File: src/console.js

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  Classes of Filip Štamcar   EthAvatar.JS   src/console.js   Download  
File: src/console.js
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: EthAvatar.JS
Get avatar image for an Ethereum address
Author: By
Last change: Fix lint
Update dependencies
Add support for ENS domains
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 4,312 bytes


Class file image Download
#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict' const Web3 = require('web3') const IpfsClient = require('ipfs-http-client') const program = require('commander') const settings = require('user-settings').file('.ethavatar') const EthAvatar = require('./client.js') const FileHelper = require('./helpers/file.js') const { version } = require('../package.json') const __getWeb3Connection = (required, optional) => { let web3Connection try { if (typeof optional.web3 === 'string') { web3Connection = new Web3(optional.web3) } else if (typeof settings.get('web3') !== 'undefined') { web3Connection = new Web3(settings.get('web3')) } else { process.stderr.write('Web3 connection not specified!') process.exit(1) } } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(error.message) process.exit(1) } return web3Connection } const __getIpfsConnection = (required, optional) => { let ipfsConnection try { if (typeof optional.ipfs === 'string') { ipfsConnection = IpfsClient(optional.ipfs) } else if (typeof settings.get('ipfs') !== 'undefined') { ipfsConnection = IpfsClient(optional.ipfs) } else { ipfsConnection = IpfsClient('') } } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(error.message) process.exit(1) } return ipfsConnection } const __getFileHelper = (web3Connection, ipfsConnection) => { const ethavatar = new EthAvatar(web3Connection, ipfsConnection) const fileHelper = new FileHelper(ethavatar) return fileHelper } const config = (optional) => { if (typeof optional.web3 === 'string') { settings.set('web3', optional.web3) } else if (optional.web3 === true) { settings.unset('web3') } if (typeof optional.ipfs === 'string') { settings.set('ipfs', optional.ipfs) } else if (optional.ipfs === true) { settings.unset('ipfs') } const web3Conn = typeof settings.get('web3') !== 'undefined' ? settings.get('web3') : 'Not set' const ipfsConn = typeof settings.get('ipfs') !== 'undefined' ? settings.get('ipfs') : 'Not set' process.stdout.write('Current Web3 connection: ' + web3Conn + '\n') process.stdout.write('Current IPFS connection: ' + ipfsConn) } const get = async (required, optional) => { const web3Connection = __getWeb3Connection(required, optional) const ipfsConnection = __getIpfsConnection(required, optional) const fileHelper = __getFileHelper(web3Connection, ipfsConnection) let address if (typeof optional.address === 'string') { address = optional.address } else { address = (await web3Connection.eth.getAccounts())[0] } try { await fileHelper.toFile(required, address) } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(error.message) process.exit(1) } process.stdout.write(`Avatar of address ${address} has been written to file ${required}`) process.exit(0) } const set = async (required, optional) => { const web3Connection = __getWeb3Connection(required, optional) const ipfsConnection = __getIpfsConnection(required, optional) const fileHelper = __getFileHelper(web3Connection, ipfsConnection) try { await fileHelper.fromFile(required) } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(error.message) process.exit(1) } const address = (await web3Connection.eth.getAccounts())[0] process.stdout.write(`Avatar of address ${address} from file ${required} has been uploaded to blockchain`) process.exit(0) } program .version(version) .description('JavaScript API for EthAvatar') program .command('config') .description('Set Web3 and IPFS connection') .option('--web3 [optional]', 'Web3 Conenction') .option('--ipfs [optional]', 'IPFS Conenction') .action(config) program .command('get <filename>') .description('Get avatar of address to file') .option('--web3 [optional]', 'Web3 Conenction') .option('--ipfs [optional]', 'IPFS Conenction') .option('--address [optional]', 'Ethereum address or ENS domain') .action(get) program .command('set <filename>') .description('Set avatar of address from file') .option('--web3 [optional]', 'Web3 Conenction') .option('--ipfs [optional]', 'IPFS Conenction') .action(set) if (process.argv.length === 2) { process.stdout.write(program.helpInformation()) } else { program.parse(process.argv) }