This style sheet can be used for two different functions:
1. Override specific Bootstrap styles.
2. Add your own styles.
* Padding-top is required if using .navbar-fixed-top.
* This can be removed Remove if using .navbar-static-top.
* The height may need to be changed if the height of you
* navigation changes.
body { padding-top: 70px; }
* Bootstrap requires a containing element to wrap site contents
* and house the grid system. You may choose one of two containers.
* Use .container for a responsive fixed width container.
* Use .container-fluid for a full width container.
* If using container-fluid, you may need to set a maximum width,
* so that the container will not spread to the entire viewport.
.container-fluid { max-width: 1200px; }
* Bootstrap adds a 20px margin to the bottom of elements that
* have been given the class of thumbnail. When images have a
* caption after them, this margin may be too large. You can
* override it like this:
.thumbnail { margin-bottom: 5px; }
* We can add some "helper classes" to add or remove margins to
* help aspects of the layout. These helper classes should only
* be used sparingly.
.margin-t-0 { margin-top: 0; }
.margin-t-h { margin-top: .5em; }
.margin-t-1 { margin-top: 1em; }
.margin-t-2 { margin-top: 2em; }
.margin-t-3 { margin-top: 3em; }
.margin-b-0 { margin-bottom: 0; }
.margin-b-h { margin-bottom: .5em; }
.margin-b-1 { margin-bottom: 1em; }
.margin-b-2 { margin-bottom: 2em; }
.margin-b-3 { margin-bottom: 3em; }
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: .5em;
margin-bottom: .5em;
margin-top: 1em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
margin-top: 2em;
margin-bottom: 2em;
margin-top: 3em;
margin-bottom: 3em;