<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// For english users:
Date.prototype.getHoliday=function(v){var Y,y,a,b,c,D,d,e,f,g,M,m,p,v,s;var i=new Array(-45,-41,0,39,49);var s="ashleneasascwhi";var p=s.indexOf(v.substring(0,3).toLowerCase())/3;Y=''+this.getFullYear();y=Y.substr(2,2);a=Y%19;b=Y%4;c=Y%7;e=((19*a)+24)%30;f=((2*b)+(4*c)+(6*e)+5)%7;g=(22+e+f);h=new Date(Y,2,g+i[p],0,0,0);d=h.getDate();D=(d<10)?'0'+d:d;m=h.getMonth()+1;M=(m<10)?'0'+m:m;return M+'/'+D+'/'+Y;};
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// Test the validity of a French date (DD/MM/YYYY).
// Return "OK" or an error message
// You can interchange the lines A and B (with indices correction) for a format such as MM/DD/YYYY
function isValidDate(date) {
var date, tab, reg = new RegExp("^[0-9]{2}[/]{1}[0-9]{2}[/]{1}[0-9]{4}$","g");
if(reg.test(date)) {
if((tab[0]*1)<1 || (tab[0]*1)>31) { return "Incorrect day"; } // A
if((tab[1]*1)<1 || (tab[1]*1)>12) { return "Incorrect month"; } // B
return "OK";
return "Incorrect format date";
function showHoliday() {
var holiday, vacation, date, tab, j, m, a, thedate, msg;
holiday = document.test.holiday.options[document.test.holiday.options.selectedIndex].value;
vacation = document.test.holiday.options[document.test.holiday.options.selectedIndex].text;
date = document.test.date.value;
tab = date.split('/');
j=tab[0]*1; m=tab[1]-1; a=tab[2]*1;
thedate = new Date(a, m, j);
msg = vacation+' '+thedate.getFullYear()+' arrives on '+thedate.getHoliday(holiday);
function verif() {
var thedate, msg;
// get the values of the form
thedate = document.test.date.value;
if(!thedate) {
alert('Date is missing');
return false;
msg = isValidDate(thedate);
if(msg != "OK") {
alert("Date :\n"+msg);
return false;
return true;
<h3>Movable holidays</h3>
<form name="test" method="post" action="javascript:showHoliday()" onsubmit="return verif()">
Write an undistinguished date (DD/MM/YYYY) <input type="text" name="date" size="10"><br/>
For this year, what movable holiday do you want ?
<select name="holiday">
<option value="Ash">Ash</option>
<option value="Lent">Lent</option>
<option value="Easter">Easter</option>
<option value="Ascension">Ascension</option>
<option value="Whitesun">Whitesun</option>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Validate">