File: test/rules/alphaDash.js

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  Classes of Harcharan Singh   Node Input Validator   test/rules/alphaDash.js   Download  
File: test/rules/alphaDash.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Node Input Validator
Validate submitted input values in Node.js
Author: By
Last change: release v4.4
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,143 bytes


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const assert = require('assert'); const { Validator } = require('../../lib/index'); describe('alphaDash', () => { it('should pass with example', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: 'example' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('should pass with example-test', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: 'example-test' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('should pass with alpha-numeric value', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: 'now123' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('should pass with numbers', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: '123' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('should pass with alpha, dash and numbers', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: 'now-123' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('should pass with underscore', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: 'u_name' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('should fail with special char', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: 'u@name' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); }); it('message should exist', async () => { const v = new Validator( { username: 'u+name' }, { username: 'alphaDash' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); assert.equal( v.errors.username.message, v.getExistinParsedMessage({ rule: 'alphaDash', value: 'u+name', attr: 'username', }), ); }); });