File: test/nested.js

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  Classes of Harcharan Singh   Node Input Validator   test/nested.js   Download  
File: test/nested.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Node Input Validator
Validate submitted input values in Node.js
Author: By
Last change: release v4.4
Edit applyOnDeep regex to match double digit index

Unit test added to verify that double digit array indices now match
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 5,729 bytes


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const assert = require('assert'); const { Validator } = require('../lib/index'); const input = { product: { id: '1', name: 'empty', price: '12.50', features: [ { name: 'Awesome', value: 'awesome' }, { name: 'Weak', value: 'weak' }, ], }, cart: [ { id: 1, colors: { name: 'black', }, features: [11, 12, 13], varients: [ { id: 11 }, { id: 12 }, { id: 13, colors: [ { name: 'Varient Black', props: [ { name: 'p0', tags: ['p01', 12, 13], }, ], }, { name: 'Varitnt Blue', props: [ { name: 'p1', tags: [3, 2], }, ], }, ], }, { id: 14 }, { id: 15 }, { id: 16 }, { id: 17 }, { id: 18 }, { id: 19 }, { id: 20 }, { id: null } ], }, { id: 2, colors: { name: '#fff', }, varients: [ { id: 21, colors: [ { name: '#f00', // props: [ { name: 'p02', tags: [9, 8, 7], }, ], }, { name: '#000000', }, { name: 'fail', props: [ { name: 'p12', tags: [7, 8], }, ], }, ], }, { id: 22 }, ], }, ], }; describe('Nested', () => { describe('Single Level', () => { it('should pass with top level required', async () => { const v = new Validator( { features: input.product.features, }, { features: 'required|array', 'features.*.name': 'string', 'features.*.value': 'string', }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, true); }); it('should fail with child level', async () => { const v = new Validator( { features: input.product.features, }, { features: 'required|array', 'features.*.name': 'string', 'features.*.value': 'integer', }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); v.errors.should.have.keys('features.0.value', 'features.1.value'); }); }); describe('Deep Level', () => { // it('should pass with top level required', async () => { // const v = new Validator( // input, // { // product: 'required|object', // '': 'required|integer', // '': 'required|string', // 'product.price': 'required|numeric', // 'cart.*.id': 'required|integer', // 'cart.*.features': 'required|array', // 'cart.*.features.*': 'required|integer', // 'cart.*': 'required|string', // 'cart.*.varients': 'required|array', // 'cart.*.varients.*.id': 'required|integer', // 'cart.*.varients.*.colors.*.name': 'required|string', // }, // ); // const matched = await v.check(); // assert.equal(matched, true); // }); it('should fail with child level required', async () => { const v = new Validator( input, { product: 'required|object', '': 'required|integer', '': 'required|string|minLength:10', 'product.price': 'required|numeric', 'product.features': 'required|array', 'product.features.*.name': 'required|string', 'product.features.*.value': 'required|integer', 'cart.*.id': 'required|integer', 'cart.*.colors': 'required|object', 'cart.*': 'required|hexColor', 'cart.*.varients': 'required|array', 'cart.*.varients.*.id': 'required|integer', 'cart.*.varients.*.colors': 'required|array', 'cart.*.varients.*.colors.*.name': 'required|hexColor', 'cart.*.varients.*.colors.*.props.*.name': 'required|integer', }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); v.errors.should.have.keys('', 'product.features.0.value', 'product.features.1.value'); v.errors.should.have.keys('', '', '', '', ''); }); it('should fail with deep child level length', async () => { const v = new Validator( input, { 'cart.*.varients.*.colors.*.props': 'required|array', 'cart.*.varients.*.colors.*.props.*.tags': 'required|lengthBetween:3,5', }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); v.errors.should.have.keys('cart.1.varients.0.colors.2.props.0.tags'); }); it('should fail with child required at array index > 9', async () => { const v = new Validator( input, { 'cart.*.varients.*.id': 'required', }, ); const matched = await v.check(); assert.equal(matched, false); v.errors.should.have.keys(''); }); }); });