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class matrixZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct($id); $this->registerAttributes(); } } /* @@matrixZone:End@@ */ /* @@tableContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class tableContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('tableContainer', $id); } } /* @@tableContainer:End@@ */ /* @@widgetContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class widgetContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('widgetContainer', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('columns', 'classnamezone') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('template', 'dataset') ); } } /* @@widgetContainer:End@@ */ /* @@windowContainer:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class windowContainer extends Xcontainer { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('windowContainer', $id); } } /* @@windowContainer:End@@ */ // ==================================================================== // Zones /* @@simpleZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class simpleZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct($id); } } /* @@simpleZone:End@@ */ /* @@expandableZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class expandableZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct($id); $this->registerAttributes( array('title', 'closed', 'classnameselectoropen', 'classnameselectorclose', 'display') ); } } /* @@expandableZone:End@@ */ /* @@separatorZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class separatorZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct($id); $this->registerAttributes( array('size', 'classnameseparator', 'display') ); } } /* @@separatorZone:End@@ */ /* @@tabZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class tabZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct($id); $this->registerAttributes( array('title') ); } } /* @@tabZone:End@@ */ /* @@groupZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class groupZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct($id); $this->registerAttributes( array('type') ); } } /* @@groupZone:End@@ */ /* @@gridZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class gridZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('zone'); $this->registerAttributes( array('title', 'application', 'size', 'sizemin', 'sizemax') ); $this->registerAttributes( array('selectable', 'sortable', 'sizeable', 'maskable', 'editable', 'type', 'editor') ); $this->registerAttributes( array('render', 'format', 'align') ); $this->setId($id); } } /* @@gridZone:End@@ */ /* @@widgetZone:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class widgetZone extends Xzone { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('zone'); $this->registerAttributes( array('id', 'classname', 'title', 'application', 'size', 'column','params') ); $this->registerAttributes( array('closeable', 'sizeable', 'maskable', 'editable', 'editor') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('container', 'element') ); $this->setId($id); } } /* @@widgetZone:End@@ */ // ==================================================================== // Datasets /* @@treeDataset:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class treeDataset extends Xdataset { public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); } } /* @@treeDataset:End@@ */ /* @@gridDataset:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class gridDataset extends Xdataset { public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); } } /* @@gridDataset:End@@ */ /* @@groupDataset:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class groupDataset extends Xdataset { public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); } } /* @@groupDataset:End@@ */ // ==================================================================== // Templates /* @@treeTemplate:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class treeTemplate extends Xtemplate { public function __construct($name) { parent::__construct($name); } } /* @@treeTemplate:End@@ */ /* @@listTemplate:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class listTemplate extends Xtemplate { public function __construct($name) { parent::__construct($name); } } /* @@listTemplate:End@@ */ /* @@gridTemplate:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class gridTemplate extends Xtemplate { public function __construct($name) { parent::__construct('template'); $this->registerAttributes( array('name') ); $this->setName($name); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('container', 'element') ); } } /* @@gridTemplate:End@@ */ /* @@matrixTemplate:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class matrixTemplate extends Xtemplate { public function __construct($name) { parent::__construct('template'); $this->registerAttributes( array('name') ); $this->setName($name); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('container', 'element') ); } } /* @@matrixTemplate:End@@ */ // ==================================================================== // Elements /* @@htmlElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class htmlElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($text, $id = null) { parent::__construct('htmlElement', $id); $this->setData($text); } } /* @@htmlElement:End@@ */ /* @@textElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class textElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($text, $id = null) { parent::__construct('textElement', $id); $this->setData($text); } } /* @@textElement:End@@ */ /* @@linkElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class linkElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('linkElement', $id); } } /* @@linkElement:End@@ */ /* @@imageElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class imageElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($src, $title = null, $id = null) { parent::__construct('imageElement', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('src') ); $this->setSrc($src); $this->setData($title); } } /* @@imageElement:End@@ */ /* @@codeElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class codeElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($code, $id = null) { parent::__construct('codeElement', $id); $this->setData($code); } } /* @@codeElement:End@@ */ /* @@buttonElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class buttonElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($text, $id = null) { parent::__construct('buttonElement', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('visible', 'action', 'status', 'extra') ); $this->registerPossibleMessages( array('titleinsert', 'titleupdate', 'titledelete', 'titleview') ); $this->setData($text); } } /* @@buttonElement:End@@ */ /* @@dateselectorElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class dateselectorElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('dateselectorElement'); $this->registerAttributes( array('link') ); $this->setId($id); // $this->registerData($text); } } /* @@dateselectorElement:End@@ */ /* @@hiddenElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class hiddenElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('hiddenElement'); // $this->registerAttributes( array('classnameover', 'classnamedown', 'classnamedisabled', 'action', 'link') ); $this->setId($id); // $this->registerData($text); } } /* @@hiddenElement:End@@ */ /* @@hiddenfieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class hiddenfieldElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null, $text = null) { parent::__construct('hiddenfieldElement'); // $this->registerAttributes( array('size', 'minlength', 'maxlength', 'minwords', 'maxwords', 'format', 'visible', 'info', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'notnull', 'help') ); // $this->registerPossibleMessages( array() ); $this->setId($id); $this->setData($text); } } /* @@hiddenfieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@textfieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class textfieldElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null, $text = null) { parent::__construct('textfieldElement'); $this->registerAttributes( array('size', 'minlength', 'maxlength', 'minwords', 'maxwords', 'format', 'visible', 'info', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'notnull', 'helpmode') ); $this->registerPossibleMessages( array('defaultvalue', 'helpdescription', 'statusnotnull', 'statusbadformat', 'statustooshort', 'statustoolong', 'statustoofewwords', 'statustoomanywords', 'statuscheck') ); $this->setId($id); $this->setData($text); } } /* @@textfieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@textareafieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class textareafieldElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null, $text = null) { parent::__construct('textareafieldElement'); $this->registerAttributes( array('areawidth', 'areaheight', 'minlength', 'maxlength', 'minwords', 'maxwords', 'format', 'visible', 'info', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'notnull', 'helpmode') ); $this->registerPossibleMessages( array('defaultvalue', 'helpdescription', 'statusnotnull', 'statusbadformat', 'statustooshort', 'statustoolong', 'statustoofewwords', 'statustoomanywords', 'statuscheck') ); $this->setId($id); $this->setData($text); } } /* @@textareafieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@lovfieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class lovfieldElement extends Xelement { protected $Options = null; public function __construct($id = null, $text = null) { parent::__construct('lovfieldElement'); $this->registerAttributes( array('size', 'visible', 'info', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'notnull', 'helpmode') ); $this->registerPossibleMessages( array('defaultvalue', 'helpdescription', 'statusnotnull', 'statuscheck') ); $this->setId($id); $this->setData($text); } public function setOptions($options) { $this->Options = $options; } protected function compilelocal() { $txt = ''; if ($this->Options) { $txt .= '<options>'; foreach($this->Options as $k => $m) $txt .= '<option key="'.htmlentities($k, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'"><![CDATA['.$m.']]></option>'; $txt .= '</options>'; } return $txt; } } /* @@lovfieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@filefieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class filefieldElement extends Xelement { private $ExtensionsImages = array('.gif', '.jpg', '.png'); private $ExtensionsAudios = array('.mp3', '.wma'); private $ExtensionsVideos = array('.mp4', '.avi', '.wmv', '.mov'); private $ExtensionsDocuments = array('.pdf', '.doc', '.xls', '.ppt', '.zip', '.txt', '.csv'); private $ExtensionsAuth = null; private $ExtensionsDir = '/skins/clean/extensions/'; // directory where the extensions gifs are private $ExtensionsOther = 'other.png'; // put a gif link if we accept other extensions, or NULL if not public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('filefieldElement'); // $this->registerAttributes( array('classnameover', 'classnamedown', 'classnamedisabled', 'action', 'link') ); $this->setId($id); // $this->registerData($text); } public function setExtensions($auth, $dir, $other = null) { if ( is_string($auth) ) { switch($auth) { case 'images': $this->ExtensionsAuth = $this->ExtensionsImages; break; case 'audios': $this->ExtensionsAuth = $this->ExtensionsAudios; break; case 'videos': $this->ExtensionsAuth = $this->ExtensionsVideos; break; case 'documents': $this->ExtensionsAuth = $this->ExtensionsDocuments; break; default: $this->ExtensionsAuth = null; break; } } else $this->ExtensionsAuth = $auth; $this->ExtensionsDir = $dir; $this->ExtensionsOther = $other; } public function getExtension($name) { if ($this->ExtensionsAuth) { foreach ($this->ExtensionsAuth as $ext) { if (strtolower(substr($name, -strlen($ext))) == $ext) { return $ext; } } } if ($this->ExtensionsOther) { $pos = strrpos($name,'.'); if ($pos === false) return null; return substr($name, $pos); } return null; } // returns the gif of the extensionm or null public function getExtensionImage($extension) { if ($this->ExtensionsAuth && in_array($extension, $this->ExtensionsAuth)) return substr($extension,1).'.png'; return substr($extension,1).'.png'; return $this->ExtensionsOther; } public function processFile($temporarydir, $temporarypath) { $Context = $this->base->HTTPRequest->getParameter('ApplicationContext'); $tempname = $this->base->createKey(10); $extension = $this->getExtension(strtolower($_FILES[$this->getId()]['name'])); $id = $this->getId(); if ($extension) { // 1. save the file in a temporary public directory DB_File::createDirectory($temporarydir, $temporarypath); move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->getId()]['tmp_name'], $temporarydir . $temporarypath . $tempname . $extension); // 2. return the javascript to show this file, and keep the name in a temporary field $gif = $this->getExtensionImage($extension); $tempfullname = $tempname.$extension; $truefullname = $_FILES[$this->getId()]['name']; return <<<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- window.parent.\$E('$Context{$id}').setFile('{$this->ExtensionsDir}', '$gif', '$tempfullname', '$truefullname'); // --> </script> </head> </html> EOF; } else { // 2. return the javascript to notify error return <<<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- window.parent.\$E('$Context{$id}').setFile('/pics/', 'dot.gif', null, null); alert('Error: el archivo que subiĆ³ no es un archivo autorizado.'); // --> </script> </head> </html> EOF; } } } /* @@filefieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@datefieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class datefieldElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('datefieldElement'); // $this->registerAttributes( array('classnameover', 'classnamedown', 'classnamedisabled', 'action', 'link') ); $this->setId($id); // $this->registerData($text); } } /* @@datefieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@settextfieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class settextfieldElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('settextfieldElement'); // $this->registerAttributes( array('classnameover', 'classnamedown', 'classnamedisabled', 'action', 'link') ); $this->setId($id); // $this->registerData($text); } } /* @@settextfieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@paginationElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class paginationElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($text, $id = null) { parent::__construct('paginationElement'); $this->setId($id); $this->setData($text); } } /* @@paginationElement:End@@ */ /* @@mmcfieldElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class mmcfieldElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('mmcfieldElement'); // $this->registerAttributes( array('classnameover', 'classnamedown', 'classnamedisabled', 'action', 'link') ); $this->setId($id); // $this->registerData($text); } } /* @@mmcfieldElement:End@@ */ /* @@ggraphElement:Begin:wajaf@@ */ class ggraphElement extends Xelement { public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct('ggraphElement', $id); $this->registerAttributes( array('haslistener') ); $this->registerPossibleChildren( array('dataset') ); } } /* @@ggraphElement:End@@ */ ?>