File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/

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File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/
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Class: ws.Server

This class is a WebSocket server. It is an EventEmitter.

new ws.Server([options], [callback])

  • `options` Object * `host` String * `port` Number * `server` http.Server * `verifyClient` Function * `path` String * `noServer` Boolean * `disableHixie` Boolean * `clientTracking` Boolean
  • `callback` Function

Construct a new server object.

Either port or server must be provided, otherwise you might enable noServer if you want to pass the requests directly.

server.close([code], [data])

Close the server and terminate all clients

server.handleUpgrade(request, socket, upgradeHead, callback)

Handles a HTTP Upgrade request. request is an instance of http.ServerRequest, socket is an instance of net.Socket.

When the Upgrade was successfully, the callback will be called with a ws.WebSocket object as parameter.

Event: 'error'

function (error) { }

If the underlying server emits an error, it will be forwarded here.

Event: 'headers'

function (headers) { }

Emitted with the object of HTTP headers that are going to be written to the Stream as part of the handshake.

Event: 'connection'

function (socket) { }

When a new WebSocket connection is established. socket is an object of type ws.WebSocket.

Class: ws.WebSocket

This class represents a WebSocket connection. It is an EventEmitter.

new ws.WebSocket(address, [options])

Instantiating with an address creates a new WebSocket client object. If address is an Array (request, socket, rest), it is instantiated as a Server client (e.g. called from the ws.Server).


Received bytes count.


Possible states are WebSocket.CONNECTING, WebSocket.OPEN, WebSocket.CLOSING, WebSocket.CLOSED.


The WebSocket protocol version used for this connection, 8, 13 or hixie-76 (the latter only for server clients).


The URL of the WebSocket server (only for clients)


Describes the feature of the used protocol version. E.g. supports.binary is a boolean that describes if the connection supports binary messages.

websocket.close([code], [data])

Gracefully closes the connection, after sending a description message


Pause the client stream[data], [options], [dontFailWhenClosed])

Sends a ping. data is sent, options is an object with members mask and binary. dontFailWhenClosed indicates whether or not to throw if the connection isnt open.

websocket.pong([data], [options], [dontFailWhenClosed])

Sends a pong. data is sent, options is an object with members mask and binary. dontFailWhenClosed indicates whether or not to throw if the connection isnt open.


Resume the client stream

websocket.send(data, [options], [callback])

Sends data through the connection. options can be an object with members mask and binary. The optional callback is executed after the send completes.[options], callback)

Streams data through calls to a user supplied function. options can be an object with members mask and binary. callback is executed on successive ticks of which send is function (data, final).


Immediately shuts down the connection





Emulates the W3C Browser based WebSocket interface using function members.

websocket.addEventListener(method, listener)

Emulates the W3C Browser based WebSocket interface using addEventListener.

Event: 'error'

function (error) { }

If the client emits an error, this event is emitted (errors from the underlying net.Socket are forwarded here).

Event: 'close'

function (code, message) { }

Is emitted when the connection is closed. code is defined in the WebSocket specification.

The close event is also emitted when then underlying net.Socket closes the connection (end or close).

Event: 'message'

function (data, flags) { }

Is emitted when data is received. flags is an object with member binary.

Event: 'ping'

function (data, flags) { }

Is emitted when a ping is received. flags is an object with member binary.

Event: 'pong'

function (data, flags) { }

Is emitted when a pong is received. flags is an object with member binary.

Event: 'open'

function () { }

Emitted when the connection is established.