File: chat-websocket/node_modules/

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File: chat-websocket/node_modules/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Terminal Crossword
Generate a crosswords board on a text console
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,446 bytes


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#!/usr/bin/env node var colors = require('colors'), fs = require('fs'), _ = require('underscore'), metrics = require('metrics'), // `node diff_multi_bench_output.js before.txt after.txt` before = process.argv[2], after = process.argv[3]; if (!before || !after) { console.log('Please supply two file arguments:'); var n = __filename; n = n.substring(n.lastIndexOf('/', n.length)); console.log(' ./' + n + ' multiBenchBefore.txt multiBenchAfter.txt'); console.log('To generate multiBenchBefore.txt, run'); console.log(' node multi_bench.js > multiBenchBefore.txt'); console.log('Thank you for benchmarking responsibly.'); return; } var before_lines = fs.readFileSync(before, 'utf8').split('\n'), after_lines = fs.readFileSync(after, 'utf8').split('\n'); console.log('Comparing before,',, '(', before_lines.length, 'lines)', 'to after,',, '(', after_lines.length, 'lines)'); var total_ops = new metrics.Histogram.createUniformHistogram(); before_lines.forEach(function(b, i) { var a = after_lines[i]; if (!a || !b || !b.trim() || !a.trim()) { // console.log('#ignored#', '>'+a+'<', '>'+b+'<'); return; } b_words = b.split(' ').filter(is_whitespace); a_words = a.split(' ').filter(is_whitespace); var ops = [b_words, a_words] .map(function(words) { // console.log(words); return parseInt10(words.slice(-2, -1)); }).filter(function(num) { var isNaN = !num && num !== 0; return !isNaN; }); if (ops.length != 2) return var delta = ops[1] - ops[0]; total_ops.update(delta); delta = humanize_diff(delta); console.log( // name of test command_name(a_words) == command_name(b_words) ? command_name(a_words) + ':' : '404:', // results of test ops.join(' -> '), 'ops/sec (∆', delta, ')'); }); console.log('Mean difference in ops/sec:', humanize_diff(total_ops.mean())); function is_whitespace(s) { return !!s.trim(); } function parseInt10(s) { return parseInt(s, 10); } // green if greater than 0, red otherwise function humanize_diff(num) { if (num > 0) { return ('+' + num).green; } return ('' + num).red; } function command_name(words) { var line = words.join(' '); return line.substr(0, line.indexOf(',')); }