## Overview
This class makes use of Ajax easier. It allows you to make *asynchronous* (default) or *synchronous* request.
## How to use this
Please see the small example I did in the example folder.
You can also do your testing in here.
## Example
* HTML Code:
<h1>The Member(s):</h1>
<div id="data"></div>
* JS Code:
// Create object
var oAjax = new AJAPH;
// GET method
oAjax.send("GET", "member_search.pl", "sex=m&active=1&age=18").setResponseHtml("data");
// POST method
oAjax.send("POST", "member_data.pl", "user_id=2939&visible=y").setResponseHtml("data");
_Attention, you need JavaScript after the HTML id that must receive the data otherwise it will not work because JavaScript will not find the html ID._
## Author
Pierre-Henry Soria
## License
[General Public License](http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) (GPL) 3 or later.