File: src/packages/chat/unit-test/controllers/chat-controller.spec.js

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File: src/packages/chat/unit-test/controllers/chat-controller.spec.js
Role: Example script
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Description: Example script
Class: Seed Sails Angular
Full stack framework based on Sails, Node, Angular
Author: By
Last change: Update of src/packages/chat/unit-test/controllers/chat-controller.spec.js
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 6,809 bytes


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import angular from 'angular'; import bootstrap from 'app/bootstrap'; //import chatModule from 'app/packages/chat/chatModule'; import 'angular-mocks'; describe('Todo Controller', () => { var chatCtrl, $rootScope, $state, $scope, $location, AuthenticationService, $appConstants, toastr, todoStorage = null; //function goTo(url) { // $state.go(url); // $rootScope.$digest(); //} //console.log("chatModule", chatModule); // Load the module containing the app, only 'ng' is loaded by default. //beforeEach(angular.mock.module(; it('Null parmas ... ', () => { console.log("testingggggggggg okok"); expect(todoStorage).toBeNull(); }); // //beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$state_, _$location_, _AuthenticationService_, _$appConstants_, _toastr_) { // $rootScope = _$rootScope_; //$scope = $rootScope.$new(); // $location = _$location_; //AuthenticationService = _AuthenticationService_; //$appConstants = _$appConstants_; //toastr = _toastr_; //$state = _$state_; // ////todoStorage = _todoStorage_; ////todoStorage.reset(); //})); //$scope, $location, Socket, AuthenticationService, $appConstants, toastr describe('initial state', function() { //beforeEach(inject(function($controller) { // chatCtrl = $controller('ChatController', { // $scope: $scope, //$rootScope: $rootScope, //Socket: Socket, //AuthenticationService: AuthenticationService, //$appConstants: $appConstants, //toastr: toastr // }); //})); // //it('should not have an edited Todo on start', function () { // expect($scope.editedTodo).toBeNull(); //}); // it('should not have any Todos on start', function () { // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(0); // }); // // it('should have all Todos completed', function () { // $scope.$digest(); // expect($scope.allChecked).toBeTruthy(); // }); }); // //describe('the filter', function () { // it('should default to ""', inject(function ($controller) { // chatCtrl = $controller('TodoCtrl', { // $rootScope: $rootScope, // $scope: $scope, // $state: $state // }); // // goTo('todo'); // expect($scope.statusFilter).toBeUndefined(); // })); //}); // //describe('being at /active', function () { // it('should filter non-completed', inject(function ($controller) { // chatCtrl = $controller('TodoCtrl', { // $rootScope: $rootScope, // $scope: $scope, // $state: $state // }); // // goTo(''); // expect($scope.statusFilter.completed).toBeFalsy(); // })); // // it('should filter non-completed with predefined state', inject(function ($controller) { // $state.current.url = '/active'; // // chatCtrl = $controller('TodoCtrl', { // $rootScope: $rootScope, // $scope: $scope, // $state: $state // }); // // expect($scope.statusFilter.completed).toBeFalsy(); // })); //}); // //describe('being at /completed', function () { // it('should filter completed', inject(function ($controller) { // chatCtrl = $controller('TodoCtrl', { // $rootScope: $rootScope, // $scope: $scope, // $state: $state // }); // // goTo('todo.completed'); // expect($scope.statusFilter.completed).toBeTruthy(); // })); // // it('should filter completed with predefined state', inject(function ($controller) { // $state.current.url = '/completed'; // // chatCtrl = $controller('TodoCtrl', { // $rootScope: $rootScope, // $scope: $scope, // $state: $state // }); // // expect($scope.statusFilter.completed).toBeTruthy(); // })); //}); // //describe('having no Todos', function () { // beforeEach(inject(function ($controller) { // chatCtrl = $controller('TodoCtrl', { // $rootScope: $rootScope, // $scope: $scope, // todoStorage: todoStorage // }); // $scope.$digest(); // })); // // it('should not add empty Todos', function () { // $scope.newTodo = ''; // $scope.addTodo(); // $scope.$digest(); // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(0); // }); // // it('should not add items consisting only of whitespaces', function () { // $scope.newTodo = ' '; // $scope.addTodo(); // $scope.$digest(); // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(0); // }); // // // it('should trim whitespace from new Todos', function () { // $scope.newTodo = ' buy some unicorns '; // $scope.addTodo(); // $scope.$digest(); // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(1); // expect($scope.todos[0].title).toBe('buy some unicorns'); // }); //}); // //describe('having some saved Todos', function () { // beforeEach(inject(function ($controller) { // chatCtrl = $controller('TodoCtrl', { // $rootScope: $rootScope, // $scope: $scope, // todoStorage: todoStorage // }); // // todoStorage.insert({ title: 'Uncompleted Item 0', completed: false }).then(); // todoStorage.insert({ title: 'Uncompleted Item 1', completed: false }).then(); // todoStorage.insert({ title: 'Uncompleted Item 2', completed: false }).then(); // todoStorage.insert({ title: 'Completed Item 0', completed: true }).then(); // todoStorage.insert({ title: 'Completed Item 1', completed: true }).then(); // $scope.$digest(); // })); // // it('should count Todos correctly', function () { // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(5); // expect($scope.remainingCount).toBe(3); // expect($scope.allChecked).toBeFalsy(); // }); // // it('should save Todos to local storage', function () { // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(5); // }); // // it('should remove Todos w/o title on saving', function () { // var todo = todoStorage.todos[2]; // $scope.editTodo(todo); // todo.title = ''; // $scope.saveEdits(todo); // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(4); // }); // // it('should trim Todos on saving', function () { // var todo = todoStorage.todos[0]; // $scope.editTodo(todo); // todo.title = ' buy moar unicorns '; // $scope.saveEdits(todo); // expect($scope.todos[0].title).toBe('buy moar unicorns'); // }); // // it('clearCompletedTodos() should clear completed Todos', function () { // $scope.clearCompletedTodos(); // expect($scope.todos.length).toBe(3); // }); // // it('markAll() should mark all Todos completed', function () { // $scope.markAll(true); // $scope.$digest(); // expect($scope.remainingCount).toBe(0); // expect($scope.completedCount).toBe(5); // }); // // it('revertTodo() get a Todo to its previous state', function () { // var todo = todoStorage.todos[0]; // $scope.editTodo(todo); // todo.title = 'Unicorn sparkly skypuffles.'; // $scope.revertEdits(todo); // $scope.$digest(); // expect($scope.todos[0].title).toBe('Uncompleted Item 0'); // }); //}); });