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File: Example.js

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  Classes of martin barker  >  CanvasGame.Controls  >  Example.js  >  Download  
File: Example.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: this shows how you can use the object to easily bind events to key strokes
Class: CanvasGame.Controls
Bind pressed keys to callback handler functions
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2011-10-13 02:03
Size: 3,730 bytes


Class file image Download
//Example Script's

// bind the function to when the k key is released
CanvasGame.Controls.bindKeyUp(CanvasGame.Controls.getKeyCode('k'), function(){ alert("you released the 'k'"); });
// bind the function to when the k key is pressed down
CanvasGame.Controls.bindKeyDown(CanvasGame.Controls.getKeyCode('k'), function(){ alert("you pressed the 'k' key down"); });

// bind more than one key at once
KeyUpEvents = {
	// a standard key
	'k':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	// command keys
	'backspace':function(){ alert('pressed down'); },
	'tab':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'enter':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'shift':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'ctrl':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'alt':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'break':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'caps_lock':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'escape':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'page_up':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'page_down':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'end':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'home':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'left_arrow':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'up_arrow':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'right_arrow':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'down_arrow':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'insert':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'delete':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'left_windows_key':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	// numpad keys
	'num_lock':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_0':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_1':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_2':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_3':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_4':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_5':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_6':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_7':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_8':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_9':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_*':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_+':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_-':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'numpad_/':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	// function keys
	'f1':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f2':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f3':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f4':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f5':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f6':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f7':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f8':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f9':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f10':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f11':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'f12':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	//Special Charters
	';':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'=':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	',':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'-':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'.':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'/':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'`':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'(':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	')':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'\\':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	')':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
	'\'':function(){ alert('key pressed down'); },
