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File: Readme.md
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Class: Hydra.js
Modular event action handler
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Date: 2011-07-21 13:03
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# Hydra.js
Hidra.js is a module manager oriented system.

## Description

Hydra is used to create a scalable, maintainable and module oriented system.
Hydra is framework agnosthic.
Hydra has been designed to create your application in a modular design system.

### Some benefits:

* No known module to other modules
 * If something is wrong in one module, the others modules will continue working.
* Notifying an action will be called on all the modules that will be listening this action.
* A module can be extended
 * If you have a module that is working well you can extend it to change his behavior without losing is original behavior.
* Can be used in url threaded application as in a ajax threaded application.
* You can test your modules with any Unit Testing Framework.
* Only 1.1kb when Gzipped.

[API documentation](https://github.com/tcorral/Hydra.js/examples_and_documents/jsdoc/index.html)

[Examples](https://github.com/tcorral/Hydra.js/examples_and_documents/index.html) to see for yourself!

## Usage

### Before using it:
Insert in your code:

	<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/your/js/libs/Hydra.js"></script>
### Create a module
	Hydra.module.register('moduleId', function(action)
		return {
			init: function (oData) {},
			handleAction: function (oNotifier){
			destroy: function () {}

### Extend a module
To extend a module you will need to register the base module before extend it.

	Hydra.module.extend('moduleId', function(action)
		return {
			init: function (oData) {},
			handleAction: function (oNotifier){
			destroy: function () {}

### Listening actions
To use the action manager you have accessible using "action".

*Tip: Use it on your init to start listening actions when the module starts.*

#### One action
	Hydra.module.register('moduleId', function(action)
		return {
			init: function (oData) {
				action.listen(['action1'], this.handleAction, this);
			handleAction: function (oNotifier){
			destroy: function () {}

#### More actions
	Hydra.module.register('moduleId', function(action)
		return {
			init: function (oData) {
				action.listen(['action1', 'action2'], this.handleAction, this);
			handleAction: function (oNotifier){
					case 'action1':
						/* your code */
					case 'action2':
						/* your code */
					default: break;
			destroy: function () {}
*Tip: If you have several actions to listen I recommend to make use of an object where the keys must be the names of the actions.*

	Hydra.module.register('moduleId', function(action)
		return {
			init: function (oData) {
				action.listen(['action1', 'action2', 'actionN'], this.handleAction, this);
			actionHandlers: {
				action1: function (oData) {},
				action2: function (oData) {},
				actionN: function (oData) {}
			handleAction: function (oNotifier){
				var oHandler = this.actionHandlers[oNotifier.type]
				if(typeof oHandler === "undefined")
				oHandler.call(this, oData);
				oHandler = null;
			destroy: function () {}

### Notifying actions
To use the action manager you have accessible using "action".

The notify method needs a Notifier object:

	var oNotifier = {
		type: 'listenedAction',
		data: 'data'

*Tip: You can notify an action where ever you want inside the module using 'action'*

	Hydra.module.register('moduleId', function(action)
		return {
			init: function (oData) {
				action.listen(['action1', 'action2', 'actionN'], this.handleAction, this);
						type: 'listenedAction',
						data: 'data'
			actionHandlers: {
				action1: function (oData) {},
				action2: function (oData) {},
				actionN: function (oData) {}
			handleAction: function (oNotifier){
				var oHandler = this.actionHandlers[oNotifier.type]
				if(typeof oHandler === "undefined")
				oHandler.call(this, oData);
				oHandler = null;
			destroy: function () {}
*Tip: You can create an Action on your code to notify some module creating a new instance of it in this way:*

	var oAction = new (Hydra.action());
			type: 'listenedAction',
			data: 'data'

## Documentation

[API documentation](https://github.com/tcorral/Hydra.js/examples_and_documents/jsdoc/index.html)

[Examples](https://github.com/tcorral/Hydra.js/examples_and_documents/index.html) to see for yourself!

## License

Hydra.js is licensed under the MIT license.

## Agreements

Hydra was inspired by Nicholas Zakas presentation.

* [Scalable Javascript Application](http://www.slideshare.net/nzakas/scalable-javascript-application-architecture)