File: commands/webfan/install.js

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  Classes of Melanie Wehowski   Widget CLI   commands/webfan/install.js   Download  
File: commands/webfan/install.js
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Widget CLI
Process commands entered by the user
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 3,137 bytes


Class file image Download
var what = false; var n = false; var download = false; exports.finalize = function(CLI){ if('widget' === what && download){ // frdl.UI.progress().start() ; $.ajax( { url: download, crossDomain: true, cache:false, headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'/*, 'X-Frdl-Nw': (!!frdl.nw) ? 'true' : 'false' */ }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'TEXT', data: { } } ) .done(function(response) { //alert(response); var fs = require('fs'); //frdl.UI.progress().start() ; // var path = '' + frdl.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR + n +frdl.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; frdl.fs5.polyfill.getFiler().cd(frdl.fs5.polyfill.getFiler().fs.root); fs.mkdir(path, '0755', function(err,dirEntry) { if(err){ console.warn(err); // return; } //frdl.UI.progress().start() ; frdl.fs5.polyfill.getFiler().cd(frdl.fs5.polyfill.getFiler().fs.root); fs.writeFile(path + '', response, function(err, data){ if(err){ console.error(err); // return; } frdl.alert.error('...sorry, not fully implemented but coming very soon...!'); // frdl.UI.progress().complete() ; } ); }); // frdl.UI.progress().complete() ; }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { frdl.alert.error('Error: ' + + jqXHR.status); }) .always(function() { // frdl.UI.progress().complete() ; }); } //'widget' === what }; exports.prepare = function(CLI){ CLI.addOption('download', 'Specify download url', function(name, value) { download = value; }); var parse_second_arg = function(value){ what = value; }; var parse_third_arg = function(value){ n = value; }; CLI.positionalSwitches[1] = parse_second_arg; CLI.positionalSwitches[2] = parse_third_arg; };