?<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>$.script JQuery demo</title>
<!-- How to use the script.js features : -->
<!-- Step 0 : you need JQuery -->
<script language='javascript' src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js'></script>
<!-- Step 1 : Include the jquery extension ($.script is needed) -->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="thrak.script-1.0.1.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="thrak.include-1.0.0.js"></script>
<!-- The rest of this file is dedicated to the demo -->
$(document). ready
function ( )
$('#demo'). click
function ( )
$. include
.js ( 'examples/example.js' )
.css ( 'examples/example.css' )
.html ( 'examples/example.html' ) ;
) ;
$('#demo-callback'). click
function ( )
$. include
function ( status )
alert ( "example2.html has been loaded, status = " + status ) ;
) ;
) ;
$('#demo-async'). click
function ( )
$('#demo-async-div'). html ( '' ) ;
$. include
.js ( 'examples/async1.js' )
.js ( 'examples/async2.js' )
.js ( 'examples/async3.js' ) ;
) ;
$('#demo-sync'). click
function ( )
$('#demo-sync-div'). html ( '' ) ;
$. include
.chain ( 'examples/sync1.js', 'examples/sync2.js', 'examples/sync3.js' ) ;
) ;
) ;
<h1>Sample demo of $.include() :</h1>
1) By clicking <button id="demo">here</button> :
<li>example.js will be loaded and will display an alert() message</li>
<li>example.css and example.html will be loaded ; html content will be appended to the page</li>
<br />
2) By clicking <button id="demo-callback">here</button>, a callback function will display a message once example2.html has been loaded.
<br /><br />
3) Click <button id="demo-async">here</button> to load scripts async1.js, async2.js and async3.js in an asynchronous way. <br />
Once loaded they add a message at the bottom of the page ; the order in which those messages are displayed should be random,
due to the asynchronous way of loading.
(note : you may need several clicks to observe different orders of script loading)
(note 2 : if you are working on a local filesystem using php in webserver mode (php -S), load order may be always async1, async2 and async3...)
<div id="demo-async-div"></div>
<br />
4) Click <button id="demo-sync">here</button> to load scripts async1.js, async2.js and async3.js in a perfectly sequential order :
<div id="demo-sync-div"></div>