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File: trivia.html
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: JavaScript Trivia Game Questions
Show and process a trivia questions game
Author: By
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Date: 2013-02-04 04:59
Size: 2,188 bytes


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<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Trivia Game</title>
<link href="trivia/trivia.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<div id="trivia">
 <div id="tcateg">Trivia Category:</div>
 <div id="quiz"><h3>Welcome to Trivia Game</h3><strong>Levels:</strong><ul><li>Level 1 - Easy - It is displayed a list of answers to each quiz. Click the correct answer.</li><li>Level 2 - Difficult - It is displayed a text box in which you must write the answer, then click on Send button.</li></ul><strong>Mode</strong><ul><li>Consecutive - The quiestions start from the quiz with index number added into a text field, and are added in their order till the last quiz.</li><li>Random - The quizzes are choosed randomly, till the last quiz, without repeat.</li></ul>&bull; <strong>Countdown Timer</strong> - If that button is checked, you have 15 seconds to answer till the next quiz is added automatically.<br/><br/> - Click the Start button to start the quizzes. The Reset button resets the Trivia.<div id="tfrom">From: <a href="http://coursesweb.net/ title="Web Programming and Development Courses">http://CoursesWeb.net</a></div></div>
 <div id="answered">
  <h4>Quizzes: <em id="nqansw">0</em> of <span id="ntotalq"></span></h4>
  <span id="nca">0</span> - Correct answers<br/>
  <span id="nia">0</span> - Incorrect answers
 <div id="qdata">
  <label for="level1"><input type="radio" name="level" id="level1" checked="checked" />Level 1</label>
  <label for="level2"><input type="radio" name="level" id="level2" />Level 2</label>
  <label for="qindex"><input type="radio" name="qmode" id="qindex" checked="checked" />Consecutive</label>
  <div id="startqn">From <input type="text" size="1" name="nquiz" id="nquiz" value="1" /> to <span id="totalq"></span></div>
  <label for="qrandom"><input type="radio" name="qmode" id="qrandom" />Random</label>
  <label for="qctimer"><input type="checkbox" id="qctimer" />Countdown Timer</label><hr/>
  <button id="squiz">Start</button>
  <button id="treset" disabled="disabled">Reset</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="trivia/trivia.js"></script>
