File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/

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File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/
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{ "name": "policyfile", "version": "0.0.4", "author": { "name": "Arnout Kazemier" }, "description": "Flash Socket Policy File Server. A server to respond to Flash Socket Policy requests, both inline and through a dedicated server instance.", "main": "index", "keywords": [ "flash", "socket", "policy", "file", "server", "Flash Socket Policy File Server", "cross domain" ], "directories": { "lib": "./lib" }, "maintainers": [ { "name": "Arnout Kazemier", "email": "", "url": "" } ], "licenses": [ { "type": "MIT", "url": "" } ], "repositories": [ { "type": "git", "url": "" } ], "readme": "## LOL, WUT?\nIt basically allows you to allow or disallow Flash Player sockets from accessing your site.\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\nnpm install policyfile\n```\n## Usage\n\nThe server is based on the regular and know `net` and `http` server patterns. So it you can just listen\nfor all the events that a `net` based server emits etc. But there is one extra event, the `connect_failed`\nevent. This event is triggered when we are unable to listen on the supplied port number.\n\n### createServer\nCreates a new server instance and accepts 2 optional arguments:\n\n- `options` **Object** Options to configure the server instance\n - `log` **Boolean** Enable logging to STDOUT and STDERR (defaults to true)\n- `origins` **Array** An Array of origins that are allowed by the server (defaults to *:*)\n\n```js\nvar pf = require('policyfile');\npf.createServer();\npf.listen();\n```\n\n#### server.listen\nStart listening on the server and it takes 3 optional arguments\n\n- `port` **Number** On which port number should we listen? (defaults to 843, which is the first port number the FlashPlayer checks)\n- `server` **Server** A http server, if we are unable to accept requests or run the server we can also answer the policy requests inline over the supplied HTTP server.\n- `callback` **Function** A callback function that is called when listening to the server was successful.\n\n```js\nvar pf = require('policyfile');\npf.createServer();\npf.listen(1337, function(){\n console.log(':3 yay')\n});\n```\n\nChanging port numbers can be handy if you do not want to run your server as root and have port 843 forward to a non root port number (aka a number above 1024).\n\n```js\nvar pf = require('policyfile')\n , http = require('http');\n\nserver = http.createServer(function(q,r){r.writeHead(200);r.end('hello world')});\nserver.listen(80);\n\npf.createServer();\npf.listen(1337, server, function(){\n console.log(':3 yay')\n});\n```\n\nSupport for serving inline requests over a existing HTTP connection as the FlashPlayer will first check port 843, but if it's unable to get a response there it will send a policy file request over port 80, which is usually your http server.\n\n#### server.add\nAdds more origins to the policy file you can add as many arguments as you like.\n\n```js\nvar pf = require('policyfile');\npf.createServer(['']);\npf.listen();\npf.add('', ''); // now has 3 origins\n```\n\n#### server.add\nAdds more origins to the policy file you can add as many arguments as you like.\n\n```js\nvar pf = require('policyfile');\npf.createServer(['', '']);\npf.listen();\npf.remove(''); // only contains the :80 version now\n```\n\n#### server.close\nShuts down the server\n\n```js\nvar pf = require('policyfile');\npf.createServer();\npf.listen();\npf.close(); // OH NVM.\n```\n\n## API\n\n\n## Examples\nSee for examples\n\n## Licence\n\nMIT see LICENSE file in the repository", "readmeFilename": "", "_id": "policyfile@0.0.4", "_from": "policyfile@0.0.4" }