<!-- Overview -->
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jQuery Calx Overview
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jQuery Calx is an excel calculation engine that wrapped as jQuery plugin,
It is useful for building calculation in html page using excel formula, create calculation table,
build custom calculator, convert excel spreadsheet into web page, etc.
jQuery Calx also come with a lot formula function defined, and adopted from <a href="https://github.com/sutoiku/formula.js">formula.js</a>.
If the default formula set is not enough, you can always define your own formula function
and register it via <code>registerFunction</code> method.
<h4 class="method-title">Server Side Calculation</h4>
In case you don't want the calculation formula to be exposed to the end user, you can always hide it
by processing the calculation logic in the server side by using the <code>SERVER()</code> formula.
<h4 class="method-title">Chart Drawing</h4>
When you need to represent your data in graphical way, there is <code>GRAPH()</code> formula to help you
draw the chart.
<h4 class="method-title">Resport Bug/Issue</h4>
If some bug or abnormal behaviour is found, you can always report the issue via jQuery Calx issue tracker
here <a href="https://bitbucket.org/xsanisty/jquery-calx-2/issues">https://bitbucket.org/xsanisty/jquery-calx-2/issues</a>