define([], function () {
var trans = {
//--- MENU ---
registration: 'registration',
login: 'login',
logout: 'log out',
account: 'account',
home: 'home',
blog: 'blog',
testing: 'testing',
russian: 'russian',
english: 'english',
license: 'license',
product_overview: 'product overview',
loading_resources: 'loading resources',
gray: 'gray',
blue: 'blue',
pagination: 'pagination',
user_posts: 'user posts',
examples: 'examples',
community: 'community',
guide: 'guide',
forum: 'forum',
сhat: 'сhat',
readme: 'readme',
//--- FORM ---
Username: 'Username',
First_name: 'First name',
Second_name: 'Second name',
Password: 'Password',
Email: 'Email',
Save: 'Save',
Login: 'Login',
Created: 'Created',
Title: 'Title',
Body: 'Body',
Personal_mobile: 'Personal mobile',
//--- MESSAGES ---
developer_copyright: "© 2016 by Sergei Beskorovainyi. All rights reserved",
alert_warning: 'attention',
alert_danger: 'error',
alert_success: 'congratulations',
alert_info: 'information',
congratulate_successful_registration: 'congratulate you successful registration',
information_your_login: 'information about your login',
address_page_login: 'address of page login',
user_logon: 'user logon',
yours_faithfully: 'yours faithfully',
web_site_administrator: 'WEB site administrator',
new_user: 'new user',
learn_more: 'learn more',
get: 'get',
search_on_symfony: 'Search on Symfony',
search: 'search',
add_post: 'add post',
edit: 'edit',
delete: 'delete',
my_posts: 'my posts',
not_found: 'not found',
all_posts: 'all posts',
author: 'author',
edit_post: 'edit post',
user_messages: 'user messages',
added_new_message: 'Added new message "{{ title }}"',
deleted_this_message: 'Deleted message "{{ title }}"',
edited_this_message: 'Edited message "{{ title }}"',
communication_error: "Communication error",
task_list: "task list",
todo: 'todo',
what_must_be_done: "what must be done",
mark_all_as_completed: "mark all as completed",
clear_completed: "clear completed",
you_can_download_with: "you can download with",
clear: 'clear',
completed: 'completed',
finalized: 'finalized',
task: 'task',
tasks: 'tasks',
double_click_to_edit_task: 'double-click to edit task',
developer: 'developer',
debug: 'debug',
previous: 'Previous',
next: 'Next',
help: 'help',
select_scheme: 'select scheme',
select_language: 'select language',
documentation: 'documentation',
examples_todos_lists_various_frameworks: 'Examples of ToDos lists of various frameworks',
//--- VALIDATE ---
valid_please_enter_your_firstname: "Please enter your name",
valid_please_enter_your_lastname: "Please enter your last name",
valid_please_provide_password: "Please enter your password",
valid_please_provide_login: "Enter your login",
valid_please_enter_date: "Please enter date",
valid_please_enter_email: "Please enter E-Mail",
valid_please_choose_value_from_list: "Please select from the list value",
valid_date_ru_must_be_format: "Please type the date in the format 01.12.2014",
valid_your_password_must_least_n_characters_long: "Your password must be at least 3 characters",
valid_your_login_must_least_n_characters_long: "Your login must be at least 3 characters",
valid_please_confirm_your_password: "Please enter the same password as above",
valid_please_enter_valid_email_address: "Please enter a valid Email address",
valid_user_with_this_login_already_exists: "A user with this login already exists",
valid_user_with_this_phone_already_exists: "User with this phone already exists",
valid_user_with_this_email_already_exists: "Users with E-Mail already exists",
valid_please_enter_valid_login: "Please enter a valid login",
valid_please_enter_valid_reg_code: "Please enter the correct registration code",
valid_please_enter_reg_code: "Please enter a registration code",
valid_user_with_this_login_not_exists: "User with this login missing"
return trans;