Side menu generator and handler
These classes allow to configure and handle multilingual hierarchical side menus. The menu is generated server-side basing on the configuration. The menu item titles are selected from the multilingual database. The event listeners are attached client-side to handle the menu clicks and invoke selected actions.
The *texts.php* class loads the texts of specified language from a sqlite database (pdo_sqlite extension is required). *sidemenu.php* class loads the xml description into DOM object (libxml extension is required) and generates the menu's html using the titles supplied by *texts.php*. The client-side *sidemenu.js* class must be used to handle the menu.
*sidemenu.js* class presumes the menu structure created by *sidemenu.php* and certain html tag id's. It attaches the event handlers to the menu sections. Clicking any menu section causes the opening/closing of the submenu and/or invoking according action. The main window is kept to be adjusted to a full browser's window.
An example
The *example.php* forms a shell for functionality demonstration from the *example.phtml* template. The *example.sql* holds the vocabulary statements and an *example.db* sqlite database is created during first run. *example.xml* describes the menu structure to be created. *example.css* styles the shell and the menu inside it. The language token can be specified on startup: *example.php?en* or *example.php?lng=ru* etc.
Change *example.db* and *example.xml* for your own menues. The xml node names must be specified in the texts table's code fields. Add the table columns for new languages (use ISO 639-1 notation). Design your own main window and modify the event listeners for real actions.
The package
The following files are included:
1. *sidemenu.php* - class to generate the menu;
2. *sidemenu.js* - class to handle the menu;
3. *common.js* - support functions and classes;
4. *texts.php* - class to supply language-dependent texts;
5. *example.php* - demonstrating functionality;
6. *example.sql* - multilingual texts base;
7. *example.xml* - the menu configuration;
8. *example.phtml* - the shell template;
9. *example.css* - the shell an menu styles;
The *Side menu generator and handler* is implemented in vRegistry solution (see []) and vrManual program (see []).