File: demos/verifyEmails/email_validation.php

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<?php /* * email_validation.php - PHP Email validation: Determine if a given e-mail address is valid. * * @(#) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/emailvalidation/email_validation.php,v 1.37 2016/01/24 04:51:36 mlemos Exp $ * * Class from * By Manuel Lemos * *Class that may be used to determine if a given e-mail address is valid. It features: * - Simple validation just by looking at the e-mail address string * - Validation of the domain against a list of known domains that are often misspelled (typos) like those of,,,,,,,, etc. * - Provides did you mean like suggestions for email addresses that were entered with typos * - Validation of domain against a list of typical fake domains like,,,, etc.. * - Validation of the email address domain against a list of of known domains for being used as disposable email addresses or temporary domains * - Manual whitelisting of domains to avoid trigger false positives of invalid domains * - Validation of the e-mail address domain checking the DNS MX record (mail exchange) * - Validation of a e-mail address by connecting to the mail host server to determine if there is really a deliverable mail box by simulating part of the message delivery process. * - Works under Windows or other platforms that do not have the GetMXRR function enabled * */ class email_validation_class { var $email_regular_expression="^([-!#\$%&'*+./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~])+@([-!#\$%&'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}\$"; var $timeout=0; var $data_timeout=0; var $localhost=""; var $localuser=""; var $debug=0; var $html_debug=0; var $echo_error=0; var $log_debug = 0; var $exclude_address=""; var $getmxrr="GetMXRR"; var $email_domains_white_list_file = ''; var $invalid_email_users_file = ''; var $invalid_email_domains_file = ''; var $invalid_email_servers_file = ''; var $suggestions = array(); var $validation_status_code = 0; var $error_details = ''; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_OK = 0; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_TEMPORARY_SMTP_REJECTION = -1; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_SMTP_DIALOG_REJECTION = -2; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_SMTP_CONNECTION_FAILED = -3; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_WORDS_IN_USER = 1; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_DOMAIN = 2; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_FAKE_DOMAIN = 3; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_TYPO_IN_DOMAIN = 4; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_DISPOSABLE_ADDRESS = 5; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_TEMPORARY_DOMAIN = 6; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_SPAM_TRAP_ADDRESS = 7; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_SERVER_DOMAIN = 8; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_SERVER_IP = 9; var $EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_SERVER_REVERSE_IP = 10; var $last_code=""; var $email_domains_white_list; var $invalid_email_users; var $invalid_email_domains; var $invalid_email_servers; /* private functions */ Function LoadCSVList($file, &$list) { if(IsSet($list)) return(''); if(!($csv = fopen($file, "r"))) return('could not open CSV file '.$file); $read = array(); while (($data = fgetcsv($csv, 8000, ','))) if(strlen($data[0])) $read[] = $data; fclose($csv); $list = $read; return(''); } Function SplitAddress($address, &$user, &$domain) { if(GetType($at = strpos($address, '@')) == 'integer') { $user = substr($address, 0, $at); $domain = substr($address, $at + 1); } else { $user = $address; $domain = 'localhost'; } } Function OutputDebug($message) { if($this->log_debug) error_log($message); else { $message.="\n"; if($this->html_debug) $message=str_replace("\n","<br>\n",HtmlEntities($message)); $this->error_details .= $message; //echo $this->error_details; if ($this->echo_error) { echo $message; flush(); } } } Function GetLine($connection) { for($line="";;) { if(@feof($connection)) return(0); $line.=@fgets($connection,100); $length=strlen($line); if($length>=2 && substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n") { $line=substr($line,0,$length-2); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("S $line"); return($line); } } } Function PutLine($connection,$line) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("C $line"); return(@fputs($connection,"$line\r\n")); } Function ValidateEmailAddress($email) { return(preg_match('/'.str_replace('/', '\\/', $this->email_regular_expression).'/', $email)); } Function ValidateEmailHost($email,&$hosts) { if(!$this->ValidateEmailAddress($email)) return(0); $this->SplitAddress($email, $user, $domain); $hosts=$weights=array(); $getmxrr=$this->getmxrr; if(function_exists($getmxrr) && $getmxrr($domain,$hosts,$weights)) { $mxhosts=array(); for($host=0;$host<count($hosts);$host++) $mxhosts[$weights[$host]]=$hosts[$host]; KSort($mxhosts); for(Reset($mxhosts),$host=0;$host<count($mxhosts);Next($mxhosts),$host++) $hosts[$host]=$mxhosts[Key($mxhosts)]; } else { if(strcmp($ip=@gethostbyname($domain),$domain) && (strlen($this->exclude_address)==0 || strcmp(@gethostbyname($this->exclude_address),$ip))) $hosts[]=$domain; } return(count($hosts)!=0); } Function VerifyResultLines($connection,$code) { while(($line=$this->GetLine($connection))) { $end = strcspn($line, ' -'); $this->last_code=substr($line, 0, $end); if(strcmp($this->last_code,$code)) return(0); if(!strcmp(substr($line, strlen($this->last_code), 1)," ")) return(1); } return(-1); } /* public functions */ Function ValidateEmailBox($email) { if(!$this->ValidateEmailHost($email,$hosts)) return(0); if(!strcmp($localhost=$this->localhost,"") && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("SERVER_NAME"),"") && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("HOST"),"")) $localhost="localhost"; if(!strcmp($localuser=$this->localuser,"") && !strcmp($localuser=getenv("USERNAME"),"") && !strcmp($localuser=getenv("USER"),"")) $localuser="root"; for($host=0;$host<count($hosts);$host++) { $domain=$hosts[$host]; if(preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/',$domain)) $ip=$domain; else { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Resolving host name \"".$hosts[$host]."\"..."); if(!strcmp($ip=@gethostbyname($domain),$domain)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Could not resolve host name \"".$hosts[$host]."\"."); continue; } } if(strlen($this->exclude_address) && !strcmp(@gethostbyname($this->exclude_address),$ip)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Host address of \"".$hosts[$host]."\" is the exclude address"); continue; } if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Connecting to host address \"".$ip."\"..."); if(($connection=($this->timeout ? @fsockopen($ip,25,$errno,$error,$this->timeout) : @fsockopen($ip,25)))) { $timeout=($this->data_timeout ? $this->data_timeout : $this->timeout); if($timeout && function_exists("socket_set_timeout")) socket_set_timeout($connection,$timeout,0); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Connected."); if($this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"220")>0 && $this->PutLine($connection,"HELO $localhost") && $this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"250")>0 && $this->PutLine($connection,"MAIL FROM: <".$localuser."@".$localhost.">") && $this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"250")>0 && $this->PutLine($connection,"RCPT TO: <$email>") && ($result=$this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"250"))>=0) { if($result) { if($this->PutLine($connection,"DATA")) $result=($this->VerifyResultLines($connection,"354")!=0); } if(!$result) { if(strlen($this->last_code) && !strcmp($this->last_code[0],"4")) { $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_TEMPORARY_SMTP_REJECTION; $result=-1; } } else $result = 1; if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("This host states that the address is ".($result ? ($result>0 ? "valid" : "undetermined") : "not valid")."."); @fclose($connection); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Disconnected."); return($result); } if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Unable to validate the address with this host."); @fclose($connection); if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Disconnected."); $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_SMTP_DIALOG_REJECTION; } else { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug("Failed."); $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_SMTP_CONNECTION_FAILED; } } return(-1); } Function ValidateAddress($email, &$valid) { $valid = -1; $this->SplitAddress($email, $email_user, $email_domain); $email_user = strtolower($email_user); $email_domain = strtolower($email_domain); if(strlen($this->email_domains_white_list_file)) { if(strlen($error = $this->LoadCSVList($this->email_domains_white_list_file, $this->email_domains_white_list))) return($error); foreach($this->email_domains_white_list as $domain) { if(!strcasecmp($domain[0], $email_domain)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email domain '.$email_domain.' is valid because it is in the whitelist'); $valid = 1; return(''); } } } if(strlen($this->invalid_email_users_file)) { if(strlen($error = $this->LoadCSVList($this->invalid_email_users_file, $this->invalid_email_users))) return($error); foreach($this->invalid_email_users as $user) { if(GetType(strpos($email_user, strtolower($user[0]))) == 'integer') { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email user '.$email_user.' is invalid because it contains '.$user[0]); $valid = 0; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_WORDS_IN_USER; return(''); } } } if(strlen($this->invalid_email_domains_file)) { if(strlen($error = $this->LoadCSVList($this->invalid_email_domains_file, $this->invalid_email_domains))) return($error); foreach($this->invalid_email_domains as $domain) { $match = strtolower($domain[0]); $entries = count($domain); if($entries != 3 && $entries != 4) { trigger_error('domain entry for '.$match.' is incorrectly defined'); $check = 'part'; } else $check = $domain[2]; switch($check) { case '': if(!strcmp($match, $email_domain) || !strcmp('.'.$match, substr($email_domain, -strlen('.'.$match)))) { $valid = false; break 2; } break; default: trigger_error($check.' is not a valid check type for domain entry for '.$match); case 'part': if(GetType(strpos($email_domain, $match)) == 'integer') { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email domain '.$email_domain.' is invalid because it contains "'.$match.'"'); $valid = false; break 2; } break; } } if(!$valid) { switch($domain[1]) { case 'fake': if($this->debug) $message = $email_domain.' is fake email domain'; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_FAKE_DOMAIN; break; case 'typo': $fix = $domain[3]; if($this->debug) $message = $email_domain.' email domain has a typo, it may be '.$fix; $this->suggestions = array($email_user.'@'.$fix); $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_TYPO_IN_DOMAIN; break; case 'disposable': if($this->debug) $message = $email_domain.' is a disposable email domain'; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_DISPOSABLE_ADDRESS; break; case 'temporary': if($this->debug) $message = $email_domain.' is a temporary domain'; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_TEMPORARY_DOMAIN; break; case 'spam trap': if($this->debug) $message = $email_domain.' is a spam trap domain'; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_SPAM_TRAP_ADDRESS; break; case '': if($this->debug) $message = 'email domain '.$email_domain.' ends in '.$match; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_DOMAIN; break; } if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug($message); return ''; } } if(strlen($this->invalid_email_servers_file)) { $getmxrr = $this->getmxrr; if(!function_exists($getmxrr)) return('it was not specified a valid working replacement for function getmxrr'); if(!$getmxrr($email_domain, $servers, $weights)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email domain '.$email_domain.' may be valid because it was not possible to get its MX servers'); $servers = array(); } else { if(strlen($error = $this->LoadCSVList($this->invalid_email_servers_file, $this->invalid_email_servers))) return($error); } $ts = count($servers); for($s = 0; $s < $ts; ++$s) { $server = $servers[$s]; $ip = gethostbyname($server); if(!in_array($ip, $servers)) $servers[] = $ip; $host = @gethostbyaddr($ip); if($host && !in_array($host, $servers)) $servers[] = $host; } foreach($servers as $server) { $ip = gethostbyname($server); $host = @gethostbyaddr($ip); gethostbyname($server); foreach($this->invalid_email_servers as $invalid_server) { $match = strtolower($invalid_server[0]); if(count($invalid_server) != 3) { trigger_error('server entry for '.$match.' is incorrectly defined'); $check = 'part'; } else $check = $invalid_server[2]; switch($check) { case '': if(!strcmp($match, $server) || !strcmp('.'.$match, substr($server, -strlen('.'.$match)))) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email server '.$server.' is invalid because it ends in '.$match); $valid = 0; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_SERVER_DOMAIN; return(''); } break; case 'ip': if($ip && !strcmp($match, $ip)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email server '.$server.' is invalid because its IP address is '.$match); $valid = 0; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_SERVER_IP; return(''); } break; case 'resolve': $match_ip = gethostbyname($match); if($ip && !strcmp($match_ip, $ip)) { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email server '.$server.' is invalid because its IP address is '.$match_ip); $valid = 0; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_SERVER_REVERSE_IP; return(''); } break; default: trigger_error($check.' is invalid type check for server entry for '.$match); case 'part': if(GetType(strpos($server, $match)) == 'integer') { if($this->debug) $this->OutputDebug('email server '.$server.' is invalid because contains '.$match); $valid = 0; $this->validation_status_code = $this->EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUS_BANNED_SERVER_DOMAIN; return(''); } break; } } } } $valid = 1; return(''); } }; ?>