File: tests/properties/keyboard.ts

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File: tests/properties/keyboard.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Angular Moment Picker
Pick times and dates in Angular.js applications
Author: By
Last change: Update of tests/properties/keyboard.ts
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 6,022 bytes


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import * as angular from 'angular'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import * as test from '../utility'; import { IProviderOptions } from '../../src/provider'; import { ViewString, IView } from '../../src/definitions'; import { KEYS } from '../../src/utility'; import * as views from '../../src/views'; describe('Keyboard', () => { // init test test.bootstrap(); // available keyboard keys type MockKeyboardKeys = 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right' | 'enter' | 'escape' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c'; KEYS['a'] = 65; KEYS['b'] = 66; KEYS['c'] = 67; // create an event object for each key to test const EVENTS: { [name: string]: () => JQueryEventObject } = {}; angular.forEach(KEYS, (code: number, key: MockKeyboardKeys) => { EVENTS[key] = () => $.Event('keydown', { keyCode: code }); }); /** * Utility function to trigger a custom event to a picker input field. * It first focus on the input to ensure the key is sent from the input field. */ const sendKey = ($input: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, key: MockKeyboardKeys): JQueryEventObject => { // get input focus first test.trigger($input, 'focus'); // get a fresh event let event = EVENTS[key](); // and trigger it! test.trigger($input, event); return event; }; // preventDefault() describe('default prevented event', () => { let $input: ng.IAugmentedJQuery; beforeEach(() => { $input = test.buildTemplate('input', { keyboard: 'true' }); }); // prevent default event ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'enter'].forEach((key: MockKeyboardKeys) => { it('should be set for ' + key.toUpperCase() + ' key', () => { let event = sendKey($input, key); expect(event.isDefaultPrevented()).toBe(true); }); }); // do not prevent default event it('should be set for all the other keys', () => { ['escape', 'a', 'b', 'c'].forEach((key: MockKeyboardKeys) => { let event = sendKey($input, key); expect(event.isDefaultPrevented()).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('picker open/close', () => { let $input: ng.IAugmentedJQuery; const isOpen = () => test.getPicker($input).is(':visible'); beforeEach(inject(($rootScope) => { $input = test.buildTemplate('input', { keyboard: 'true' }); })); // close picker on pressing ESC it('should close the picker after pressing ESC key', () => { // focus on input test.trigger($input, 'focus'); // press ESC to close the picker (without clicking on the input first) test.trigger($input, EVENTS['escape']()); // check if the picker is closed expect(isOpen()).toBe(false); }); // open picker after pressing UP or DOWN key ['up', 'down'].forEach((key: MockKeyboardKeys) => { it('should open the picker after pressing ' + key.toUpperCase() + ' key', () => { // focus on input and close the picker sendKey($input, 'escape'); // send key to be tested test.trigger($input, EVENTS[key]()); // check picker opening expect(isOpen()).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('navigation', () => { let locale = 'en'; let $scope: ng.IScope; let formats: { [name: string]: string } = {}; let date = moment('2017-12-20 15:27:55', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); let previousSettings: IProviderOptions; const pickerViews = ['decade', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute']; const commonOpts = { keyboard: 'true', ngModel: 'date', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', class: 'input-picker', locale: locale }; const getHighlightedText = ($element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery) => test.getPicker($element).find('td.highlighted').text(); // get formats from momentPickerProvider beforeEach(inject(($rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService, momentPicker: IProviderOptions) => { // tslint:disable-line:variable-name $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $scope['date'] = date; // get provider options previousSettings = momentPicker; formats['decade'] = momentPicker.yearsFormat; formats['year'] = momentPicker.monthsFormat; formats['month'] = momentPicker.daysFormat; formats['day'] = momentPicker.hoursFormat; formats['hour'] = momentPicker.minutesFormat || moment.localeData(locale).longDateFormat('LT').replace(/[aA]/, '').trim(); formats['minute'] = momentPicker.secondsFormat; // set steps on HourView momentPicker.minutesStep = 1; momentPicker.secondsStep = 1; })); // after each tests reset momentPickerProvider afterEach(inject((momentPicker: IProviderOptions) => { momentPicker = previousSettings; })); pickerViews.forEach((view: ViewString, index: number) => { const viewPrecision = <moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor>(index === pickerViews.length - 1 ? 'seconds' : pickerViews[index + 1]); const viewMultiplier = view == 'decade' ? 10 : 1; const itemsPerLine = { decade: 4, year: 4, month: 7, day: 4, hour: 4, minute: 6 }[view]; const keysOperations = { up: 'subtract', down: 'add', left: 'subtract', right: 'add' }; // highlight on open it('should highlight the selected ' + view + ' on picker open', () => { let options = angular.extend({ startView: view }, commonOpts), $input = test.buildTemplate('input', options, undefined, $scope); expect(getHighlightedText($input)).toBe(date.format(formats[view])); }); // highlight on key press angular.forEach(keysOperations, (operation: 'add' | 'subtract', key: MockKeyboardKeys) => { const datesToShift = key == 'left' || key == 'right' ? 1 : itemsPerLine; const title = 'should highlight ' + (keysOperations[key] == 'add' ? 'next' : 'previous') + ' ' + datesToShift + ' ' + viewPrecision + (datesToShift != 1 ? 's' : '') + ' after pressing ' + key.toUpperCase() + ' key'; it(title, () => { let options = angular.extend({ startView: view }, commonOpts), $input = test.buildTemplate('input', options, undefined, $scope), finalDate = date.clone()[operation](datesToShift, viewPrecision); sendKey($input, key); expect(getHighlightedText($input)).toBe(finalDate.format(formats[view])); }); }); }); }); });