File: test_FormFieldGenie-js.php

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File: test_FormFieldGenie-js.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Demo of SoftMoon.FormFieldGenie.js
Class: Form Field Genie
Create multiple groups of form inputs
Author: By
Last change: modified to support version 3.0
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 11,344 bytes


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<?php /*/ test_FormFieldGenie.js written by and Copyright © 2010, 2012, 2015 Joe Golembieski, SoftMoon WebWare See See This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <> /*/ // tab spacing=2 editor width=120 auto-word-wrap=no character-encoding= UTF-8 ?> <html> <head> <title>Test popNewField.js</title> <script type='text/javascript' src='JS_toolbucket/SoftMoon-WebWare/FormFieldGenie.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> // With this demo, we create one instance and pass options to match the application. // You can also create individual instances each with their own options by passing in the options to the constructor // like this: Genie1=new FormFieldGenie({ ...options...}); Genie2=new FormFieldGenie({ ...other options... }); // You can also pass in options to the constructor AND the method, with the method options taking precidence. // By creating individual instances with different options, you clean up your HTML by simplifying the event handler // code; however, it may be easier to see and comprehend what is going on by including the options object in the // event handler code that calls the FormFieldGenie methods, as I did with this demo. // This demo does not show off the Genie's ability to insert or delete. HTML forms that need that ability must use // onclick event handlers that have the same options object as the onblur handler attached to the form element itself, // the difference being that the options object for the insert/delete must have one additional property, "doso" that // flags to do the inserting or deleting. In this situation, it makes sence to create an individual instance, passing // the main body of the options object to the constructor, then simply pass an aditional option to the method // like this: Genie=new FormFieldGenie({ ...options... }); // and: <div><input type='text' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode)' /><span onclick='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode, {doso:"insert"})'>insert above</span></div> var Genie=new SoftMoon.WebWare.FormFieldGenie; </script> <style> fieldset { border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; display: inline-block; margin: .618em 2em .382em 0; } div { background-color: #000020; border: 1px solid #FF0000; } table { border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 1.618em; } caption { font-weight: bold; } table fieldset { margin: 0; } #family td { width: 50%; border: 1px solid #0000FF; } #pets td { width: 25%; } .list label, #family label { display: block; } .books { position: relative; padding-bottom: 4em; } .below { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 13em; } .below input, .below textarea { position: absolute; top: 1.618em; left: 0 } </style> </head> <body style='color: #00FF00; background-color: #000000;'> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) echo "<h1>Var Dump</h1>\n<pre>",var_dump($_POST),"</pre>\n"; ?> <h1>Additional fields appear automatically.&nbsp; Previously filled fields disappear when cleared.&nbsp; Try using the TAB key to navigate.</h1> <p>This demo does not record your answers or &ldquo;do&rdquo; anything.&nbsp; When submitted, this form simply spits back your answers formatted as the server receives them.&nbsp; Feel free to make up anything you like, or use the personal info of the guy in the cubicle next to you to try out the features of this JavaScript Class:&nbsp; FormFieldGenie.js</p> <form action="test_FormFieldGenie-js.php" method='post'> <fieldset> <legend>Enter all the names you use</legend> <p>You may enter up to 10 names, one per box:</p> <ol> <li> <select name='yourName[title][]'> <option>Mr.</option> <option>Ms.</option> <option>Mrs.</option> <option>Miss</option> <option selected='selected'>The Honorable</option> <option>the deplorable</option> </select> <label>first<input type='text' name='yourName[first][]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode.parentNode, {maxTotal: 10, checkForEmpty: "all"})' /></label>&nbsp; <label>last<input type='text' name='yourName[last][]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode.parentNode, {maxTotal: 10, checkForEmpty: "all"})' /></label></li> </ol> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div> <p>Enter the nicknames that others call you.&nbsp; Select the appropriate attributes of each nickname.</p> <p>Don't be shy and show your maturity: include all those you don't like.</p> <fieldset> <fieldset style='display: inline-block;'><legend>favorable?</legend> <label><input type='radio' name='Nickname[0][isliked]' value='yes' checked='ckecked' />yes</label> <label><input type='radio' name='Nickname[0][isliked]' value='no' />no</label> </fieldset> <label>nickname<input type='text' name='Nickname[0][called]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode.parentNode)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></label> <label><input type='checkbox' name='Nickname[0][lifestage][]' value='childhood' />from childhood</label> <label><input type='checkbox' name='Nickname[0][lifestage][]' value='college' />from college</label> <label><input type='checkbox' name='Nickname[0][lifestage][]' value='adult' />from adulthood</label> </fieldset> </div> <br /> <table id='family'><caption>Enter your family tree</caption> <tr><th>your kids</th><th>your grandkids from each kid</th></tr> <!-- note how the indxTier option below yields no affect on kids[], but does for grandkids[0][] --> <tr> <td><label>kid name<input type='text' name='kids[]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, {indxTier: 1})' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></label></td> <td><label>grandkid name<input type='text' name='grandkids[0][]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></label></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table id='pets'><caption>Enter your pets&rsquo; names</caption> <tr><th>Cats</th><th>Dogs</th><th>Birds</th><th>Fish</th></tr> <tr> <td><fieldset><label>favorite?<input type='radio' name='catNames[favorite]' value="[0]" /></label> <input type='text' name='catNames[]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></fieldset></td> <td><fieldset><label>favorite?<input type='radio' name='dogNames[favorite]' value="[0]" /></label> <input type='text' name='dogNames[]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></fieldset></td> <td><fieldset><label>favorite?<input type='radio' name='birdNames[favorite]' value="[0]" /></label> <input type='text' name='birdNames[]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></fieldset></td> <td><fieldset><label>favorite?<input type='radio' name='fishNames[favorite]' value="[0]" /></label> <input type='text' name='fishNames[]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></fieldset></td> </tr> </table> <fieldset class='list'><legend>Enter your favorite types of Music</legend> <p>(one per box)</p> <label><input type='checkbox' name='music[1]' value='Jazz' /> Jazz</label> <label><input type='checkbox' name='music[2]' value='Rock' /> Rock</label> <label><input type='checkbox' name='music[3]' value='Blues' /> Blues</label> <label><input type='checkbox' name='music[4]' value='Vocals' /> Vocals</label> <label><input type='checkbox' name='music[5]' value='Country' /> Country</label> <!-- here we leave room for music[6] to music[19] for future expansion of defaults --> <!-- and we start again at [20] to reduce the need for our scripts to be updated in the future --> <input type='text' name='music[20]' style='display: block' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /> </fieldset> <fieldset class='list'><legend>Enter your favorite bands, most favorite first</legend> <input type='text' name='favoriteBands[first]' style='display: block' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this, {updateName: SoftMoon.WebWare.FormFieldGenie.updateNameByList})' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /> </fieldset> <fieldset><legend>Enter your favorite movies</legend> <div> <label style='display: inline'>Title <input type='text' name='favoriteMovies[i][title]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode.parentNode, {updateName: SoftMoon.WebWare.FormFieldGenie.updateNameByList, cbParams: SoftMoon.WebWare.FormFieldGenie.RomanOrder})' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></label> <fieldset><legend>Enter the actor's names</legend> <input type='text' name='favoriteMovies[i][actors][]' style='display: block' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /> </fieldset> </div> </fieldset> <script>// <![CDATA[ PopBookOptions={ maxTotal: 7, checkForEmpty: "some", checkField: 1, //remember this is a ZERO based count updateName: SoftMoon.WebWare.FormFieldGenie.updateNameByList, cbParams: {order: SoftMoon.WebWare.FormFieldGenie.RomanOrder.order, pcre: new RegExp(/_([a-z]+)/)} } /*close CDATA ]]>*/</script> <fieldset><legend>Enter your favorite books</legend> <div class='books'> <label class='below'>Author <input type='text' name='favoriteBooks_i_[author]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode.parentNode, PopBookOptions)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /></label> <label class='below'>Title <textarea name='favoriteBooks_i_[title]' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode.parentNode, PopBookOptions)' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false'></textarea></label> <label class='below'>give a short summery <textarea name='favoriteBooks_i_[summery]' style='display: block'></textarea></label> </div> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div><p></p> <fieldset><legend>Enter your favorite cars and tell us about your feelings on them.&nbsp; One car per text-box.</legend> <div> <label>optional Year<input type='text' name='year1618_314159_9' size='4' maxlength='4' /></label> <input type='text' name='cars1618_314159_9' onkeydown='Genie.catchTab(event)' onblur='Genie.popNewField(this.parentNode, {checkForEmpty: "one", checkField: 1, focusField: 1})' onfocus='Genie.tabbedOut=false' /> <textarea name='thoughts1618_314159_9'></textarea> </fieldset></div> <p>Click <input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit this form' /> to see the resulting data format.</p> </form> </body> </html>