TreeList is an implementation of a binaty tree combined with a double linked
list. You can easily build an hierarchy of your objects or arrays on a specified
Class TTreeList
root The root node of the tree
first The first node of the double linked list
last The last node of the double linked list
treeCount The number of nodes in the tree and double linked list
isDirty Set if a node has been added since the last build
add Add a new node to the tree/double linked list
count The number of nodes in the raw tree (includes nodes with
duplicate values)
search Search for a node by value in the tree
build Build a tree and a double linked list
Class TTreeListNode
prev A pointer to the previous node in the double linked list
left A pointer to the left node in the tree
parent A pointer to the parent node in the tree
right A pointer to the right node in the tree
next A pointer to the next node in the double linked list
addPayload Add a node from the TTreeList. If the value is a duplicate
then it is added as well
getPayloadCount Return the number of payloads this node holds
setPayloadIndex Set the index for which payload should return a value with
the get function
get Return the value of the given index from the active payload