// ./test.js
var assert = require( "assert" )
, Keygrip = require( "./" )
, keylist, keys, hash, index
// keygrip takes an array of keys, but if none exist,
// it uses the defaults created during npm installation.
// (but it'll will warn you)
console.log( "Ignore this message:" )
keys = new Keygrip( /* empty list */ )
// .sign returns the hash for the first key
// all hashes are SHA1 HMACs in url-safe base64
hash = keys.sign( "bieberschnitzel" )
assert.ok( /^[\w\-]{27}$/.test( hash ) )
// but we're going to use our list.
// (note that the 'new' operator is optional)
keylist = [ "SEKRIT3", "SEKRIT2", "SEKRIT1" ]
keys = Keygrip( keylist )
hash = keys.sign( "bieberschnitzel" )
// .index returns the index of the first matching key
index = keys.index( "bieberschnitzel", hash )
assert.equal( index, 0 )
// .verify returns the a boolean indicating a matched key
matched = keys.verify( "bieberschnitzel", hash )
assert.ok( matched )
index = keys.index( "bieberschnitzel", "o_O" )
assert.equal( index, -1 )
// rotate a new key in, and an old key out
keylist.unshift( "SEKRIT4" )
// if index > 0, it's time to re-sign
index = keys.index( "bieberschnitzel", hash )
assert.equal( index, 1 )
hash = keys.sign( "bieberschnitzel" )