really lightweight and simple javascript template system
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##supported syntax:
- single variable parameters: ``{{varname}}``
- escaped single variable parameters: ``{{{varname}}}``
- if syntax: ``{{varname?}}varname as a value{{?varname}}``
- if not syntax ``{{varname!?}}varname as a value{{?varname}}``
- loop through each elements ``{{#elements}}<li>{{propname}}</li>{{/elements}}``
- even using alias ``{{#elements as elmt}}<li>{{elmt.propname}}</li>{{/elements}}``
- support dotted notation ``{{childs.length}}``
- even back reference ``{{../propName}}
- can even include sub templates ``{{>subTemplateName}}``
- filtering properties dynamicly ``{{firstname|ucFirst}}``
- including builtin filters: empty, jsonEncode,
lowerCase, ucFirst, upperCase, nl2br
## methods:
- stpl.registerScriptTag(DOMelment scriptTag,[String name (default to rel attribute value)]) register the content of a script type="text/stpl" as a template string
- stpl.registerString(String name, String templateString) register a string as a template
- stpl.registerFilter(String name,Function filter) register a filter any global function can be used as a filter without being previously registered
- stpl.preload() preload all script tags with type="text/stpl" as template string using their rel attribute as name.
- stpl.renderString(String templateString,Object datas,Object context) render the given template string using given datas. A context may be passed ans will be used for accessing parent properties for example
- stpl(String templateName, Object datas) will render previously registered template string with given datas