File: cypress/e2e/

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File: cypress/e2e/
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: Countly Web SDK
Track site accesses and errors the Countly API
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 days ago
Size: 3,106 bytes


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/* eslint-disable cypress/no-unnecessary-waiting */ /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */ var Countly = require("../../lib/countly"); var hp = require("../support/helper.js"); const crypto = require('crypto'); function initMain(salt) { Countly.init({ app_key: "YOUR_APP_KEY", url: "", debug: true, salt: salt }); } const salt = "salt"; /** * Tests for salt consists of: * 1. Init without salt * Create events and intercept the SDK requests. Request params should be normal and there should be no checksum * 2. Init with salt * Create events and intercept the SDK requests. Request params should be normal and there should be a checksum with length 64 * 3. Node and Web Crypto comparison * Compare the checksums calculated by node crypto api and SDK's web crypto api for the same data. Should be equal */ describe("Salt Tests", () => { it("Init without salt", () => { hp.haltAndClearStorage(() => { initMain(null); var rqArray = [];; cy.intercept("GET", "**/i?**", (req) => { const { url } = req; rqArray.push(url.split("?")[1]); // get the query string }); cy.wait(1000).then(() => { cy.log(rqArray).then(() => { for (const rq of rqArray) { const paramsObject = hp.turnSearchStringToObject(rq); hp.check_commons(paramsObject); expect(paramsObject.checksum256); } }); }); }); }); it("Init with salt", () => { hp.haltAndClearStorage(() => { initMain(salt); var rqArray = [];; cy.intercept("GET", "**/i?**", (req) => { const { url } = req; rqArray.push(url.split("?")[1]); }); cy.wait(1000).then(() => { cy.log(rqArray).then(() => { for (const rq of rqArray) { const paramsObject = hp.turnSearchStringToObject(rq); hp.check_commons(paramsObject); expect(paramsObject.checksum256); expect(paramsObject.checksum256.length).to.equal(64); // TODO: directly check the checksum with the node crypto api. Will need some extra decoding logic } }); }); }); }); it("Node and Web Crypto comparison", () => { const hash = sha256("text" + salt); // node crypto api Countly._internals.calculateChecksum("text", salt).then((hash2) => { // SDK uses web crypto api expect(hash2).to.equal(hash); }); }); }); /** * Calculate sha256 hash of given data * @param {*} data - data to hash * @returns {string} - sha256 hash */ function sha256(data) { const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'); hash.update(data); return hash.digest('hex'); }