Submy: JQuery Validation Forms and Ajax Submit Data
Get Started<br>
Download Submy.min.js
Include JQuery and Submy in your page
Include JQuery v2.1 or higher
Start coding ... :)
Submy Init
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Submy - hello world</title>
<form id="login">
<input type="text" name="username">
<input type="password" name="pass">
<div id="message"></div>
<button id="loginSubmit">submit</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/Submy.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// $(selector).submy({ options });
submitId: '#loginSubmit', // btn submit id
messageId: '#message', // respond message id
Create Your Rules
There are two ways to write your own rules, either by data-submy=' JSON Format ' in input or in the options object by rules , you can combine two, provided that there is no conflict of inputs names
Start Example
<form id="startExpl">
<input name="full-name" data-submy='{"required": true, "type": "text", "min": 4, "max": 30}'>
<input name="user-name" data-submy='{"required": "please add your username", "type": "username", "min": 4, "max": 10, "typeMesasge": "please add a valid username"}'>
<input name="user-email" data-submy='{"required": "please add your email", "type": "email", "typeMessage": "please add valid email"}'>
<!-- required false -->
<select name="ctry">
<option value="uk">UK</option>
<option value="us">USA</option>
<input id="password" name="user-pass" data-submy='{"required": true, "type": "password"}'>
<input name="conf-pass" data-submy='{"required": true, "type": "password", "is": ["equal", "#password"], "showError": ["after": "#notPassMessage"]}'>
<div id="notPassMessage"></div>
<div id="message"></div>
<button id="loginSubmit">submit</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
submitId: '#loginSubmit',
messageId: '#message',
ajax: {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
done: function(text, st, ob) {
console.log(text, st, ob);
Example 2
<form id="ex2">
<input name="fullname"> <!--See Rules -->
<input name="user-name" data-submy='{"required": "please add your username", "type": "username", "min": 4, "max": 10, "typeMesasge": "please add a valid username"}'>
<input name="useremail">
<!-- required false -->
<select name="ctry">
<option value="uk">UK</option>
<option value="us">USA</option>
<textarea name="text-area" data-submy='{"required": true, "max": 500, "maxMessage": "maximum text is {{max}} chars"}'></textarea>
<input id="password" name="user-pass" data-submy='{"required": true, "type": "password"}'>
<input name="conf-pass" data-submy='{"required": true, "type": "password", "is": ["equal", "#password"], "showError": ["after", "#notPassMessage"]}'>
<div id="notPassMessage"></div>
<input name="thisFile" data-submy='{"type": "file", "typeMessage": "please add your image", "minSize": 30, "minSizeMessage": "min file size is {{min}}", "maxSize": 500000}'>
<input value="checkbox value test" data-submy='{"type": "checkbox", "required": true}'>
<div id="message"></div>
<button id="loginSubmit">submit</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Submy.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
submitId: '#loginSubmit',
messageId: '#message',
fileUpload: true,
rules: {
fullname: {
required: true,
type: "text",
min: 4,
max: 30
useremail: {
required: "please add your email",
type: "email",
typeMessage: "please add valid email"
ajax: {
url: '',
//method: 'POST', ajax default method is POST
submit.php example 2
$res = new \stdClass;
$res->type = 'danger'; // info , success ...
$res->message = 'email not exists';
echo json_encode($res);
submit.php example 3
// echo '<script>alert("hi");</script>';
echo '<div> test </div>';
Submy Options
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
| submitId | string | #submit | form submit btn id |
| messageId | string | #formMessage | form message id |
| validOn | string | submit | valid form on submit btn click or form change |
| rules | object | {} | inputs rules |
| fileUpload | boolean | false | file upload in form |
| charset | string | UTF-8 | form charset |
| errConsole | boolean | true | show submy error, warn , log |
| showError | array | [] | default show input error : [] after input , ['before', '#test'] , ['after', '#test'] , ['in', 'test'] |
| jsonDone | callback function | false | submy json done function |
| done | callback function | false | ajax done |
Submy Rules Options
| Options | Types | Default | Description |
| required | boolean or string | false , if true defualt is : this field is required , if type = file : please choose file | input/select/textarea/input file are required ? |
| type | string | input type attr | input content types : file , text , email , url , number , username , checkbox , radio . for validation (date types now not supported , next update Inchaallah in v1.2) |
| typeMessage | string | this field is not valid | type option error message |
| min | number | | minimum number if type = number , minimum length if type = text |
| minMessage | string | minimum length is: {{min}} | minimum number is: {{min}} | min option error message |
| max | number | maximum length is: {{max}} | maximum number is: {{max}} | maximum number if type = number , maximum length if type = text |
| is | array | [] | run submyIsFunctions : ["equal", "#xInput"] : check this input value is === #xInput input value |
| isEqual | string | error in this field | is equal error message |
| types | array | ['/'] | determine file mime types ex : ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'] |
| typesMessage | string | file type is not allowed | types options error message |
| minSize | number | | file minimum size by bytes |
| minSizeMessage | string | minimum file size is: {{min}} | minSize error message |
| maxSize | number | | max file size by bytes |
| maxSizeMessage | string | maximum file size is: {{max}} | maxSize error message |
full documentation is coming
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Copyright © Mohamed Elbahja . GPL-3.0