File: test/browser/speed.php

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File: test/browser/speed.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: class.js
Create classes with Node.js, jQuery and JavaScript
Author: By
Last change: Update of test/browser/speed.php
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 3,584 bytes


Class file image Download
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="benchmark/jquery-benchmark-suit.css" /> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="benchmark/jquery-benchmark.js"></script> <script src="benchmark/jquery-benchmark-suit.js"></script> <script src="../../jquery.class<?php echo isset($_GET["a"]) ? $_GET["a"] : "" ?>.js"></script> <script> plugin("jQuery.Class"); module("Build"); test("Building 20.000 basic classes", 10000, function(t){ var a,b; while(t--) { a = $.Class({ init: function(){}, fn: function(){}, ds: function(){}, fds: function(){}, fds: function(){} }); b = a.extend({ init: function(){this._parent();}, fds: function(){}, asd: function(){}, vcx: function(){}, few: function(){}, dqw: function(){} }); } }); test("Building 20.000 static classes", 10000, function(t){ var a,b; while(t--) { a = $.Class({ staticFn: function(){}, prototype: { init: function(){} } }); b = a.extend({ staticFn: function(){this._parent();}, prototype: { init: function(){this._parent();} } }); } }); var fns = {}; var times = 50; while(times--) fns["fn"+times] = function(){}; test("Extending an instance", 10000, function(t){ var instance = new ($.Class({ init: function(){ } })); while(t--) { instance.addMethods({ init: function(){ this._parent(); } }); } }); module("Initalizing"); test("Initalizing an object with the new keyword with a constructor", 100000, function(t){ var b, a = $.Class({ init: function(){} }); while(t--) { b = new a(); } }); test("Initalizing an object without using the new keyword with a constructor", 100000, function(t){ var b, a = $.Class({ init: function(){} }); while(t--) { b = a(); } }); test("Initalizing an object with the new keyword without a constructor", 100000, function(t){ var b, a = $.Class({}); while(t--) { b = new a(); } }); test("Initalizing an object without using the new keyword without a constructor", 100000, function(t){ var b, a = $.Class({}); while(t--) { b = a(); } }); test("Initalizing an object with the new keyword, reference", 100000, function(t){ function A(){} while(t--) { new A(); } }); module("Calling"); (function(){ var A = $.Class({ fn: function () {} }); var B = A.extend({ fn: function () { this._parent(); }, fn2: function(){ this._parent.fn(); } }); var b = new B(); test("_parent function call", 100000, function (t) { while(t--) b.fn(); }); test("_parent.fn function call", 100000, function (t) { while(t--) b.fn2(); }); }()); (function(){ var A = function(){}; A.prototype.fn = function(){}; var B = function(){}; B.prototype.fn = function(){ A.prototype.fn.apply(this, arguments); }; var b = new B(); test("_parent function call, reference", 100000, function (t) { while(t--) b.fn(); }); }()); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>