// Class to get and save Drop-Down Select Lists - http://coursesweb.net/
class buildSLists {
// properties
static protected $conn = false; // stores the connection to mysql
public $affected_rows = 0; // number of affected, or returned rows in SQL query
public $eror = false; // to store and check for errors
// constructor
public function __construct() {
// if required data are received
if(isset($_POST['resname']) && isset($_POST['ajx'])) {
$_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST); // removes whitesapces
// if $_POST['idop'] returns data from MySQL; else, if $_POST['sdata'], calls method to save data
if(isset($_POST['idop'])) echo $this->getSlistsMysql($_POST['resname'], $_POST['idop']); // required <select>
else if(isset($_POST['geto'])) echo $this->allSlistsMysql($_POST['resname']); // data for all <select>s
else if(isset($_POST['sdata'])) echo $this->saveData();
// to save Drop-Down Lists code
public function saveData() {
$re = '';
// checks if correct Name and Password
if(isset($_POST['admname']) && isset($_POST['admpass']) && $_POST['admname'] == ADMNAME && $_POST['admpass'] == ADMPASS) {
if(isset($_POST['sdata']) && isset($_POST['admname']) && isset($_POST['admpass'])) {
// calls the methods to save data, according to 'txt', 'mysql', 'txtmysql'
if($_POST['saveto'] == 'txt') {
if(file_put_contents('../slists/'. $_POST['resname'] .'.txt', $_POST['sdata'])) $re = 'Data saved in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'.txt"';
else $re = 'Unable to save data in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'.txt"';
else if($_POST['saveto'] == 'mysql') {
if($this->saveSListsMysql($_POST['resname'], $_POST['sdata'])) $re = ' Data saved in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'" table';
else $re = ' Unable to save data in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'" table';
else if($_POST['saveto'] == 'txtmysql') {
if(file_put_contents('../slists/'. $_POST['resname'] .'.txt', $_POST['sdata'])) $re = 'Data saved in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'.txt"';
else $re = 'Unable to save data in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'.txt"';
if($this->saveSListsMysql($_POST['resname'], $_POST['sdata'])) $re .= PHP_EOL .'Data saved in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'" table';
else $re .= PHP_EOL .'Unable to save data in "'. $_POST['resname'] .'" table';
else $re = 'Incorrect Name or Password. Data Not saved.';
return $re;
// for connecting to mysql
protected function setConn() {
try {
// Connect and create the PDO object
self::$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=".DBHOST."; dbname=".DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPASS);
// Sets to handle the errors in the ERRMODE_EXCEPTION mode
self::$conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
self::$conn->exec('SET character_set_client="utf8",character_set_connection="utf8",character_set_results="utf8";'); // Sets encoding UTF-8
catch(PDOException $e) {
$this->eror = 'Unable to connect to MySQL: '. $e->getMessage();
// Performs SQL queries
public function sqlExecute($sql) {
if(self::$conn===false OR self::$conn===NULL) $this->setConn(); // sets the connection to mysql
$re = true; // the value to be returned
// if there is a connection set ($conn property not false)
if(self::$conn !== false) {
// gets the first word in $sql, to determine whenb SELECT query
$ar_mode = explode(' ', trim($sql), 2);
$mode = strtolower($ar_mode[0]);
// performs the query and get returned data
try {
if($sqlprep = self::$conn->prepare($sql)) {
// execute query
if($sqlprep->execute()) {
// if $mode is 'select', gets the result_set to return
if($mode == 'select' || $mode == 'show') {
$re = array();
// if fetch() returns at least one row (not false), adds the rows in $re for return
if(($row = $sqlprep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false){
do {
// check each column if it has numeric value, to convert it from "string"
foreach($row AS $k=>$v) {
if(is_numeric($v)) $row[$k] = $v + 0;
$re[] = $row;
while($row = $sqlprep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
$this->affected_rows = count($re); // number of returned rows
else $this->eror = 'Cannot execute the sql query';
else {
$eror = self::$conn->errorInfo();
$this->eror = 'Error: '. $eror[2];
catch(PDOException $e) {
$this->eror = $e->getMessage();
// sets to return false in case of error
if($this->eror !== false) {
/// echo $this->eror;
$re = false;
return $re;
// returns true if the table exists, else, false
public function checkTable($table) {
$resql = $this->sqlExecute("SHOW TABLES IN ". DBNAME ." WHERE `Tables_in_". DBNAME ."`='$table'");
if($this->affected_rows > 0) return true;
else return false;
// saves categories data in MySQL database, returns true or false
public function saveSListsMysql($table, $sdata) {
// if table exists, empty it, else, creates it
if($this->checkTable($table) === true) $this->sqlExecute("DELETE FROM `$table`");
else {
$this->sqlExecute("CREATE TABLE `$table` (`id` INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, `value` CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `content` VARCHAR(5000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `parent` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci");
$jsn = json_decode($sdata, true);
// traverse the seccond array from $jsn, "optData", and define $values to be inserted
$values = '';
foreach($jsn[1] as $id=>$category) {
$values .= '('. $id .", '". addslashes($category['value']) ."', '". addslashes($category['content']) ."', ". $category['parent'] ."),";
// insert $values, deleting last ','
if($this->sqlExecute("INSERT INTO `$table` (`id`, `value`, `content`, `parent`) VALUES ". trim($values, ','))) return true;
else return false;
// gets all Select Lists data from table, returns JSON with objects for $optHierarchy and $optData in JS
public function allSlistsMysql($table) {
$row = $this->sqlExecute("SELECT * FROM `$table`");
// if rowa from SELECT, create two arrays with data for $optHierarchy and $optData in JS
if($row && $this->affected_rows > 0) {
$optHierarchy = array(); $optData = array();
for($i=0; $i<$this->affected_rows; $i++) {
$optData[$row[$i]['id']] = array('value'=>stripslashes($row[$i]['value']), 'content'=>stripslashes($row[$i]['content']), 'parent'=>$row[$i]['parent']);
// Set $optHierarchy according to ID of the parent category
$parent = $row[$i]['parent'];
// if $parent not item in $optHierarchy, and not Root (id 0), create it, else, append the 'id'
if(!isset($optHierarchy[$parent]) && $row[$i]['id'] > 0) $optHierarchy[$parent] = array($row[$i]['id']);
else if($row[$i]['id'] > 0) $optHierarchy[$parent][] = $row[$i]['id'];
return json_encode(array($optHierarchy, $optData)); // returns the JSON string used in JS
else return 'Resource Not Found';
// returns JSON with 2 items: array with 'id_val' of child-options, and content of selected <option>
public function getSlistsMysql($table, $idop) {
$options = array('idv'=>array(), 'content'=>'');
$row = $this->sqlExecute("SELECT e1.id, e1.value, e2.content FROM `$table` AS e1 INNER JOIN `$table` AS e2 ON `e2`.`id`=$idop WHERE `e1`.`parent`=$idop");
// if rowa with option-childs from SELECT, adds data in $options, else, SELECT only for option-content
if($row && $this->affected_rows > 0) {
for($i=0; $i<$this->affected_rows; $i++) {
$options['idv'][] = $row[$i]['id'] .'_'. stripslashes($row[$i]['value']);
else {
$row = $this->sqlExecute("SELECT content FROM `$table` WHERE `id`=$idop");
// if $row with data, add option-content and returns JSON, else, jeans not $table in database
if($row && $this->affected_rows > 0) {
$options['content'] = stripslashes($row[0]['content']);
return json_encode($options);
else return 'Resource Not Found';
} |