Improved orientation reporting precision.
Reduced log verbosity.
Added a new init time config option `crash_filter_callback` for filtering crashes.
Mitigated an issue where content resizing did not work in certain orientations.
Mitigated an issue where `content` and `feedback` interface methods would not have worked if async methods were used when multi instancing the SDK.
Added support for content resizing (Experimental!)
Mitigated an issue where device ID type was assigned wrongly when SDK was generating an ID after stored device ID was cleared.
Mitigated an issue where device ID type of initially generated requests were not correctly reassigned after offline mode.
Added a new init method to set the interval of Content Zone's timer (Experimental!):
- `content_zone_timer_interval` to set the timer interval in `seconds`
Mitigated an issue about Content's positioning (Experimental!)
Deprecated `initializeRatingWidgets` method, use `feedback.showRating` instead.
Deprecated `enableRatingWidgets` method, use `feedback.showRating` instead.
Added an interface `content` for Content feature methods:
- `enterContentZone`, to start Content checks (Experimental!)
- `exitContentZone`, to stop Content checks (Experimental!)
Mitigated an issue where SDK could try to send old stored offline mode data during init if `clear_stored_id` was true
Mitigated an issue where the SDK could stayed on offline mode after the first init with `offline_mode` set to true
Mitigated an issue where old Rating widget stickers were not cleared when a new one was presented
Improved view tracking logic
Default request method is now set to "POST"
Healtchecks won't be sent in offline mode anymore
Added a new interface 'feedback' which includes convenience methods to show feedback widgets:
- showNPS([String nameIDorTag]) - for displaying the first available NPS widget or one with the given name, Tag or ID value
- showSurvey([String nameIDorTag]) - for displaying the first available Survey widget or one with the given name, Tag or ID value
- showRating([String nameIDorTag]) - for displaying the first available Rating widget or one with the given name, Tag or ID value
Added types for the SDK
Added a new method `set_id(newDeviceId)` for managing device ID changes according to the device ID Type
Mitigated an issue that could have prevented automatic Device Traces to not show up in server
! Minor breaking change ! For implementations using salt the browser compatability is tied to SubtleCrypto's digest method support
Added the `salt` init config flag to add checksums to requests (for secure contexts only)
Improved Health Check feature stability
Added support for Feedback Widget terms and conditions
Mitigated an issue where error tracking could prevent SDK initialization in async mode
Mitigated an issue where the SDK was not emptying the async queue explicity when closing a browser
Enhanced userAgentData detection for bot filtering
Added bot detection for workers
Added the ability to clear stored device IDs in the workers
Mitigated an issue where utm naming could have been affected if 'searchQuery' did not return '?'
Improved bot detection capabilities
Added methods for bridged SDK usage
You can now provide custom storage methods to the SDK
You can now use the SDK in web workers
From this version on the SDK is bundled from the Countly JavaScript SDK
You can now add segmentation while presenting a widget with 'present_feedback_widget'
Adding app version information to every request
Mitigated an issue where if a long numerical device ID was changed while SDK was running at multiple tabs, it was parsed
Mitigated an issue where numerical device IDs were parsed at the initialization
Added a new flag, 'loadAPMScriptsAsync', which can load the APM related scripts automatically for Async implementations
Adding SDK health check requests after init
Adding remaining request queue size information to every request
Fixed a bug where unnecessary device ID merge information was sent to the server
Default max segmentation value count changed from 30 to 100
Mitigated an issue that could have caused view IDs to be terminated prematurely when using manual sessions and end_session was called abruptly
Events are now recorded with an internal ID.
Mitigated an issue where users could have truncate an internal event key
Mitigated an issue where SDK was reporting empty scroll values
Mitigated an issue that caused the device changes, after init, to not reflect on memory
Fixed a bug where previous session cookie persisted even when the 'clear_stored_id' flag was set to true
SDK now adds userAgent string to each request to prevent proxy related issues
Added a method to cancel timed events manually
Fixed a race condition bug where a recorded event would have the wrong user properties in the drill database on the server. Now event queue is emptied (formed into a request) before recording any user profile changes
Fixed an issue with remote configs not working without a parameter
Fixed an issue that arose when sending crashes through a gateway. User agent information is now sent as part of the request.
! Minor breaking change ! If no domain whitelist is provided for the heatmaps the SDK will fallback to your server url
Fixed a bug where heatmap files were susceptible to DOM XSS
Users can now input their domain whitelist for heatmaps feature during init
Implementing new Remote Config/AB testing API:
- Added an init time flag to enable/disable new remote config API (default: disabled)
- Added a new call to opt in users to the A/B testing for the given keys
- Added an init time flag to enable/disable automatically opting in users for A/B testing while fetching remote config (with new RC API)(default: enabled)
Added SDK calls to report Feedback widgets manually
Updated BoomerangJS to the latest version (1.737.0)
Implemented static code analysis recommendations from Codacy, Snyk and Deep Scan
Added an Angular integration example
Fixed logs that did not obey to the 'debug' flag
Added support for userAgentData
Now heatmap scroll event is recorded when leaving a view
Fixed a bug where the minified version had issues with the heatmap feature
Fixed a bug where heatmap files were not loading
!! Major breaking change !! Device ID provided during the init will be ignored if a device ID was provided previously
Added a new init time flag which erases the previously stored device ID. This allows to set new device ID during init
Added a new functionality with which it is possible to check the device ID type
Now it appends the device ID type with each request
Fixed a bug where custom utm tags were being overridden
Added a safety check preventing the user from changing the device ID at offline
Fixed a bug where some server response formats were rejected
Fixed a bug where some widgets' text color was not displayed correctly
Fixed a bug with `recordRatingWidgetWithID` where it would not record ratings
Fixed a bug where request queue was not processing
Fixed feedback widget bug related to the 'close events' origin check
When consent is changed it will now send the full consent state instead of just the changed consents
Rating widgets will now also be used through the feedback widgets API (in case the server supports it)
When overriding 'getViewName' it is now possible to return 'null' to indicate that the page name should not be recorded
Logs are now rearranged to include log levels
!! Major breaking change !! Rating and Feedback widgets now require 'star-rating' or 'feedback' consent exclusively, according to their type, instead of both:
- `present_feedback_widget` needs 'feedback' consent only
- `get_available_feedback_widgets` needs 'feedback' consent only
- `enable_feedback` needs 'star-rating' consent only
- `show_feedback_popup` needs 'star-rating' consent only
- `initialize_feedback_popups` needs 'star-rating' consent only
- `report_feedback` needs 'star-rating' consent only
!! Major breaking change !! Enabling offline mode or changing device ID without merging will now clear the current consent. Consent has to be given again after performing this action.
! Minor breaking change ! 'change_id' will now not accept invalid device ID values. It will now reject null, undefined, values that are not of the type string and empty string values.
! Minor breaking change ! Multiple values now have a default limit adjustable at initialization:
- Maximum size of all string keys is now 128 characters by default.
- Maximum size of all values in key-value pairs is now 256 characters by default.
- Maximum amount of segmentation in one event is mow 30 key-value pairs by default.
- Maximum amount of breadcrumbs that can be recorded at once is now 100 by default.
- Maximum stack trace lines per thread is now 30 by default.
- Maximum stack trace line length is now 200 by default.
Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where duration counter/timer was not paused even when the browser was out of focus
Deprecating `report_feedback`, now it redirects to `recordRatingWidgetWithID`
Deprecating `show_feedback_popup`, now it redirects to `presentRatingWidgetWithID`
Deprecating `initialize_feedback_popups`, now it redirects to `initializeRatingWidgets`
Deprecating `enable_feedback`, now it redirects to `enableRatingWidgets`
Deprecating `report_conversion`, now it redirects to `recordDirectAttribution`
When recording internal events with 'add_event', the respective feature consent will now be checked instead of the 'events' consent.
Increased the default max event batch size to 100.
Automatic orientation tracking is now enabled by default. It can be turned off during init.
Device ID can now be changed when no consent is given
Surveys ie bugfix for the undefined origin
Remove unload handlers
Don't use closest polyfill
[example] Crashes for react apps
[fix] Fetch remote config on init bug fix
[fix] Make sure code is running in a browser
[improvement] Add url to passed data from server for heatmaps (allowing to use separate servers for SDK and Heatmap)
[improvement] New landing page logic when session cookie is used (landing happens on every session start)
[update] Example dependency updates
Added new sample app to demo js symbolication
Added option to control storage (localstorage, cookie, none)
Bumped dependencies
Fixed bug when "enable_feedback" called multiple times
Provided an option to disable domain tracking
Add javascript flag to reported errors
Added React JS sample
Added explicit remote-config consent
Added support for Surveys and NPS
Added wildcard support for feedback target
Allow creating multiple instances to track different servers and/or apps
Allow users provide custom metrics
App prefixed storage, so changing new app key would not continue using old queue
Boomerang fixes for APM tracking
Fixed getting attributes of form correctly
Improved comments and documentation
Prevent widget duplication and reusing
Stricter Eslint rules
Add APM plugin which uses boomerang js for reporting performance
Add basic performance trace reporting option
Add device orientation reporting
Add feedback button size support
Add method to report feedback directly without dialog (for custom UI)
Allow adding and enriching metrics data
Allow providing custom headers in requests
Allow providing custom segments for view tracking
Crashes use a new way to record view name correctly
Fixed bug of removing feedback sticker in some cases
Fixed cross tab syncing when using namespaces
Limited array modification amount when syncing requests for performance
More error-prone storage clearing (in case of multi-tab data syncing)
Removed unsafe innerHTML assignments
Allow overwriting serialize and deserialize functions
Allow overwriting a way to provide view name and url
Allow namespacing shared storage for multiple separate trackers on same domain
Fixed issue adding feedback widget in some cases
Fixed expiring session on inactivity and cookie timeout
Fixed using same ignore CSS class when tracking forms data too
Allow passing device_id through url parameters for cross domain tracking
Added internal method to clear queues
Fixed to always notify loaders, even if tracking is disabled
Added isUUID method to check if it is Countly generated id
Implemented proper storage syncing between tabs
Implement offline mode support with option to delay passing device_id
Fixed feedback if disabled widgets on panel widgets are still enable.
Fixed feedback if set “all pages” as target, sticker not appear on all pages.
Add remote config support
Fixed loader for Google Analytics adapter
Use Array.isArray instead of === Array to avoid context problems
Added more bots to block
Remove x, y coordinates from link clicks
Track hidden inputs only if explicitly enabled
Allow redefining getters to get view name and url for views and clicks
Report unhandled promise rejections as handled crashes
Added persistence tests to test suite
Fixed views overreporting duration in some cases
Added session cookie support
Google Analytics adapter (reuse implemented Google Analytics code to send data to Countly servers)
Important Fix for regenerated device_id
- Update to this version if you use 18.08 or 18.08.1.
Fixed storing none json data
Widgets params changed as popups and back-compatibility provided.
Add crash log breadcrumb limit
Allow unsetting custom property
Block Google security scanner
Empty event queue (into request queue) on device_id change (if user is not merged on server)
Feedback dialog support
Fixed bugs on consent checks
More error handling
Remove predictive session ends and rely on normal flow
Removing code duplication to reduce library size
Track UTM params as custom user properties
Webpack packaging wrapper
Add GDPR compliant consent management
Add internal method for creating consents and expose it
Notify loader listeners for sdk plugins on init too
Fix opt out functionality to keep event queue empty
Improved documentation and code clean up
Added track_scrolls to visualize in scroll heat map (Enterprise version)
Added resolution segmenting to heat/scroll map (Enterprise version)
Fixed scoping in form data collection
Improved documentation
Added view segment to autogenerated helper events
Added optin/optout functionality
Fixed race condition in tests
Fixed crashing when storage is not allowed by browser (cookies blocked)
Improved documentation
Expose internal methods for plugins
Allow loading pluggable code
Improved heat maps injecting them into website through SDK
Add option to ignore visitor
Fix possible recursion loop when using queued method calls
Add ignore list for tracking views to ignore specific urls/view names
Fix logging message with undefined key for debug output
Added new configuration options, as session_update and max_events, force_post, ignore_prefetch
Automatic switch to POST if amount of data can't be handled by GET
Correctly handle ending session on device_id change without merge
Additional checks preventing possible crashes
Allow providing list of referrers to ignore
By default ignore data from prefetching/prerendering
Parse user agent on server
User unique millisecond timestamp for reporting
Fixed listening to forms and clicks logic
Properly handling iOS dips resolution and Android's orientation specific resolution
Using device pixels ratio as density metric
Improved the way to detect browsers
Updated searchbot ignore list
Improved efficiency (less writes and reads)
Less intrusive with DOM actions
Method to collect user data from forms
More commented code and docs
Attribution campaigns report organic conversions too, if campaign data was not provided
Exclude idle time from session duration
Added queue size limitation
Added page referrer metric for sources
More accurate session and time tracking
Tracking pages, pageviews and clicks, view frequency, landing pages, exits and bounces
And page and browser values to error reports
Added duration property to events and ability to measure timed events
Allow changing device_id property (with data merge option on server)
Allow atomic modifications and storing multiple values on custom user properties
Ignoring data from bots by default
Fix crashes with storage, when it is used too early, or has no permission
New configuration options, like processing interval, ignoring bots, failing timeout
Updated list detecting browsers
Allow pushing functions with synchronous code to async queue
More correct processing of the queue
Added storing and reporting conversions for Attribution Analytics
First official release compatible with Countly Server 15.08 functionalities