File: plugin/boomerang/countly_boomerang.js

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File: plugin/boomerang/countly_boomerang.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Countly Web SDK
Track site accesses and errors the Countly API
Author: By
Last change: device trace refactor
Date: 2 months ago
Size: 10,099 bytes


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"use strict"; /* global Countly */ /* Countly APM based on Boomerang JS Plugin being used - RT, AutoXHR, Continuity, NavigationTiming, ResourceTiming */ (function cly_load_track_performance() { if (typeof window === "undefined") { return; // apm plugin needs window to be defined due to boomerang.js. Can't be used in webworkers } var Countly = window.Countly || {}; Countly.onload = Countly.onload || []; if (typeof Countly.CountlyClass === "undefined") { return Countly.onload.push(function() { cly_load_track_performance(); if (!Countly.track_performance && Countly.i) { Countly.track_performance = Countly.i[Countly.app_key].track_performance; } }); } /** * Enables tracking performance through boomerang.js * @memberof Countly * @param {object} config - Boomerang js configuration */ Countly.CountlyClass.prototype.track_performance = function(config) { var self = this; config = config || { // page load timing RT: {}, // required for automated networking traces instrument_xhr: true, captureXhrRequestResponse: true, AutoXHR: { alwaysSendXhr: true, monitorFetch: true, captureXhrRequestResponse: true }, // required for screen freeze traces Continuity: { enabled: true, monitorLongTasks: true, monitorPageBusy: true, monitorFrameRate: true, monitorInteractions: true, afterOnload: true } }; var initedBoomr = false; // device traces need information over multiple beacons. We accumulate the data and send it as a single trace, and then reset it. var deviceTrace = {}; deviceTrace.type = "device"; deviceTrace.apm_metrics = {}; /** * * @param {Object} beaconData - Boomerang beacon data */ function sendDeviceTrace(beaconData) { self._internals.log("[INFO]", "[Boomerang], collecting device trace info"); // Currently we rely on this information to appear before the paint information. Otherwise device trace will not include these. if (typeof beaconData.nt_domint !== "undefined") { deviceTrace.apm_metrics.dom_interactive = beaconData.nt_domint - beaconData["rt.tstart"]; } if (typeof beaconData.nt_domcontloaded_st !== "undefined" && typeof beaconData.nt_domcontloaded_end !== "undefined") { deviceTrace.apm_metrics.dom_content_loaded_event_end = beaconData.nt_domcontloaded_end - beaconData.nt_domcontloaded_st; } if (typeof beaconData.nt_load_st !== "undefined" && typeof beaconData.nt_load_end !== "undefined") { deviceTrace.apm_metrics.load_event_end = beaconData.nt_load_end - beaconData.nt_load_st; } if (typeof beaconData["c.fid"] !== "undefined") { deviceTrace.apm_metrics.first_input_delay = beaconData["c.fid"]; } // paint timings if (typeof beaconData["pt.fp"] !== "undefined") { deviceTrace.apm_metrics.first_paint = beaconData["pt.fp"]; } else if (typeof beaconData.nt_first_paint !== "undefined") { deviceTrace.apm_metrics.first_paint = beaconData.nt_first_paint - beaconData["rt.tstart"]; } if (typeof beaconData["pt.fcp"] !== "undefined") { deviceTrace.apm_metrics.first_contentful_paint = beaconData["pt.fcp"]; } // first_paint and first_contentful_paint are the two metrics that are MANDATORY! to send the device traces to the server. if (deviceTrace.apm_metrics.first_paint && deviceTrace.apm_metrics.first_contentful_paint) { self._internals.log("[DEBUG]", "[Boomerang], Found all the required metrics to send device trace. Recording the trace."); = (beaconData.u + "").split("//").pop().split("?")[0]; deviceTrace.stz = beaconData["rt.tstart"]; deviceTrace.etz = beaconData["rt.end"]; self.report_trace(deviceTrace); deviceTrace.apm_metrics = {}; // reset the device trace } } /** * * @param {Object} beaconData - Boomerang beacon data */ function sendNetworkTrace(beaconData) { self._internals.log("[INFO]", "[Boomerang], collecting network trace info"); var trace = {}; if (beaconData["http.initiator"] && ["xhr", "spa", "spa_hard"].indexOf(beaconData["http.initiator"]) !== -1) { var responseTime; var responsePayloadSize; var requestPayloadSize; var responseCode; responseTime = beaconData.t_resp; // t_resp - Time taken from the user initiating the request to the first byte of the response. - Added by RT responseCode = (typeof beaconData["http.errno"] !== "undefined") ? beaconData["http.errno"] : 200; try { var restiming = JSON.parse(beaconData.restiming); var ResourceTimingDecompression = window.ResourceTimingDecompression; if (ResourceTimingDecompression && restiming) { // restiming contains information regarging all the resources that are loaded in any // spa, spa_hard or xhr requests. // xhr requests should ideally have only one entry in the array which is the one for // which the beacon is being sent. // But for spa_hard requests it can contain multiple entries, one for each resource // that is loaded in the application. Example - all images, scripts etc. // ResourceTimingDecompression is not included in the official boomerang library. ResourceTimingDecompression.HOSTNAMES_REVERSED = false; var decompressedData = ResourceTimingDecompression.decompressResources(restiming); var currentBeacon = decompressedData.filter(function(resource) { return === beaconData.u; }); if (currentBeacon.length) { responsePayloadSize = currentBeacon[0].decodedBodySize; responseTime = currentBeacon[0].duration ? currentBeacon[0].duration : responseTime; // duration - Returns the difference between the resource's responseEnd timestamp and its startTime timestamp - ResourceTiming API } } } catch (e) { self._internals.log("[ERROR]", "[Boomerang], Error while using resource timing data decompression", config); } trace.type = "network"; trace.apm_metrics = { response_time: responseTime, response_payload_size: responsePayloadSize, request_payload_size: requestPayloadSize, response_code: responseCode }; = (beaconData.u + "").split("//").pop().split("?")[0]; trace.stz = beaconData["rt.tstart"]; trace.etz = beaconData["rt.end"]; self._internals.log("[DEBUG]", "[Boomerang], Found all the required metrics to send network trace. Recording the trace."); self.report_trace(trace); } } /** * Initialize Boomerang * @param {Object} BOOMR - Boomerang object */ function initBoomerang(BOOMR) { if (BOOMR && !initedBoomr) { BOOMR.subscribe("before_beacon", function(beaconData) { self._internals.log("[INFO]", "[Boomerang], before_beacon:", JSON.stringify(beaconData, null, 2)); sendDeviceTrace(beaconData); sendNetworkTrace(beaconData); }); BOOMR.xhr_excludes = BOOMR.xhr_excludes || {}; BOOMR.xhr_excludes[self.url.split("//").pop()] = true; if (typeof config.beacon_disable_sendbeacon === "undefined") { config.beacon_disable_sendbeacon = true; } BOOMR.init(config); BOOMR.t_end = new Date().getTime(); Countly.BOOMR = BOOMR; initedBoomr = true; self._internals.log("[INFO]", "[Boomerang] inited with config:[" + JSON.stringify(config) + "]"); } else { self._internals.log("[WARNING]", "[Boomerang] called without its instance or was already initialized"); } } if (window.BOOMR) { initBoomerang(window.BOOMR); } else { self._internals.log("[WARNING]", "[Boomerang] not yet loaded, waiting for it to load"); // Modern browsers if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("onBoomerangLoaded", function(e) { initBoomerang(e.detail.BOOMR); }); } // IE 6, 7, 8 we use onPropertyChange and look for propertyName === "onBoomerangLoaded" else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent("onpropertychange", function(e) { if (!e) { e = event; } if (e.propertyName === "onBoomerangLoaded") { initBoomerang(e.detail.BOOMR); } }); } } }; }());