File: BD_snow.js

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File: BD_snow.js
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: class BD_snow
Class: Snow for the Web site
Display snow flakes falling on the Web page
Author: By
Last change: flakes in different sizes (randomly)
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 9,815 bytes


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/// Frohe Weihnachten wuenscht buero digitale /// René Teinze, /// /// LICENSE: free, but Email would be nice, if you use it /// LIZENZ: frei, aber Email waere nett, wenn du es benutzt /// Einbindung / Including in HTML: /* <script type="text/javascript" src="BD_snow.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> BD_snow.config= { /// additional configuration options / zusaetzliche Konfiguration /// all active(not commented out) options have to be separated with commas /// alle aktive(nicht auskommentierte) Optionen muessen durch Komma voneinander getrennt sein /// following lines are optional / folgende Zeilen sind optional graphic: 'snow3_16x16.gif' // Schneeflocke / snow-graphic ,altsymbol: '*' // if no graphic is given / wenn keine Grafik gegeben ,altsymbolcolor: '#dddddd' // font-color if no graphic is given / Textfarbe, wenn keine Grafik ,altsymbolsize: 24 // font-size if no graphic is given / Textgroesse, wenn keine Grafik ,amplitude: 20 // Ausschlag / left-right-moving ,interval: 2 // Sekunden-Abstand der Flocken +/-? / time-distance of new snow ,speed: 50 // Geschwindigkeit: grosse Zahl=langsam / speed: higher value=slower ,snowontop: true // snow moves over the webcontent / Schnee bewegt sich ueber dem Webinhalt ,partition: [5,3,3,5] // Partition on screen / Verteilung auf dem Bildschirm => [5,3,3,5]=more on borders | [10,10,6,3,3,3]=more left ,output: "BD_snow-output" // optional; ID or object of output-element, body is standard } </script> */ if(typeof(BD)=='undefined') { var BD= {}; } BD.Math= new (function() { var $this= this; var $aSinDeg= []; var $fFaktor= 180/window.Math.PI; var __construct= function() { for(var $i1=0; $i1<360; $i1++) { $aSinDeg.push(Math.sin($i1/$fFaktor)); } } /// <summary>Generiert eine Zufallszahl innerhalb der optional angegebenen Grenzen.</summary> $this.random= function( $iMinEing, $iMaxEing ) { var $iMinEing, $iMaxEing; // generate var $fZuf= Math.random(); // z. B. 0.236483644 if(BD.Math.random.arguments.length==0){ return $fZuf; } else if(BD.Math.random.arguments.length==1){ $iMaxEing= BD.Math.random.arguments[0]; $iMinEing= 0; } else if(BD.Math.random.arguments.length==2){ $iMinEing= BD.Math.random.arguments[0]; $iMaxEing= BD.Math.random.arguments[1]; } // 0 if NaN if(isNaN($iMinEing)) { $iMinEing=0; } if(isNaN($iMaxEing)) { $iMaxEing=0; } // round $iMinEing= Math.floor($iMinEing); $iMaxEing= Math.floor($iMaxEing); // echte Min.- und Max.-Werte ermitteln var $iMin= Math.min($iMinEing, $iMaxEing); var $iMax= Math.max($iMinEing, $iMaxEing); // return return Math.floor( $fZuf * ($iMax-$iMin+1) + $iMin ) }//BD.Math.random $this.sin= function( $iEing ) { // sinus if($iEing<0){ return -$aSinDeg[Math.floor($iEing * $fFaktor) % 360]; } else{ return $aSinDeg[Math.floor($iEing * $fFaktor) % 360]; } } __construct(); return $this; })();//BD.Math BD_snow= new (function() { var $this= this; $this.version= '2012-01-01'; var $iCountFlocken= 0; var $iCountOverflow= 0; var $iStartposCorr= 0; var $iBaseStep= 0.7; // base stepwidth // Basic-configuration, will be overidden by include-script, so don't change here // Grundkonfiguration, wird ueberschrieben durch das include-script, also nicht hier aendern $this.oConf= { graphic: false ,altsymbol: '*' ,altsymbolcolor: '#dddddd' ,altsymbolsize: 24 ,amplitude: 20 ,interval: 3 ,speed: 50 ,snowontop: true ,partition: [5,1,1,5] ,maxflakes: false } var __construct= function(){ if(!docloaded()){ setTimeout(__construct, 2000); return false; } for(var $s1 in $this.config){ $this.oConf[$s1]= $this.config[$s1]; } if($this.oConf.graphic){ var $oIm= new Image(); $oIm.onerror= function(){$this.oConf.graphic=false;} $oIm.src= $this.oConf.graphic; } if($this.oConf.graphic){ $this.iImgW= (($oIm.width>0)?($oIm.width):($this.oConf.altsymbolsize)); $this.iImgH= (($oIm.height>0)?($oIm.height):($this.oConf.altsymbolsize)); } else{ $this.iImgW= $this.oConf.altsymbolsize; $this.iImgH= $this.oConf.altsymbolsize; } $this.iDocW = $this.env.w; $this.iDocH = $this.env.h; var $oE_Body= (!$this.oConf.output) ? (document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]) : (("string"===typeof $this.oConf.output) ? (document.getElementById($this.oConf.output)) : $this.oConf.output); $this.oE_frame= document.createElement('div'); $ 'fixed'; $ $this.iDocW()+'px'; $ $this.iDocH()+'px'; $ '0px'; $ '0px'; $ 'hidden'; $ 'transparent'; $ (($this.oConf.snowontop)?(1000):(-1)); if($this.oConf.snowontop){ $this.oE_frame= $oE_Body; } else{ $oE_Body.insertBefore($this.oE_frame, $oE_Body.firstChild); } if(!$this.oConf.maxflakes){ $this.oConf.maxflakes= Math.floor( $this.iDocH() / ($iBaseStep*($this.oConf.interval*1000/$this.oConf.speed)) ) + 2; } createFlocke(); } $this.env= new (function($parent){ var $this= this; $this.w= function(){ return window.innerWidth || (window.document.documentElement.clientWidth || window.document.body.clientWidth); } $this.h= function(){ return window.innerHeight || (window.document.documentElement.clientHeight || window.document.body.clientHeight); } $ function(){ return $parent.oE_frame.pageYOffset || $parent.oE_frame.scrollTop || 0; // scrollHeight und ggf. offsetHeight } return $this; })($this); var docloaded= function(){ if( document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] && (window.innerWidth || (window.document.documentElement.clientWidth || window.document.body.clientWidth)) && (window.innerHeight || (window.document.documentElement.clientHeight || window.document.body.clientHeight)) ){ return true; } return false; }//docloaded var Flocke= function($parent) { var $this= this; var $iDx, $iPosX, $iPosY; // coordinate and position variables var $iAmp, $iStepX, $iStepY; // amplitude and step variables var $iScale = (BD.Math.random(5) + 5) / 10; var $iImgW = $parent.iImgW * $iScale; var $iImgH = $parent.iImgH * $iScale; var $oE_Flocke; var $oInterval; var $iOpacity; var $iFadeHeight; // height of fading area. var $iPosYToCallNext; var __construct= function(){ $iCountFlocken++; $iDx = 0; $iAmp = Math.random()*$parent.oConf.amplitude; $iPosX = getPosX(); $iPosY = -30 - $iImgH; $iStepX = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; $iStepY = $iBaseStep + Math.random(); $iOpacity= 100; $iFadeHeight= $iStepY*100/5+$iImgH; $iPosYToCallNext= $iPosY + Math.floor($iStepY*($parent.oConf.interval*1000/$parent.oConf.speed)) + Math.floor($iStartposCorr); if(!$iPosYToCallNext) { $iPosYToCallNext=100; } $oE_Flocke= document.createElement('div'); $ 'absolute'; $ $iPosY+'px'; $ $iPosX+'px'; if($parent.oConf.graphic){ $ $iImgW+'px'; $ $iImgH+'px'; $ 'no-repeat'; $ = "contain"; $ 'url('+$parent.oConf.graphic+')'; } else{ $oE_Flocke.appendChild(document.createTextNode($parent.oConf.altsymbol)); $ $parent.oConf.altsymbolcolor; $ $parent.oConf.altsymbolsize+'px'; } $parent.oE_frame.appendChild($oE_Flocke); $oInterval= setInterval(letItSnow, $parent.oConf.speed); } var getPosX= function(){ var $i1, $iMax=0, $fMax=0, $fMaxTemp; for($i1=0; $i1<$parent.oConf.partition.length; $i1++){ $fMaxTemp= $parent.oConf.partition[$i1] * Math.random(); if($fMaxTemp>$fMax){ $fMax= $fMaxTemp; $iMax= $i1; } } var $iPuffer= $iImgW + $iAmp; var $iAvailW= $parent.iDocW() - 2*$iPuffer; var $iPartW= $iAvailW / $parent.oConf.partition.length; var $iPos= Math.floor( $iPuffer/2 + $iMax * $iPartW + Math.random() * $iPartW ); return $iPos; } var hide= function(){ var $fOpac100= $iOpacity/100; $ = 'Alpha(opacity=' + ($iOpacity) + ')'; // IE only $ = $fOpac100; // Mozilla only $ = $fOpac100; // Chrome, Mozilla return ($iOpacity-=5); } var letItSnow= function(){ $iPosY += $iStepY; if ($iPosY > ($parent.oE_frame.scrollHeight-$iFadeHeight)) { // IE, Chrome //if ($iPosY > ($$parent.env.h()-($iStepY*100/2+$iImgH))) { // Chrome if(hide()<=0){ clearInterval($oInterval); $parent.oE_frame.removeChild($oE_Flocke); $iCountFlocken--; } } $iDx += $iStepX; $ = $iPosX + $iAmp*BD.Math.sin($iDx) + "px"; $ = $iPosY + "px"; if($iPosYToCallNext && $iPosY>$iPosYToCallNext){ // start next createFlocke(); $iPosYToCallNext= false; } }//letItSnow __construct(); }// Flocke var createFlocke= function(){ // time to next Flocke //var $iSpan= $this.oConf.interval/3; //var $iRand= Math.random()*($iSpan); //$iRand= Math.floor($this.oConf.interval + ($iSpan/2-$iRand))*1000; //setTimeout(createFlocke, $iRand); var $iTime; if($iCountFlocken<$this.oConf.maxflakes){ new Flocke($this); $iStartposCorr-=1; } else{ setTimeout(createFlocke, 1000); $iStartposCorr+=3; $iCountOverflow++; } } __construct(); return $this; }// Schnee )();