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  Classes of Arturs Sosins  >  QR code  >  example.html  >  Download  
File: example.html
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example usage and possible qr code types
Class: QR code
Display QR code images using the Google Charts API
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2011-06-05 04:47
Size: 3,034 bytes


Class file image Download
 * This script is developed by Arturs Sosins aka ar2rsawseen, http://webcodingeasy.com
 * Feel free to distribute and modify code, but keep reference to its creator
 * QR code class can be used to generate QR Code images using Google Chart API.
 * For more information, examples and online documentation visit: 
 * http://webcodingeasy.com/JS-classes/Generate-QR-codes-using-javascript
<p>Simple text</p>
<div id='text_div'></div>
<div id='link_div'></div>
<div id='bookmark_div'></div>
<div id='sms_div'></div>
<p>Phone number</p>
<div id='phone_number_div'></div>
<p>Contact info</p>
<div id='contact_info_div'></div>
<div id='email_div'></div>
<div id='geo_div'></div>
<p>Wifi network</p>
<div id='wifi_div'></div>
<script src="./qrcode.packed.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
var qr = new qrcode({
		* Size of QRcode in pixels
		* As QRcode is a square, only one value is needed
		size: 150,
		* Error correction level for damaged or misinterpretted codes
		* Lower - more data stored, but less errors could be corrected
		* High - less data can be stord, more information can be recovered
		* Possible types of error collection:
		* L - [Default] Allows recovery of up to 7% data loss
		* M - Allows recovery of up to 15% data loss
		* Q - Allows recovery of up to 25% data loss
		* H - Allows recovery of up to 30% data loss
		ec_level: "L",
		* Margin - white space around QRcode in
		* QRcode columns and rows, no pixels
		margin: 1
//id of container, text string
qr.text("text_div", "Some text");
//id of container, link
qr.link("link_div", "http://webcodingeasy.com/");
//id of container, title of bookmark, link
qr.bookmark("bookmark_div", "WebcodingEasy", "http://webcodingeasy.com/");
//id of container, phone number, sms text
qr.sms("sms_div", "12345678", "Some text");
//id of container, phone number
qr.phone_number("phone_number_div", "12345678");
//id of container, firstname and lastname, address, phone, email
qr.contact_info("contact_info_div", "Arturs Sosins", "Stadiona street 15", "12345678", "ar2rsawseen@yahoo.com");
//id of container, email address, subject, email message
qr.email("email_div", "ar2rsawseen@yahoo.com", "Email subject", "Email message");
//id of container, latitude, longitude, height from earth
qr.geo("geo_div", "46.404723", "-105.838165", "15");
//id of container, authentication type, ssid, password
qr.wifi("wifi_div", "WPA", "Network name", "net_password");