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Classes of Igor Escobar | Terminal Crossword | connected-users-websocket/node_modules/ | Download |
![]() 0.9.11 / 2012-11-02* package: move redis to optionalDependenices [3rd-Eden] * bumped client 0.9.10 / 2012-08-10* Don't lowercase log messages * Always set the HTTP response in case an error should be returned to the client * Create or destroy the flash policy server on configuration change * Honour configuration to disable flash policy server * Add express 3.0 instructions on * Bump client 0.9.9 / 2012-08-01* Fixed sync disconnect xhrs handling * Put license text in its own file (#965) * Add warning to .listen() to ease the migration to Express 3.x * Restored compatibility with node 0.4.x 0.9.8 / 2012-07-24* Bumped client. 0.9.7 / 2012-07-24 * Prevent crash when socket leaves a room twice.
* Corrects unsafe usage of
* Fix for node 0.8 with 0.9.6 / 2012-04-17* Fixed XSS in jsonp-polling. 0.9.5 / 2012-04-05* Added test for polling and socket close. * Ensure close upon request close. * Fix disconnection reason being lost for polling transports. * Ensure that polling transports work with Connection: close. * Log disconnection reason. 0.9.4 / 2012-04-01* Disconnecting from namespace improvement (#795) [DanielBaulig] * Bumped client with polling reconnection loop (#438) 0.9.3 / 2012-03-28* Fix "Syntax error" on FF Web Console with XHR Polling [mikito] 0.9.2 / 2012-03-13 * More sensible close 0.9.1-1 / 2012-03-02* Bumped client with NPM dependency fix. 0.9.1 / 2012-03-02* Changed heartbeat timeout and interval defaults (60 and 25 seconds) * Make tests work both on 0.4 and 0.6 * Updated client (improvements + bug fixes). 0.9.0 / 2012-02-26* Make it possible to use a regexp to match the resource URL.
* Supplemental fix to gavinuhma/authfix, it looks like the same Access-Control-Origin logic is needed in the http and xhr-polling transports * Updated express dep for windows compatibility. * Combine two substr calls into one in decodePayload to improve performance * Minor documentation fix * Minor. Conform to style of other files. * Switching setting to 'match origin protocol' * Revert "Fixes leaking Redis subscriptions for #663. The local flag was not getting passed through onClientDisconnect()." * Revert "Handle leaked dispatch:[id] subscription." * Merge pull request #667 from dshaw/patch/redis-disconnect * Handle leaked dispatch:[id] subscription. * Fixes leaking Redis subscriptions for #663. The local flag was not getting passed through onClientDisconnect(). * Prevent memory leaking on uncompleted requests & add max post size limitation * Fix for testcase * Set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true, regardless of cookie * Remove assertvarnish from package as it breaks on 0.6 * Correct irc channel * Added proper return after reserved field error * Fixes manager.js failure to close connection after transport error has happened * Added implicit port 80 for origin checks. fixes #638 * Fixed bug #432 in 0.8.7 * Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to origin to enable withCredentials * Adding configuration variable matchOriginProtocol * Fixes location mismatch error in Safari. * Use tty to detect if we should add colors or not by default. * Updated the package location. 0.8.7 / 2011-11-05* Fixed memory leaks in closed clients. * Fixed memory leaks in namespaces. * Fixed websocket handling for malformed requests from proxies. [einaros] * Node 0.6 compatibility. [einaros] [3rd-Eden] * Adapted tests and examples. 0.8.6 / 2011-10-27* Added JSON decoding on jsonp-polling transport. * Fixed README example. * Major speed optimizations [3rd-Eden] [einaros] [visionmedia] * Added decode/encode benchmarks [visionmedia] * Added support for black-listing client sent events. * Fixed logging options, closes #540 [3rd-Eden] * Added vary header for gzip [3rd-Eden] * Properly cleaned up async websocket / flashsocket tests, after patching node-websocket-client * Patched to properly shut down when a finishClose call is made during connection establishment * Added support for version on url and far-future Expires [3rd-Eden] [getify] * Began IE10 compatibility [einaros] [tbranyen] * Misc WebSocket fixes [einaros] * Added UTF8 to respone headers for htmlfile [3rd-Eden] 0.8.5 / 2011-10-07 * Added websocket draft HyBi-16 support. [einaros]
* Fixed websocket continuation bugs. [einaros]
* Fixed flashsocket transport name.
* Fixed websocket tests.
* Ensured 0.8.4 / 2011-09-06* Client build 0.8.3 / 2011-09-03 * Fixed 0.8.2 / 2011-08-29* Updated client. 0.8.1 / 2011-08-29* Fixed utf8 bug in send framing in websocket [einaros] * Fixed typo in docs [Znarkus] * Fixed bug in send framing for over 64kB of data in websocket [einaros] * Corrected ping handling in websocket transport [einaros] 0.8.0 / 2011-08-28* Updated to work with two-level websocket versioning. [einaros] * Added hybi07 support. [einaros] * Added hybi10 support. [einaros] * Added http referrer verification to manager.js verifyOrigin. [einaors] 0.7.11 / 2011-08-27* Updated 0.7.10 / 2011-08-27* Updated 0.7.9 / 2011-08-12* Updated * Make sure we only do garbage collection when the server we receive is actually run. 0.7.8 / 2011-08-08 * Changed; make sure sio#listen passes options to both HTTP server and manager.
* Added docs for sio#listen.
* Added options parameter support for Manager constructor.
* Added memory leaks tests and test-leaks Makefile task.
* Removed auto npm-linking from make test.
* Make sure that you can disable heartbeats. [3rd-Eden]
* Fixed rooms memory leak [3rd-Eden]
* Send response once we got all POST data, not immediately [Pita]
* Fixed onLeave behavior with missing clientsk [3rd-Eden]
* Prevent duplicate references in rooms.
* Added alias for 0.7.7 / 2011-07-12 * Fixed double dispatch handling with emit to closed clients.
* Added test for emitting to closed clients to prevent regression.
* Fixed race condition in redis test.
* Changed Transport#end instrumentation.
* Leveraged $emit instead of emit internally.
* Made tests faster.
* Fixed double disconnect events.
* Fixed disconnect logic
* Simplified remote events handling in Socket.
* Increased testcase timeout.
* Fixed unknown room emitting (GH-291). [3rd-Eden]
* Fixed 0.7.6 / 2011-06-30* Fixed general dispatching when a client has closed. 0.7.5 / 2011-06-30* Fixed dispatching to clients that are disconnected. 0.7.4 / 2011-06-30* Fixed; only clear handlers if they were set. [level09] 0.7.3 / 2011-06-30 * Exposed handshake data to clients.
* Refactored dispatcher interface.
* Changed; Moved id generation method into the manager.
* Added sub-namespace authorization. [3rd-Eden]
* Changed; normalized SocketNamespace local eventing [dvv]
* Changed; Use packet.reason or default to 'packet' [3rd-Eden]
* Changed console.error to console.log.
* Fixed; bind both servers at the same time do that the test never times out.
* Added 304 support.
* Removed 0.7.2 / 2011-06-22 * Make sure to write a packet (of type
* Added 0.7.1 / 2011-06-21* Fixed cross-domain XHR. * Added CORS test to xhr-polling suite. 0.7.0 / 2010-06-21* |