File: thrak.ui.repeatable-1.0.0.js

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  Classes of Christian Vigh   jQuery Repeatable Form   thrak.ui.repeatable-1.0.0.js   Download  
File: thrak.ui.repeatable-1.0.0.js
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Widget source
Class: jQuery Repeatable Form
Allow the user to add repeated form inputs
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 10,158 bytes


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/************************************************************************************************************** NAME thrak.ui.repeatable-1.0.0.js DESCRIPTION Implements a repeatable form field. AUTHOR Christian Vigh, 10/2015. HISTORY [Version : 1.0] [Date : 2015/10/11] [Author : CV] Initial version. **************************************************************************************************************/ ( function ( $ ) { $. widget ( 'thrak.repeatable', { // Widget options options : { // Minimum and maximum number of template instances minInstances : 1, maxInstances : 4 }, // Data internal to each widget instance data : { currentId : 0, // Id for the tags having an "id=" attribute within the template template : null, // Template data buttonsetTemplate : null, // Buttonset template repeatableButtonset : null, // True if the buttonset template is located inside a template defaultButtonsetTemplate : '<div class="repeatable-buttonset repeatable-buttonset-default" target="#target">' + ' <div class="repeatable-button repeatable-button-minus" title="#delete"></div>' + ' <div class="repeatable-button repeatable-button-plus" title="#add"></div>' + '</div>', defaultButtonsetPosition : 'last' // Button set position in the template }, // Message strings - common to all instances messages : { 'fr' : { addButtonTooltip : "Ajoute un &eacute;l&eacute;ment", deleteButtonTooltip : "Supprime cet &eacute;l&eacute;ment" }, 'en' : { addButtonTooltip : "Add an item", deleteButtonTooltip : "Remove this item" } }, // _create - // Creates a new instance of the widget. At least minInstances instances of the template will be created. _create : function ( ) { var $this = this. element ; var $parent = $this. parent ( ) ; var this_id = $this. attr ( 'id' ) ; // Internal data this. options. data = $. extend ( {}, this. data ) ; // Get min and max instances var min_instances = parseInt ( $this. attr ( 'min-instances' ) ) ; max_instances = parseInt ( $this. attr ( 'max-instances' ) ) ; if ( ! isNaN ( min_instances ) ) this. options. minInstances = min_instances ; if ( ! isNaN ( max_instances ) ) this. options. maxInstances = max_instances ; // One instance is the minimum ; it's up to you to hide it if not needed if ( this. options. minInstances < 1 ) this. options. minInstances = 1 ; // Make sure that min instances is not greater than max instances // Silently adjust max instances if needed if ( this. options. maxInstances < this. options. minInstances ) this. options. maxInstances = this. options. maxInstances ; // Remove the min-instances and max-instances attributes from the template $this. removeAttr ( 'min-instances' ). removeAttr ( 'max-instances' ); // Get buttonset var $buttonset = $('.repeatable-buttonset[target="' + this_id + '"]') ; var $buttonset_parent = $buttonset. parent ( '.repeatable' ) ; var is_inside = 1 ; if ( $buttonset. length == 0 ) { var lang = ( $. locale ) ? $. locale ( ) : 'en' ; var template = this. options. data. defaultButtonsetTemplate .replace ( /#target/, this_id ) .replace ( /#add/ , this. messages [ lang ]. addButtonTooltip ) .replace ( /#delete/, this. messages [ lang ]. deleteButtonTooltip ) ; if ( this. options. data. defaultButtonsetPosition == 'last' ) { $this. append ( template ) ; $('.repeatable-buttonset', $this). addClass ( 'repeatable-buttonset-last' ) ; } else { $this. prepend ( template ) ; $('.repeatable-buttonset', $this). addClass ( 'repeatable-buttonset-first' ) ; } this. options. data. buttonsetTemplate = template ; } else { if ( $buttonset_parent. length == 0 ) is_inside = 0 ; // Save the repeatable buttonset template and a flag indicating whether it's inside or outside // the repetable construct this. options. data. buttonsetTemplate = $buttonset. outerHtml ( ) ; this. options. data. repeatableButtonset = is_inside ; } // Save the repeatable template this. options. data. template = $this [0]. outerHTML ; // Remove the template from the DOM $this. html ( '' ) ; // Create as least minInstances instances this. _create_initial_instances ( ) ; }, // _create_initial_instances - // Ensures that at least minInstances instances of the template are present. // This function is also called when everything is re-initialized. _create_initial_instances : function ( ) { var $this = this. element ; var instances = $('.repeatable-instance', $this. parent ( )) ; var length = instances. length ; this. options. data. currentId = length ; for ( var i = length ; i < this. options. minInstances ; i ++ ) this. _append_from_template ( ) ; this. _update_buttonset ( ) ; }, // _append_from_template - // Appends an instance of the template at the end of the widget. _append_from_template : function ( ) { var $widget = this ; var $this = this. element ; var $parent = $this. parent ( ) ; var instances = $('.repeatable-instance', $this. parent ( )) ; var length = instances. length ; if ( length == this. options. maxInstances ) return ; var instance = $parent. append ( this. options. data. template ). children ( ). last ( ) ; // Increment current id, which will be used to renumber all the tags having an "id" attribute this. options. data. currentId ++ ; // Identify this new element as a template instance instance. addClass ( 'repeatable-instance' ) ; // Add event handlers $('.repeatable-button-plus', instance ). click ( function ( e ) { var $this = $(this) ; if ( $this. hasClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ) { e && e. preventDefault && e. preventDefault ( ) ; e && e. stopPropagation && e. stopPropagation ( ) ; e && e. stopImmediatePropagation && e. stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ; return ( false ) ; } $widget. _add_instance. apply ( $widget ) ; } ) ; $('.repeatable-button-minus', instance ). click ( function ( e ) { var $this = $(this) ; if ( $this. hasClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ) { e && e. preventDefault && e. preventDefault ( ) ; e && e. stopPropagation && e. stopPropagation ( ) ; e && e. stopImmediatePropagation && e. stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ; return ( false ) ; } $widget. _delete_instance. apply ( $widget, [ instance ] ) } ) ; // Renumber every element having an "id" attribute within the template $('[id]:not([data-index])', instance). each ( function ( index, item ) { var $this = $(item) ; var id = $this. attr ( 'id' ) ; var name = $this. attr ( 'name' ) ; var newid = id + "_" + $widget. options. data. currentId ; $this. attr ( 'id', newid ) ; $this. attr ( 'data-index', $widget. options. data. currentId ) ; // "name" attribute is changed in two cases : // - It is undefined // - It has the same value as the "id" attribute if ( name === undefined || name == id ) $this. attr ( 'name', newid ) ; } ) ; }, // _update_buttonsset - // Updates the enabled/disabled state of plus/minus buttons and others _update_buttonset : function ( ) { var instances = $('.repeatable-instance', this. element. parent ( ) ) ; var min = this. options. minInstances, max = this. options. maxInstances ; if ( min == max ) { $('.repeatable-button-minus, .repeateable-button-minus'). addClass ( 'repeatable-button-none' ) ; return ; } var length = instances. length ; if ( length == min ) { $('.repeatable-button-minus', instances). addClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ; $('.repeatable-button-plus' , instances). removeClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ; } else if ( length == max ) { $('.repeatable-button-minus', instances). removeClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ; $('.repeatable-button-plus' , instances). addClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ; } else { $('.repeatable-button-minus', instances). removeClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ; $('.repeatable-button-plus' , instances). removeClass ( 'repeatable-button-disabled' ) ; } }, // _add_instance - // Called when the "add instance" link is clicked _add_instance : function ( ) { this. _append_from_template ( ) ; this. _update_buttonset ( ) ; }, // _delete_instance - // Called when the "remove instance" link is clicked _delete_instance : function ( instance ) { instance. remove ( ) ; this. _create_initial_instances ( ) ; }, // _delete_all_instances - // Called when the "delete all instances" link is cliked _delete_all_instances : function ( $widget ) { $('.repeatable-instance', $widget. element). remove ( ) ; $widget. _create_initial_instances ( ) ; }, } ) ; } ( jQuery ) ) ;