<script src="form-valid.js"></script>
Initiate form validator
Add a <span> with a class above the input
in the input add an attribute "data-vf"
---- this contains a comma seperated list :
------------first add type of data to check for
------------ email = check valid email
-------------email-confirm = check confirm email is equal to original email
-------------password = password
-------------password-confirm = check passwords are equal
-------------number = check for a valid number
-------------date = check for a valid date
-------------url = check for a valid url
set custom error and success messages
ValidateForm.setMsg('emailsMatch', 'Great match');
in the form of input-check , 'MESSAGE'
valid fields :
--------emailsMatch = 'When the two emails match'
--------emailsNoMatch = 'when the two emails don't match'
--------inValidEmail = 'When the email is invalid'
--------validEmail = 'emails match'
note :
ensure submit doesn't have an id of submit will prevent form from submitting when valid
--------at least 8 characters
--------at least 1 number
--------at least 1 lowercase character (a-z)
--------least 1 uppercase character (A-Z)