const assert = require('assert');
const { Validator } = require('../../lib/index');
describe('between', () => {
it('should pass with integer', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ age: '19' },
{ age: 'between:16,21' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, true);
it('should fail with max seed', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ age: '29' },
{ age: 'between:16,21' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, false);
it('should fail with min seed', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ age: '15' },
{ age: 'between:16,21' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, false);
it('should pass with decimal input and integer seeds', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ price: '19.99' },
{ price: 'between:19,20' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, true);
it('should pass with decimal input and mixed seeds', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ price: '19.98' },
{ price: 'between:19,19.98' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, true);
it('should fail with max decimal seed', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ price: '19.99' },
{ price: 'between:19,19.89' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, false);
it('should pass with array length', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ features: [1, 2, 3] },
{ features: 'between:3,5' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, true);
it('should fail with array min length', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ features: [1, 2] },
{ features: 'between:3,6' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, false);
it('should fail with array max length', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ features: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] },
{ features: 'between:3,5' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, false);
it('should throw invalid seed count exception', async () => {
try {
const v = new Validator({ attribute: 'Harcharan Singh' }, { attribute: 'required|between:a' });
await v.check();
throw new Error('Invalid seed exception.');
} catch (e) {
assert.equal(e, 'Error: The number of arguments for between in the field attribute are invalid.');
it('should throw invalid min seed exception', async () => {
try {
const v = new Validator({ attribute: 'Harcharan Singh' }, { attribute: 'required|between:a,10' });
await v.check();
throw new Error('Invalid seed exception.');
} catch (e) {
assert.equal(e, 'Error: Seeds must be numeric for attribute under between rule.');
it('should throw invalid max seed exception', async () => {
try {
const v = new Validator({ attribute: 'Harcharan Singh' }, { attribute: 'required|between:10,b' });
await v.check();
throw new Error('Invalid seed exception.');
} catch (e) {
assert.equal(e, 'Error: Seeds must be numeric for attribute under between rule.');
it('should throw min must be less then max seed exception', async () => {
try {
const v = new Validator({ attribute: 'Harcharan Singh' }, { attribute: 'required|between:10,5' });
await v.check();
throw new Error('Invalid seed exception.');
} catch (e) {
assert.equal(e, 'Error: Seed min must be less then max in between rule for attribute.');
it('message should exist', async () => {
const v = new Validator(
{ attrs: 'abc' },
{ attrs: 'between:1,5' },
const matched = await v.check();
assert.equal(matched, false);
rule: 'between',
value: {},
attr: 'attrs',
args: [1, 5],