File: test/extend.js

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  Classes of Harcharan Singh   Node Input Validator   test/extend.js   Download  
File: test/extend.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Node Input Validator
Validate submitted input values in Node.js
Author: By
Last change: release v4.4
fixes: addCustomMessages,regex pattren correction in applyOnDeep
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 5,409 bytes


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const assert = require('assert'); require('should'); const niv = require('../lib/index'); const { Validator, setLang, niceNames } = niv; niv.extendMessages({ even: 'The value of the field must be an even number.', status: 'Invalid status.', }); niv.extendMessages({ even: 'Even number bharo.', status: 'Galat Status.', }, 'pb'); niv.addCustomMessages({ 'status.required': 'Status khali nahi hona chahiye.', }, 'hi'); niv.addCustomMessages({ 'status.required': 'Status khali nahi hona chahiye.', }); niv.extend('even', ({ value }) => { if ((parseInt(value) % 2) === 0) { return true; } return false; }); niv.extend('status', ({ value, args }) => { if (args.indexOf(value) >= 0) { return true; } return false; }); niv.extend('sumOfFields', ({ value, args }, v) => { if (args.length !== 2) { throw new Error('Invalid seed for rule sumOfFields'); } const anotherValue = Number(v.inputs[args[0]]); const eq = Number(args[1]); if ((Number(value) + anotherValue) !== eq) { return false; } return true; }); describe('Custom Rules', () => { it('sumOfFields:should pass', async () => { const v = new Validator( { num1: '50', num2: '50' }, { num1: 'sumOfFields:num2,100|required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('sumOfFields:should fails, value is greater', async () => { const v = new Validator( { num1: '50', num2: '51' }, { num1: 'sumOfFields:num2,100|required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); }); it('sumOfFields:should fail, value is less', async () => { const v = new Validator( { num1: '50', num2: '49' }, { num1: 'sumOfFields:num2,100|required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); }); it('even:should pass', async () => { const v = new Validator( { number: '4' }, { number: 'even|required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('even:should fail', async () => { setLang('en'); const v = new Validator( { number: '9' }, { number: 'even|required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); assert.equal( v.errors.number.message, v.getExistinParsedMessage({ rule: 'even', value: '9', attr: 'number', args: [], }), ); }); it('even:should fail', async () => { setLang('pb'); const v = new Validator( { number: '9' }, { number: 'even|required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); assert.equal( v.errors.number.message, 'Even number bharo.', ); setLang('en'); }); it('status:should pass', async () => { const v = new Validator( { status: 'draft' }, { status: 'status:draft,published|required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('status:should fail', async () => { niceNames({ status: 'STATUS Attribute', }); const v = new Validator( { status: 'completed' }, { status: 'status:draft,published|required' }, ); const matched = await v.fails(); assert.equal(matched, true); assert.equal( v.errors.status.message, v.getExistinParsedMessage({ rule: 'status', value: 'completed', attr: 'STATUS Attribute', args: [], }), ); }); niceNames({ status: 'status', }); }); describe('Custom messages', () => { it('should return status.required custom message', async () => { const v = new Validator( { status: '' }, { status: 'required' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false);'status');'message', 'Status khali nahi hona chahiye.'); }); it('should return custom message for required', async () => { const v = new Validator( { number: '' }, { number: 'even|required' }, { 'number.required': 'Number is missing.' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false);'number');'message', 'Number is missing.'); }); it('should return custom message for even', async () => { const v = new Validator( { number: '9' }, { number: 'even|required' }, { 'number.even': 'Invalid number :value.' }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false);'number');'message', 'Invalid number 9.'); }); }); describe('Nice Names', () => { it('should change attribute name in message', async () => { const v = new Validator( { status: 'draft' }, { status: 'status:pending,published|required' }, { status: 'The :attribute value is invalid.' }, ); v.niceNames({ status: 'queue status', }); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false);'status');'message', 'The queue status value is invalid.'); }); });