* socket.io-node
* Copyright(c) 2011 LearnBoost <dev@learnboost.com>
* MIT Licensed
var vm = require('vm')
, should = require('should');
* Generates evn variables for the vm so we can `emulate` a browser.
* @returns {Object} evn variables
exports.env = function env () {
var details = {
location: {
port: 8080
, host: 'www.example.org'
, hostname: 'www.example.org'
, href: 'http://www.example.org/example/'
, pathname: '/example/'
, protocol: 'http:'
, search: ''
, hash: ''
, console: {
log: function(){},
info: function(){},
warn: function(){},
error: function(){}
, navigator: {
userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_7) AppleWebKit'
+ '/534.27 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.716.0 Safari/534.27'
, appName: 'socket.io'
, platform: process.platform
, appVersion: process.version
, }
, name: 'socket.io'
, innerWidth: 1024
, innerHeight: 768
, length: 1
, outerWidth: 1024
, outerHeight: 768
, pageXOffset: 0
, pageYOffset: 0
, screenX: 0
, screenY: 0
, screenLeft: 0
, screenTop: 0
, scrollX: 0
, scrollY: 0
, scrollTop: 0
, scrollLeft: 0
, screen: {
width: 0
, height: 0
// circular references
details.window = details.self = details.contentWindow = details;
// callable methods
details.Image = details.scrollTo = details.scrollBy = details.scroll =
details.resizeTo = details.resizeBy = details.prompt = details.print =
details.open = details.moveTo = details.moveBy = details.focus =
details.createPopup = details.confirm = details.close = details.blur =
details.alert = details.clearTimeout = details.clearInterval =
details.setInterval = details.setTimeout = details.XMLHttpRequest =
details.getComputedStyle = details.trigger = details.dispatchEvent =
details.removeEventListener = details.addEventListener = function(){};
// frames
details.frames = [details];
// document
details.document = details;
details.document.domain = details.location.href;
return details;
* Executes a script in a browser like env and returns
* the result
* @param {String} contents The script content
* @returns {Object} The evaluated script.
exports.execute = function execute (contents) {
var env = exports.env()
, script = vm.createScript(contents);
// run the script with `browser like` globals
return env;